The pipeline is back on so you morons can quit freaking out and resume drinking gas.
Guess we know which reporter got the question to ask ahead of time. 😂
Im failing to see what is so bad with this video. Trump isnt the president anymore, he isnt giving out any kind of secret intel here. What is Trump no longer allowed to talk to friends about stuff? But we can have former CIA/FBI/NSA directors become full time talking heads on MSM?
Havent posted in a while but wow this is pretty bad. Trump feels the need to talk with his trusted National Security Advisor John Daly lol. It’s insane everyone is just like “yep that’s trump” and then moves on. He’s such a disgrace and just has to blab to anyone that thinks he’s still relevant when it’s obvious to most he’s just a conman.
Dear Lord we are agreeing on a lot today. It really may be the end times. 😂The thing that bugs me is, I have a Tesla so Im already driving the EV car. But guess how I charge it, using fossil fuels. And its not like it takes just a little bit of energy to charge a Tesla. I got a Tesla because they're fun to drive, not because I think they're great for the environment.
So we still need these fossil fuels to power up the cities so people can power up their EV cars. Let alone we need a ton of fossil fuels to mine the materials that make the batteries that cant be recycled yet.
I feel like the energy thing is a pretty simple solution.
Short term solution: Drill and frack right now and flood the market with our own oil and gas.
Long term solution: While we're doing that, we begin to build Nuclear power plants at a high rate. So down the road we have the majority of this country be running on Nuclear power.
Nuclear power is the most efficient power source and for the green people, it also has the smallest carbon footprint.
FYI. Converting all cars to EV saves 3% of the global energy use.The thing that bugs me is, I have a Tesla so Im already driving the EV car. But guess how I charge it, using fossil fuels. And its not like it takes just a little bit of energy to charge a Tesla. I got a Tesla because they're fun to drive, not because I think they're great for the environment.
So we still need these fossil fuels to power up the cities so people can power up their EV cars.
That's his schtick: Perch & mouth off now & then.It surprises me that Trump supposedly still views McCarthy favorably.
Perhaps it is because he feels like he is powerless to do anything about McCarthy’s ascension to leadership from his perch at Mar-A-Lago.
Thanks for the Economics lesson. That’s the Second one I’ve seen this week. The first one by a prominent figure said” Lower your costs”. In response to businesses charging more for their products . I think that guy’s “ Business” is going to run about a trillion dollars in the red every year. Real sharp businessman, that one.People moved on to better jobs and a lot of boomers retired. The service industry is over saturated. We don't need a McDonald's every 5 feet. People on unemployment is under 2million now. We are at what us essentially full employment. A new wave of employees isn't going to magically show up unless you want an amnesty bill. The restaurant/fast food industry better get over their need for constant growth if they ever want to be staffed up again.
I havent seen that number, is that converting all US cars or all cars globally? But sure if we go with it, we still have some issues. 1st of all, the vast majority of people cant afford EV cars, even after the multiple tax breaks. Or have brand new or newish cars and have no need to go out and get a new car. 2nd, the batteries cant be recycled yet. Plus there just isnt the production capability to create this many EV cars, also there arent nearly enough infrastructure for public charging for that many cars. We are decades away from that being possible.FYI. Converting all cars to EV saves 3% of the global energy use.
I would vote Biden over Trump but not because of Covid. It was his divisiveness, leadership style, lack of respect for the office/Constitution, refusal to accept a peaceful transition of power, attempting to get state election officials to change results, and the Jan 6th riot speech.
I would probably vote for anyone the Republicans put forward over Biden.... except Trump or a Trump clone like MTG.
Jeezus, he tried to FUND NATO, not defund it. make other countries pay their share.Trump tried to defund NATO and called it obsolete. Not sure how that strikes fear into Putin's heart.
I honestly don't think Putin gives a ratz azz about who the President is or what anyone in the world thinks besides maybe China.
The way he is blitzkrieging Ukraine says it all. He was hellbent on this conquest no matter the cost to him or his people.
It's incredibly egocentric for Americans to think Trump or Biden can control the actions of a homicidal sociopath anymore than George Bush controlled Bin Laden. I do think that overall Biden is handling it pretty well.....unlike how he botched Afghanistan.
My vehicle is paid off with only 72k miles on it. They better be ready to give me a free one before I think about switching. I'm not planning on having another car payment for a very long time.It really pisses me off. I know they are trying to force us off of oil but they have no viable alternative. I have a 2017 f150 that is like brand new. If they want to swap me an EV that is equal to my truck and not cost me anything, I would be happy to do that. But I don’t want to have to go into debt to buy one. I don’t want to go broke to keep the temperature from rising 1 degree in 100 years.
I had some doubt about my vote until Jan 6th. I lost all traces of doubt the day I heard Trump call a murderous genocidal dictator a genius.
They can’t not bring up Trump. He’s that deep into their psyche.So there was no reason for you to bring up Trump, was there. Thanks.
Defunded.Jeezus, he tried to FUND NATO, not defund it. make other countries pay their share.
im guessing the word defund confuses you. As in defund the police .
The article specified Covid deaths. Not deaths in general.Perhaps the vax can't overcome the greater mortality of old folks.
My 2017 is paid for and has a little over 7000 miles. Not even broke in good. I‘m 73 and don’t want a car payment now.My vehicle is paid off with only 72k miles on it. They better be ready to give me a free one before I think about switching. I'm not planning on having another car payment for a very long time.
We had 3.5% unemployment pre pandemic. We didn’t have trouble staffing our restaurants. Pandemic hit and we shed thousands of jobs at our restaurants. We can’t come close to recovering those jobs now. We are running restaurants at 50-60% of the staff we had pre-Covid. We need workers in the worst way but nobody to fill the jobs. So how are things being counted differently now?WTF? Low unemployment should make finding/keeping workers tuff.
I'm only 48 but would love to not have another car payment. It was 4 years old when I bought it and in the 7 years I've owned it I've averaged about 5k miles a year. If I can keep it at that level or less I might hit 70 years old and only be at around 180k miles. The question is which gives out first, the car or me? 😄 I feel like I have more city miles on me than the car does.My 2017 is paid for and has a little over 7000 miles. Not even broke in good. I‘m 73 and don’t want a car payment now.
You ignore the 27 positive things Trump did for America/Americans and focus on things he says. You do know he has recently blasted Putin don't you? Statement like that, just looking for a reason. Do you even know any of the good things done, more than any other President by the way. And don't even care? Because all those things helped Americans. Statement like a combination of ignorance and political. Who cares what he says, his actions is what that job is all about.I had some doubt about my vote until Jan 6th. I lost all traces of doubt the day I heard Trump call a murderous genocidal dictator a genius.
Some things like democracy and moral judgement are just way more important to me as a voter than a rise in gas prices at the pump.
I'm only 48 but would love to not have another car payment. It was 4 years old when I bought it and in the 7 years I've owned it I've averaged about 5k miles a year. If I can keep it at that level or less I might hit 70 years old and only be at around 180k miles. The question is which gives out first, the car or me? 😄 I feel like I have more city miles on me than the car does.
If Unemployment is really at 3.9% then how come every business in every industry is vastly understaffed and fighting for workers. Something that was not the case pre-Covid. These aren't all new jobs. We had our restaurants all fully staffed and humming pre-covid, now we are struggling to get dining rooms open because of the lack of workers. This is the case at all levels of industry and all levels of pay.
I dont think itll hurt him that much. Wasnt it known Nick Bosa was a Trump supporter? He was still drafted pretty high as I recall.
Did war come to us? Pretty sure it did not
Actually hate to hear this because the young man is probably costing himself alot of money. He should've waited till after the draft. Kudos to him for speaking his mind though.
Lol. Imagine being this dumb.BOOM!
another MEGA jobs report. 678,000 new jobs and a rapidly falling unemployment rate.
Biden has supercharged our great economy. WINNING!
America added 678,000 jobs in February, smashing forecasts
The US economy added 678,000 jobs in February, once again exceeding economists'
It’s a miracle 🍺😂
Wtf are these people ? Is that Dion ? 😂🍺