How will they rule ??!

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No, not at all right where they should be. If the vaccine was as effective, safe and reduced hospitalization and deaths, then 9/10 people dying of covid being fully vaxxed should not match up to the percent vaxxed. It should be much much lower. If those numbers are correct, then it proves the Vax was worthless.
With a population over 90% vaxxed all the at-risk groups are fully vaccinated. The only unvaxxed are young people at low risk. The fact that unvaccinated deaths are still that high demonstrates the effectiveness of the vaccines.
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With a population over 90% vaxxed all the at-risk groups are fully vaccinated. The only unvaxxed are young people at low risk. The fact that unvaccinated deaths are still that high demonstrates the effectiveness of the vaccines.
How is 1/10 deaths from Covid a high percentage?
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Sounded like plenty of gop criticized her. No need for little ole me to jump in.

Now list all the dems that "kriticized" kacklin kamala for bailing out rioters. Interesting no one on your side holding her to acct for that.
Kamala never bailed out any rioters. She did tweet out a link to a site that was taking donations for that cause. I don't think politicians should chose to get into crap like that personally. You could end up helping to bail out a lunatic like the dude in Louisville that tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate.
Extreme liberalism and extreme conservatism are both a danger to our way of life. The looney left and ultra religious right are not where most Americans fall in their political beliefs.
How is 1/10 deaths from Covid a high percentage?
Because the vaxxed and unvaxxed populations aren’t a random sampling at equal risk. The vaccinated pool includes almost every high-risk person and the unvaccinated pool is filled with low-risk people still dying.

All of this is also based on that clickbait article’s conclusions, which now having gone and looked at the actual data isn’t the 90% they claimed it was.
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Sounded like plenty of gop criticized her. No need for little ole me to jump in.

Now list all the dems that "kriticized" kacklin kamala for bailing out rioters. Interesting no one on your side holding her to acct for that.
I did find this story which is encouraging. That is CNN so maybe I shouldn't believe it since it is all fake news according to most on here.
Tucker must have been belted by the higher ups into submission. He is bactracking hard on last weeks Putin ass licking. The funny part is the excuses he is now using to try and not look like a turncoat little bitch to his brain dead audience.

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another MEGA jobs report. 678,000 new jobs and a rapidly falling unemployment rate.
Biden has supercharged our great economy. WINNING!

If Unemployment is really at 3.9% then how come every business in every industry is vastly understaffed and fighting for workers. Something that was not the case pre-Covid. These aren't all new jobs. We had our restaurants all fully staffed and humming pre-covid, now we are struggling to get dining rooms open because of the lack of workers. This is the case at all levels of industry and all levels of pay.
These people are sick (mentally). LBGQ blah, blah, blah 24/7....even when bombs and missiles are dropping, prices going sky high, crime everywhere, etc.

The alphabet mafia can GFT. My goodness! Who isn't sick to death of this group? They're like three percent of the population yet demand to be catered to at all times and to destroy anyone who doesn't bow down. Also, Kamala, NO ONE GIVES A CRAP if someone is gay. We simply do not want your mentally ill dudes competing in sports against girls. We do not want your pervs going in the restroom with girls. We don't want drag queen story hour with our 4 year old kids. We do not want your leftist activist teachers grooming and plotting an identity switch behind parents' back.

I'm so sick to death of these evil and sick people. They should not even be on the radar as a priority for this country politically or culturally yet we are constantly bombarded to appease this group's insecurities who so desperately want to be a victim. After gays got the right to marriage which they actually didn't want as they are the most promiscuous group they have struggled with the victim role, which is why they occasionally do the hoaxes (they love the fake receipt hoax) and have now pivoted to the trans nuts who shouldn't even be in the same category.

I have a SIL who thinks the gay thing should trump pretty much anything (she plays along with the pronouns thing and the trans nonsense) and it all stems from her friendship with this homosexual male couple. Nothing else is as important. No one is allowed to have their own interests. Appeasing gays has to be the biggest national priority. Your taxes, your kids, your jobs, your medical freedom, not as important as making the alphabet mafia feel comfortable and amplify their voice.
So are "conservatives" now advocating that the government takes over all major pipelines to boost their security? And also admiting that private industry once again fails to do their job for important infrastructure. The company hasn't explained why their pipelines would be so easily crippled by a data ransom. Their also wouldn't be any gas shortage if every maga moron didn't rush to the pumps to fill up. Soft as Charmin Americans think they can't survive a day or 2 without guzzling gas? We still have these crazy things called gas trucks to cover short term supplying. The gas is there just waiting for the morons to turn the pipes back on. We see a pretty stupid trend the last year with lumber, toilet paper, gas, foods, etc. If you tell Americans supply will be low for a bit and to conserve, they all go running out to gobble up everything they can get their hands on and make the problem 10x worse than it should be.
because the two populations aren't the same. This requires a small amount of critical thinking.
You make a broad based general assumption on the "populations". The populations don't factor into this equation.

City has 1,000,000 people
900K are vaxxed
let's say 10K dies FROM Covid, 9K of those are fully vaxxed. 1K unvaxxed.
Either way 10% of the vaxxed are dying and 10% of the unvaxxed are dying. Ergo The vax is useless.
Is there anything where the left hasn't fully adopted the DNC programming? It's crazy. Anyone who strays from the slightest thing is met with the upmost vitriol. Can we find any leftist on here that isn't completely on board with

Forced vaccines
Mask mandates
Pro China or just silent about China
Gun control

I mean, mother of God, there's no criticism at all of any of these things from the left. If you know one of their views, you know all of their views.
Is there anything where the left hasn't fully adopted the DNC programming? It's crazy. Anyone who strays from the slightest thing is met with the upmost vitriol. Can we find any leftist on here that isn't completely on board with

Forced vaccines
Mask mandates
Pro China or just silent about China
Gun control

I mean, mother of God, there's no criticism at all of any of these things from the left. If you know one of their views, you know all of their views.
They are devoid of freethinking. They will fall in line with whatever the wacky DNC tells them without questioning it.
Kamala never bailed out any rioters. She did tweet out a link to a site that was taking donations for that cause. I don't think politicians should chose to get into crap like that personally. You could end up helping to bail out a lunatic like the dude in Louisville that tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate.
Extreme liberalism and extreme conservatism are both a danger to our way of life. The looney left and ultra religious right are not where most Americans fall in their political beliefs.
Ha ha ha ha excuse Kamala for supporting bailouts of criminals but at the same time indict Trump for 'inciting' a riot despite the fact that he never said a word about it...what a hypocrite.
Tucker must have been belted by the higher ups into submission. He is bactracking hard on last weeks Putin ass licking. The funny part is the excuses he is now using to try and not look like a turncoat little bitch to his brain dead audience.

On Fox News it has become more favorable to side with Putin than our own U.S. government up until they started showing babies killed by Putin's missiles. Same network that insists that there was no Russian interference in our elections. I just can't wrap my head around how far right some elements of the Republican party have gotten that they are chanting for Putin and siding with a dictatorship over a democracy.
The Jan. 6th insurrection makes more and more sense every day right now. Putin's puppets.
Christian values like killing people and destroying their lives.....
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LOL, had to click see ignored content on that one. So 90% of the deaths are coming from 75% of the population while 10% of the deaths are coming from the other 25%. His logic and math are screwy. I thought those 75% took that vaccine to reduce their chances of being hospitalized and dying. So shouldn't those deaths be somewhere south of 7.5/10? and shouldn't the unvaxxed be north of 2.5/10? Like by a lot based on the shit sandwich we've been fed by the media?

Don't confuse SCIENCE DUDE with actual math. He can't wrap his fuzzy head around that!

I read his reply and was flabbergasted anyone could be that dumb.

90% dead are fully vaxxed. Population is 75% fully vaxxed, and SCIENCE DUDE says that proves vax works!!!

Don't confuse SCIENCE DUDE with actual math. He can't wrap his fuzzy head around that!

I read his reply and was flabbergasted anyone could be that dumb.

90% dead are fully vaxxed. Population is 75% fully vaxxed, and SCIENCE DUDE says that proves vax works!!!

Marley you can't beat the Science Guy at science. Here is what I was referring to.....It is actually 90 percent of the adult population of England.
"Well over 90% of the adult population is double vaccinated, so the vaccinated cohort is over nine times the size of the unvaccinated cohort," Weeks said, "A very small percentage of a large population is still more people than a higher percentage of a very small one."
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Don't confuse SCIENCE DUDE with actual math. He can't wrap his fuzzy head around that!

I read his reply and was flabbergasted anyone could be that dumb.

90% dead are fully vaxxed. Population is 75% fully vaxxed, and SCIENCE DUDE says that proves vax works!!!

You must've ignored my posts. Those aren't the numbers.
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👨🏽‍🏫 FWIW Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), is strongly considering challenging Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority after the 2022 Midterms. If he does, the GOP will take a hard-right turn and under his leadership, he will:

-Propose Term Limits for members of Congress.

-Prioritize domestic supply chains to reduce reliance on other countries.

-Prioritize domestic energy sources to reduce reliance on other countries.

-Require voters to show Voter ID to participate in national elections.

-Mandate the Pledge of Allegiance in public and charter schools.

-Increasing funding for local police.

-Eliminate requirements to disclose race, ethnicity, or skin color on government forms.

-Federally define only two genders.

Just so you know, Scott is in discussions with Trump and McCarthy (who is working close with Newt behind the scenes). McCarthy, Trump and Newt are preparing a takeover of GOP leadership after November to prep for 2024.

Smile, folks. Bigly winning BEYOND November, ahead. ~Max 😀
On Fox News it has become more favorable to side with Putin than our own U.S. government up until they started showing babies killed by Putin's missiles. Same network that insists that there was no Russian interference in our elections. I just can't wrap my head around how far right some elements of the Republican party have gotten that they are chanting for Putin and siding with a dictatorship over a democracy.
The Jan. 6th insurrection makes more and more sense every day right now. Putin's puppets.
Christian values like killing people and destroying their lives.....
Wow, you Dems are so bloodthirsty and eager to get our troops into World War III. Amazing hubris, but your presidents are historically notorious for that.

Uh oh ... some of you are now on borrowed time ...
7-days average of deaths in UK is 1/20 of US number for about 1/5 the population. And they are vaxxed at a higher rate. Net, vax is a good deal. Thanks.
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I feel like I am watching Pee Wee’s playhouse every time I get on here.

“You are, but what am I”

It’s time for me to get off this mess. At some point this disinformation war is going to end, maybe it takes a nuke for some of you to wake up. I will come back and see who can say “I tried to tell you” after whatever is coming actually comes. Hopefully most of us will survive it. If I survive and everything I have posted is wrong, I will come back and say all of you were right. And if I don’t, then you can just assume that I didn’t survive it. Maybe one day, we will have a reason to be unified. At least I will hope and pray about it. Not so sure some of you care.
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I agree that maybe we could have done more arms donation but it's a fine line. If Russia sees shit tons of heavy arms, planes etc heading into could have escalated things more quickly.
At the end of the day we are dealing with an unstable lunatic and you can't ever really know what they are going to do.
So there was no reason for you to bring up Trump, was there. Thanks.