How will they rule ??!

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Nancy supports the stopping of buying Russian oil.
Listen, we have absolutely nothing to worry about now. Saw yesterday the Brandon administration is sending Kamala Harris to Poland and other NATO European nations to diffuse this war. Someone of her expertise in foreign affairs will put this thing to an end. Let’s just give it a month or so to see the results
Send her Kyiv.
I feel like I am watching Pee Wee’s playhouse every time I get on here.

“You are, but what am I”

It’s time for me to get off this mess. At some point this disinformation war is going to end, maybe it takes a nuke for some of you to wake up. I will come back and see who can say “I tried to tell you” after whatever is coming actually comes. Hopefully most of us will survive it. If I survive and everything I have posted is wrong, I will come back and say all of you were right. And if I don’t, then you can just assume that I didn’t survive it. Maybe one day, we will have a reason to be unified. At least I will hope and pray about it. Not so sure some of you care.
So is your bomb shelter stocked?
Ha ha ha ha excuse Kamala for supporting bailouts of criminals but at the same time indict Trump for 'inciting' a riot despite the fact that he never said a word about it...what a hypocrite.
Oh, I know. It's amazing to witness. Same jerks who incited violence for years against conservatives, harassing politicians, and trying to stop Kavanaugh, who also shot a congressmen, all stood by in total support of BLM and Antifa anarchy.

Watching their hysteria about Trump and the epic gaslighting of the Capitol stuff is honestly disgusting considering who and what they support. They're all FOS. They are constant fodder for that Defiant L's account which showcases their hypocrisy on a daily basis.
You make a broad based general assumption on the "populations". The populations don't factor into this equation.

City has 1,000,000 people
900K are vaxxed
let's say 10K dies FROM Covid, 9K of those are fully vaxxed. 1K unvaxxed.
Either way 10% of the vaxxed are dying and 10% of the unvaxxed are dying. Ergo The vax is useless.
Is that the ratio that is reported?
No, not at all right where they should be. If the vaccine was as effective, safe and reduced hospitalization and deaths, then 9/10 people dying of covid being fully vaxxed should not match up to the percent vaxxed. It should be much much lower. If those numbers are correct, then it proves the Vax was worthless.
Perhaps the vax can't overcome the greater mortality of old folks.
Not true.

1st ... just false.

2nd ... IF the injected pop was 90 percent and the percent dying from covid was 90, then that would prove the treatment is no more effective than nothing.

The main thing it did was enrich big pharma. And you are supporting that.
Depends on the age of those vaxed vs. unvaxed. Older folks die at a higher rate.
Tucker must have been belted by the higher ups into submission. He is bactracking hard on last weeks Putin ass licking. The funny part is the excuses he is now using to try and not look like a turncoat little bitch to his brain dead audience.

I'm glad he admitted he was wrong because he was. Blaming Biden for himself being wrong is shameful. His cred took a big shot.
You make a broad based general assumption on the "populations". The populations don't factor into this equation.

City has 1,000,000 people
900K are vaxxed
let's say 10K dies FROM Covid, 9K of those are fully vaxxed. 1K unvaxxed.
Either way 10% of the vaxxed are dying and 10% of the unvaxxed are dying. Ergo The vax is useless.
But the average age of the vaxed dying was 70. For the unvaxed it was 50 (Made up numbers since I don't have the data, but would guess closer to truth than not.). Net, in that case the vax saved an average of 20 years of life for those that got covid.
I agree that maybe we could have done more arms donation but it's a fine line. If Russia sees shit tons of heavy arms, planes etc heading into could have escalated things more quickly.
At the end of the day we are dealing with an unstable lunatic and you can't ever really know what they are going to do.
Going to give you a break on one thing...this isn't on Biden??? He has no damn clue what's going on , but he is surrounded by a bunch of globalist, socialist morons who have zero problems giving up America's status. And you are wrong!!! If Trump were president this would not have happened. He's/was proactive, not reactive.
If Unemployment is really at 3.9% then how come every business in every industry is vastly understaffed and fighting for workers. Something that was not the case pre-Covid. These aren't all new jobs. We had our restaurants all fully staffed and humming pre-covid, now we are struggling to get dining rooms open because of the lack of workers. This is the case at all levels of industry and all levels of pay.
People moved on to better jobs and a lot of boomers retired. The service industry is over saturated. We don't need a McDonald's every 5 feet. People on unemployment is under 2million now. We are at what us essentially full employment. A new wave of employees isn't going to magically show up unless you want an amnesty bill. The restaurant/fast food industry better get over their need for constant growth if they ever want to be staffed up again.
She also says she is against drilling on US land. She is also against Nuclear power.

So in other words she has no realistic idea on how to power this country.
It really pisses me off. I know they are trying to force us off of oil but they have no viable alternative. I have a 2017 f150 that is like brand new. If they want to swap me an EV that is equal to my truck and not cost me anything, I would be happy to do that. But I don’t want to have to go into debt to buy one. I don’t want to go broke to keep the temperature from rising 1 degree in 100 years.
Going to give you a break on one thing...this isn't on Biden??? He has no damn clue what's going on , but he is surrounded by a bunch of globalist, socialist morons who have zero problems giving up America's status. And you are wrong!!! If Trump were president this would not have happened. He's/was proactive, not reactive.
Trump tried to defund NATO and called it obsolete. Not sure how that strikes fear into Putin's heart.
I honestly don't think Putin gives a ratz azz about who the President is or what anyone in the world thinks besides maybe China.
The way he is blitzkrieging Ukraine says it all. He was hellbent on this conquest no matter the cost to him or his people.
It's incredibly egocentric for Americans to think Trump or Biden can control the actions of a homicidal sociopath anymore than George Bush controlled Bin Laden. I do think that overall Biden is handling it pretty well.....unlike how he botched Afghanistan.
It really pisses me off. I know they are trying to force us off of oil but they have no viable alternative. I have a 2017 f150 that is like brand new. If they want to swap me an EV that is equal to my truck and not cost me anything, I would be happy to do that. But I don’t want to have to go into debt to buy one. I don’t want to go broke to keep the temperature from rising 1 degree in 100 years.
I hear ya. I don't get why it's always one or the other. We should be drilling enough we can tell Russia to go F itself and never take a drop of their blood money again. But we should also be working on alternative energy sources as well. Dissing one or the other is so small minded.
It's asinine to say it's one or the other. We need both fossil fuels and green energy. is not really always green but at least it's a way to reduce our dependence on the Saudis and Russian dictators.
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Lol at trolls on social media trying to blame Mitch and rand for the teachers retirement investing in a Russian bank.

Yes they have allllll kinds of state power.
It lost some money but luckily they got out when they did. Overall, not a huge loss compared to the overall fund. This is why teachers wanted a defined pension vs a stock market scam pension like Bevin wanted. With no access to guaranteed Social Security benefits like the private sector gets, it is very risky.
It really pisses me off. I know they are trying to force us off of oil but they have no viable alternative. I have a 2017 f150 that is like brand new. If they want to swap me an EV that is equal to my truck and not cost me anything, I would be happy to do that. But I don’t want to have to go into debt to buy one. I don’t want to go broke to keep the temperature from rising 1 degree in 100 years.
The thing that bugs me is, I have a Tesla so Im already driving the EV car. But guess how I charge it, using fossil fuels. And its not like it takes just a little bit of energy to charge a Tesla. I got a Tesla because they're fun to drive, not because I think they're great for the environment.

So we still need these fossil fuels to power up the cities so people can power up their EV cars. Let alone we need a ton of fossil fuels to mine the materials that make the batteries that cant be recycled yet.

I feel like the energy thing is a pretty simple solution.

Short term solution: Drill and frack right now and flood the market with our own oil and gas.
Long term solution: While we're doing that, we begin to build Nuclear power plants at a high rate. So down the road we have the majority of this country be running on Nuclear power.

Nuclear power is the most efficient power source and for the green people, it also has the smallest carbon footprint.
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How can Liberals even look at themselves in the mirror as we are about to sign a deal to import Iranian Oil?

Iran...........who hates us and wants us all dead.
You can't reason with these people. The left's base hates you and is told to hate you and that anyone who disagrees with them is a dumb Nazi redneck Klan member so even when a leftist is proven wrong on something, their dogma will not allow them to acknowledge they are wrong.
He lost me at McCarthy. That guy is fake and weak. Need someone like Jim Jordan as Speaker. You can bet Mitch and Kevin in charge will change nothing.

It surprises me that Trump supposedly still views McCarthy favorably.

Perhaps it is because he feels like he is powerless to do anything about McCarthy’s ascension to leadership from his perch at Mar-A-Lago.
Soooo....Jan 6 for the Dem/libs has expanded past Trump. Pretty soon it'll be a weapon against any Repub/conservative who may have watched on television (full disclosure...guilty).


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