How will they rule ??!

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Republican enablers of Putin are in a tough spot. 7 years straight of loving on Putin is hard to erase. I guess the best course of action is just to pretend none of it happened. That the entire Republican Party hasn't been grinding on Putin publicly with about a trillion hours of readily available quotes and youtube clips to run non-stop during the 2022 and 2024 campaigns.

Even now you can see the love is just bristling to pop out. The slightest Putin victory will bring them scurrying from their crevices bleeting with glee at the return of their orange leader's BFF.

Welcome back, Z. You are again dismissed.
A simple google search will reveal an FBI investigation and an 18 month probe by the Democrats into it. link But even though there was a lot of flesh on that bone somebody killed it quietly.

I think it might have cut both ways like most things. I think more Russian dough has been in our politics than either side would be comfortable in letting out.

Actually agree with this a bit.

Let's put the exact spotlight and investigations for trump applied to every single member of congress and Obama, Biden and Harris.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Ps, they didn't find shit on Trump. Amd they tried. Hard.
No doubt, but I'm not talking about an individual here. I'm talking about the NRA up to its eyeballs in Russian dough yet they never laid a glove on them.

Russia has spread so much money around that you can't hang your hat on a rack without bumping into a pile of their dough. Lots of stooges spreading Russian propaganda out there, too. Most unwittingly... but a few are not. Those are the ones I am interested in.

Now do China.
No doubt, but I'm not talking about an individual here. I'm talking about the NRA up to its eyeballs in Russian dough yet they never laid a glove on them.

Russia has spread so much money around that you can't hang your hat on a rack without bumping into a pile of their dough. Lots of stooges spreading Russian propaganda out there, too. Most unwittingly... but a few are not. Those are the ones I am interested in.

absolutely. Nothing like swimming in a pool of “Rubles”

That “Ruble” influence has changed my life

can’t wait till I swim 60 foot deep in the Yuan!
I did find this story which is encouraging. That is CNN so maybe I shouldn't believe it since it is all fake news according to most on here.
CNN is mostly fake news, as in the most fake news. (Shame what has happened to them.)

I missed the Dems criticizing Kamalano in your link. Was it the right link?
CNN is mostly fake news, as in the most fake news. (Shame what has happened to them.)

I missed the Dems criticizing Kamalano in your link. Was it the right link?
Yeah I'm not a fan of Kamala at all. I also wish Biden, Trump, Pelosi, McConnell and the rest of the Crypt Keeper Boomers would hang it up and turn the keys over to the next generation.
7-days average of deaths in UK is 1/20 of US number for about 1/5 the population. And they are vaxxed at a higher rate. Net, vax is a good deal. Thanks.
Keep telling yourself that champ. You have added a risk to your life that i will never have. Besides, it is not a vaccine (unless you change what it means to be a vaccine).

And btw, studies are showing that the jab starts impacting organs within 6 hours of injection. It does not "stay in one spot" as advertised.

How many pages of side effects came out in the court ordered data dump? 9. Nine. Nuen. 9. Nacho (mexican for 9). 9. 9 pages of risks ... you better start paying attention to your body.

You must be an employee of pfizer, or heavily invested in their stock. No way any normal person is this much of a shill.
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I wonder how much of that money is coming back to line someone’s pocket (like Lindsay Graham), or lining some rich billionaires pocket in Ukraine or Russia. Lindsay has been all over Ukraine.
There were rumors Mccain owned shares in a weapons manufacturer and thats why he was so big to Ukraine into Nato.... for the weapons sales.
You make a broad based general assumption on the "populations". The populations don't factor into this equation.

City has 1,000,000 people
900K are vaxxed
let's say 10K dies FROM Covid, 9K of those are fully vaxxed. 1K unvaxxed.
Either way 10% of the vaxxed are dying and 10% of the unvaxxed are dying. Ergo The vax is useless.
9 pages of side effects.

9 pages...

Oops. People still pushing this poison should be tried.
Yeah I'm not a fan of Kamala at all. I also wish Biden, Trump, Pelosi, McConnell and the rest of the Crypt Keeper Boomers would hang it up and turn the keys over to the next generation.
To DeSantis!! That man is fantastic!!

Glad we have another thing to agree on. That is two in two weeks. Maybe we are becoming each others sock account?!? How does that work, exactly? All You guys on the left know...
It's funny you mention that because the single biggest political question I have is this one:

Who killed the investigation into Russia funneling money into the Republican Party via the NRA?
Who was the biggest donor to the Clinton Foundation from 2010 to 2014?... Russian oligarchs. And guess who took up the top spot from 2014 to 2016?.... Ukraine oligarchs. Weird right?
No doubt, but I'm not talking about an individual here. I'm talking about the NRA up to its eyeballs in Russian dough yet they never laid a glove on them.

Russia has spread so much money around that you can't hang your hat on a rack without bumping into a pile of their dough. Lots of stooges spreading Russian propaganda out there, too. Most unwittingly... but a few are not. Those are the ones I am interested in.
Look up Skolkovo and who ok'd that. Look into Uranium one and who signed that deal. Keep telling yourself that Russia wasn't in bed with the CLinton foundation. Also tell yourself that after the 2014 coup that Hillary didn't decide she could make more money with a EU member Ukraine than she could in Russia.
Keep telling yourself that champ. You have added a risk to your life that i will never have. Besides, it is not a vaccine (unless you change what it means to be a vaccine).

And btw, studies are showing that the jab starts impacting organs within 6 hours of injection. It does not "stay in one spot" as advertised.

How many pages of side effects came out in the court ordered data dump? 9. Nine. Nuen. 9. Nacho (mexican for 9). 9. 9 pages of risks ... you better start paying attention to your body.

You must be an employee of pfizer, or heavily invested in their stock. No way any normal person is this much of a shill.
It’s amazing how the goal posts have shifted so many times on this jab and people will still defend it as if it’s not only 100% safe and effective but also responsible for saving every life who didn’t die from covid.

We were originally told it was a one time ordeal, once you got the shot you were immune and couldn’t spread covid…


We were told the shot stays in the injection spot…


We were told the vaccine is safe and effective but the 9 pages worth of adverse reactions say that is…


The most amazing thing is the fact that people still put their trust in Pfizer, doctors incentivized by prescriptions given, and MSM outlets. Again, the goal posts shifted umpteen times… there’s a cartoon gif for that situation too:

especially with the teachers union. 25% might of voted Pub.
Teacher's union is such a far right buzz word and boogie man when referring to the vast majority of teachers in most states.
In Kentucky teachers aren't even legally allowed to strike and have ZERO collective bargaining rights outside of Jefferson and Fayette Counties. In the mostly rural counties in Ky I would say the majority of teachers vote R except in extreme cases like the azzhole Matt Bevin a few years ago.
A fluff piece on our negotiator on the Iran deal. A social worker....worked great on Russia/Ukraine....

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Another SOCIAL WORKER high in Brandon's administration. No wonder the economy is a mess. What do social workers know about the economy or world tensions (Iran, Russia, Ukraine...see above)? .......

President-Elect Joe Biden has appointed social worker Jared Bernstein to his Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). The CEA is a small group of experts who offer the president advice on economic matters.

Bernstein, PhD, MSW, is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Bernstein is a longtime economic adviser to Biden. He previously served as the executive director of the White House task force on the middle class and as an economic adviser to President Barack Obama.

Bernstein has said economists should work as social workers before crafting policies that make huge cuts to social safety programs. “Every economist ought to be a social worker for a few years and it’s that kind of lack of contact with the other that leads you to believe that the best way to help poor people is to give rich people really big tax cuts, and it will trickle down…,” Bernstein said during a 2013 appearance on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Bernstein, who spoke at 2010 National Association of Social Workers Social Work Congress, also said social workers should be better compensated for the work they do.

“Society needs to express its appreciation for the valuable work social workers do through increased wages,” he said. “Demand for social work services is increasing, and salaries should reflect that.”'
Sawnee, I’ll answer that for him.

No. No he won’t vote for DeSantis. He’ll vote whoever is the candidate for the Communist party
That is what I thought. His man for Florida governor was sprawled out in a hotel room, on heroin and butt naked . Protesting Uncle Ben on the rice carton.
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