How will they rule ??!

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I saw this on a thread regarding “your lib friend that’s fine with what Canada is doing to people isn’t really your friend. That’s an imminent danger to you and your loved ones.”

You start out thinking you can just explain some facts they might not have heard.

Then you’re sure you can convince them with a source they won’t reject.

Then you figure you can convince them with reason and logic.

Then you are confident the very outcomes unfolding before their eyes will make it clear.

Then you wonder when they’ll come around on their own.

Then you decide to just drop politics as a discussion topic.

Then you realize unreality permeates their whole world in ways that can’t be easily ignored.

Then you find they increasingly push their own ignorant TV-repeating slogans and false reality into your world and get offended if you won’t play along.

Then you discover that even the things they once agreed with you about, or that you irrefutably proved to them, are as slippery and reversible as the latest social media ‘newsfeed’.

Then you uncover that they will say or believe anything that lets them achieve a congruent emotional state mirroring the electronically mediated virtue signals, slogans, and fake news celebrity attitudes they are exposed to on their devices.

Then you feel the wicked influence of their mindless degeneracy seeping into every aspect of their lives.

Then you find out that a deep well of hysteria, fear, bigotry, and hatred lie shallow under the cover of political correctness, buzzwords, and self-righteous attitude.

Then you observe that they won’t actually protect you or support you in real-world instances where you are confronted by decisions that put you in opposition to the signal.

Then it dawns on you that they are more likely to be “Good Germans” than they are to show you personal loyalty.

Then you grasp that they line up with your enemies on every issue.

Then you see proof that they have dehumanized and outgrouped you, and even endorsed justifications for imprisoning you, stripping away your possessions, and even interning you indefinitely.

Then you become worried that they are sharing knowledge and data about you with others who are even more dangerous and threatening to your safety.

Then you are confronted with the fact that they have betrayed you completely, and as they move toward you with the mob, you wonder if you can hesitate any longer.

Then you realize they want violence against any who they perceive to be their political, religious, or ideological opponents.

Then you begin to understand that they are the sort of people who would endorse, support, and even participate in a genocide.

The harsh reality crystallized, you now appreciate that you are in a fight for your life. You've been at war the whole time.

The evil part of humanity needed the opportunity to flourish inside of those who never recognized their false moral superiority that allowed them to ignore the dark side long enough for the seed to grow.

The people you once thought you knew are gone, and the signal zombies inhabiting their empty-headed shells are not your friends.

They are the most dangerous sort of people... the ones who have never been in a fight... never considered that they might have an unchecked dark nature... blindly absorbing the false signal all the while deluding under the pretext that they are the "good guys" and thus infallible.

Their self fulfilling prophecy deliverd, moral superiority concrete; they blast the singal back into the echo-hambers at maximum volume.

Justification for the means to an end settling into their psyche they begin to say the silent part out loud. They openly divulge that they want to murder you. They've wanted you dead the entire time. They've been fantasizing about "you're kinds" extermination for years, and, it's the right thing to do.

After all; you are less than human. They are better than you in every way. They deserve the power and control to decide how you must live, or, you will have to die and that is completely acceptable.”
If he doesn't intervene how is he relevant at all? You can conjecture about anything you want beyond our universe but if we can never interact with it it's the definition of pointless. Worshiping it has no value as it provides nothing in return. He never made a pact with Abraham or revealed anything to Moses. A noninterfering creator God is the same as no God at all.
😃 enjoy your evening
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Rural ones? Because that decrease can’t come from urban or suburban areas. Too partisan and counter indicated by the poll itself respectively. Maybe a result of increased rural covid deaths over the last two years as it penetrated deeper into the country? But why would those be blamed on Trump and not Biden when he’s in office and they already have that natural partisan inclination?
A lot of dead whites. Bidens top demo. Won something like 100-0.
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My gosh, you have a severe case of TDS. You said you would never bring up Trump, but would only respond to others discussing him. You can’t help yourself, bless your heart.
You're right. Just too juicy to resist & I forgot. I'll try to behave but probably can only last so long. And I also brought earlier up how he's barely ahead of Biden in polling. It's hard to be that weak against Biden.
He hates democracy just like his buddies Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Disgusting to praise the dictator of Russia for potentially the most aggressive military move since World War 2.
Also disgusting for Republicans to be attacking Biden right now instead of Putin. That is exactly what he wants.
You and @Platinumdrgn ever bother to go further than just listen to clips

No you wouldn't. You'd find some way to explain it away. The existence of God is a problem for you because that means you're accountable for the way you live your life, and you can't have that. So you deny God's existence and "poof" you don't have to account for your behavior. But in the fullness of time you will meet God and you will have to give an account. I don't envy you that encounter.

By the way, you're doing the 'evidence' thing wrong. You believe that absence of evidence equals evidence of absence. The fact is, you have a harder time denying the existence of God because it's like trying to prove that there is no gold in China. In order for you to claim there is no God, you must have complete knowledge of every atom of the universe, otherwise you are simply guessing. And guessing means you admit you are ignoring all the evidence around you. Until you have that complete knowledge of every atom of the universe, you cannot say for a fact that God does not exist.

Romans 1:18 talks about people just like you:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
Different religions have different virtues and vices. If I was just interested in morally justifying my decisions I'd pick one that aligned with me.

Again, I'm not claiming for a 100% certainty there is no God. Just that the evidence I've seen doesn't indicate to me that there is one. There might be, but it's unlikely. Is that the position you're going with as well? There might be a God? You seem pretty sure. An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. And what if we did gain knowledge of every atom in the universe? Would God cease to exist then? What you describe is called God of the gaps. The further we push the boundaries of scientific knowledge the smaller the area of unknown God recedes into. How small does that have to be to definitively say God doesn't exist? Even if it's infinitesimal you'll still say that doesn't prove it 100%, he could still be there, as evidenced by your assertion about knowing every single atom. That's an epistemological trap. Yes. He could. But it's unlikely.
I'm not asking these questions to troll but to make you confront these hard truths. Either every human who's ever lived throughout history that never heard of Jesus's sacrifice is suffering for all eternity even if they lived a virtuous life or your understanding of salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is flawed.
Again, you are not well versed in the Bible, no pun intended.
Not at all. The Jews offered sacrifices for sin and were saved thus. There are examples in the Old Testament of even Gentiles finding God. The death of Christ fulfilled the law and made the necessity for sacrifice and the rituals of the priesthood no longer necessary. The book of Hebrews explains this in great detail.
I'm talking about people on the other side of the world from that. All the Native Americans in both South and North America who lived and died who never heard a word about Jesus of Nazareth. There are uncontacted people on islands near Sri Lanka this very minute. They know nothing of your Christ. They're doomed to burn for all eternity just because they happened to be born there? And what about all the thousands of years of humanity that lived before Abraham?
You and @Platinumdrgn ever bother to go further than just listen to clips

Waaiiitt a minute.. tipin, are you trying to tell me that plat queen and shin splints were using disinformation?

Lucky we are not in canada, or they would have accts frozen, etc.

Are they gonna actually plead ignorance? If so, they may have a strong argument, backed up by every one of their posts.
I'm not asking these questions to troll but to make you confront these hard truths. Either every human who's ever lived throughout history that never heard of Jesus's sacrifice is suffering for all eternity even if they lived a virtuous life or your understanding of salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is flawed.

There’s also room for faith there , Dionysus

I do believe God reveals himself through creation itself - and so it never struck me as far fetched that remote or culturally distant people would be exposed to the same simple good news of Jesus Christ’s redemptive power

How did you guys get into a faith / theology track in the middle of this thread ?

hahahaha - i like it - raising the bar



There’s also room for faith there , Dionysus

I do believe God reveals himself through creation itself - and so it never struck me as far fetched that remote or culturally distant people would be exposed to the same simple good news of Jesus Christ’s redemptive power

How did you guys get into a faith / theology track in the middle of this thread ?

hahahaha - i like it - raising the bar
Vague spirituality is one thing. Eternal reward or damnation granted only through grace by accepting Jesus Christ is another. There was a Catholic/Protestant works/faith discussion awhile back that revealed many posters positions on the subject. And some of them are very dogmatic and extreme.
Different religions have different virtues and vices. If I was just interested in morally justifying my decisions I'd pick one that aligned with me.

Again, I'm not claiming for a 100% certainty there is no God. Just that the evidence I've seen doesn't indicate to me that there is one. There might be, but it's unlikely.
How are classic books written? Just splash a bucket of ink next to a ream of paper? No, of course not. Someone has to design it and create it.

Look around ... how symbiotic things live. If you believe the evolution fantasy, then which came first in the symbiotic view? How did the first one survive without the 2nd? And if this all just magic happened, where did it come from? If you say primordal soup, why is no other species saying every day, f this, im walking. If the chances of that first cell were so remote, how did it find the opposite sex (making it uncommon already), close enough to mate with? Doesnt make any sense at all.

The evolution argument is basically that we all evolved from a single rock. Rediculous. All the animals, birds, fish, insects, trees, flowers, mammals, all came from a single rock of carbon. That is stupid. When farmers plant corn, do they grow cows instead? Or when 2 horses are mated, does a farmer expect beans? NO! No one has ever seen 2 whales produce a cat. No, they always produce whales. Always. They will produce "variations", but never new species.

When you really stop to examine ALL of the evidence properly, the only logical conclusion is a creator, namely God. Even the multiverse argument falls apart and leads to God. You may not like that and you may hate him because you do not understand him and his ways, but that is your choice to a large extent and that is 100 on you.
I generally like your contributions but I don't really think "U wrong" adds much.
Vague spirituality is one thing. Eternal reward or damnation granted only through grace by accepting Jesus Christ is another. There was a Catholic/Protestant works/faith discussion awhile back that revealed many posters positions on the subject. And some of them are very dogmatic and extreme.

it’s better to give a little grace when it comes to matters of peoples convictions and faith -
and there’s room for everyone involved in these conversations to learn / grow
plus the conversations can be really worth the time when approached appropriately
How are classic books written? Just splash a bucket of ink next to a ream of paper? No, of course not. Someone has to design it and create it.

Look around ... how symbiotic things live. If you believe the evolution fantasy, then which came first in the symbiotic view? How did the first one survive without the 2nd? And if this all just magic happened, where did it come from? If you say primordal soup, why is no other species saying every day, f this, im walking. If the chances of that first cell were so remote, how did it find the opposite sex (making it uncommon already), close enough to mate with? Doesnt make any sense at all.

The evolution argument is basically that we all evolved from a single rock. Rediculous. All the animals, birds, fish, insects, trees, flowers, mammals, all came from a single rock of carbon. That is stupid. When farmers plant corn, do they grow cows instead? Or when 2 horses are mated, does a farmer expect beans? NO! No one has ever seen 2 whales produce a cat. No, they always produce whales. Always. They will produce "variations", but never new species.

When you really stop to examine ALL of the evidence properly, the only logical conclusion is a creator, namely God. Even the multiverse argument falls apart and leads to God. You may not like that and you may hate him because you do not understand him and his ways, but that is your choice to a large extent and that is 100 on you.
We've answered these questions. No one has ever said two whales can mate and produce a cat. What did they teach you about evolution and natural selection in school? This is really basic biology. Look at the entire fossil record. We know much of the history of life. You can look at these things yourself, they're real.
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Vague spirituality is one thing. Eternal reward or damnation granted only through grace by accepting Jesus Christ is another. There was a Catholic/Protestant works/faith discussion awhile back that revealed many posters positions on the subject. And some of them are very dogmatic and extreme.
Dude, for Christ's sake. (Pun intended)

Create a new thread for this crap.

You clowns sound like stoned College freshmen in a dorm lobby at 4 am.

It's the 'political thread', not the 'discuss theology' thread.
This thread is the same fights over and over. Can we just establish the disagreement on following topics and stop talking to each other about it as it’s not changing anyone’s mind.

VHS hates Trump.
BBFGA likes the covid shot as does VHS
Some believe in God. Others do not. This thread isn’t going to change their mind.

Sam/Plat are low-informed people and are pro left on every situation. Stop engaging with them and Dion as it hijacks the thread.

Ifs like the movie Groundhog Day with some of these fights.
This thread is the same fights over and over. Can we just establish the disagreement on following topics and stop talking to each other about it as it’s not changing anyone’s mind.

VHS hates Trump.
BBFGA likes the covid shot as does VHS
Some believe in God. Others do not. This thread isn’t going to change their mind.

Sam/Plat are low-informed people and are pro left on every situation. Stop engaging with them and Dion as it hijacks the thread.

Ifs like the movie Groundhog Day with some of these fights.
One more:

Trump supporters are delusional, support Putin and his puppet Trump over their own country, and believe in an array of conspiracy theories that would get them involuntarily admitted to any mental hospital in the United States were they to confess them to a psychiatrist.
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One more:

Trump supporters are delusional, support Putin and his puppet Trump over their own country, and believe in an array of conspiracy theories that would get them involuntarily admitted to any mental hospital in the United States were they to confess them to a psychiatrist.

Projection much, MITTENS?

That's your new name. Keep posting. This should be fun, MITTENS!
MITTENS! Are you Chris Cilizza from CNN?

Saw he posted an article today at 3.44 pm on CNN that stated 'we must finally admit, Romney was right on Russia.'

Not sure when you jumped on the Romney train, but the timing is highly suspect to sag the least.

Sniff. Sniff. I smell a rat.
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You and @Platinumdrgn ever bother to go further than just listen to clips

Wasn't Swalwell banging a chinese spy named Fang Fang? Didn't Fang Fang give Swalwell a list of people to put on his presidential campaign and didn't he put them on his campaign? Isn't this guy still getting top secret intel briefings?
One more:

Trump supporters are delusional, support Putin and his puppet Trump over their own country, and believe in an array of conspiracy theories that would get them involuntarily admitted to any mental hospital in the United States were they to confess them to a psychiatrist.
I want to apologize for my previous blue team on blue team violence, friend. I went back and read your posts and like the cut of your jib despite whatever differences of opinion we may have on political hot takes. I was way too harsh with my initial post. Please forgive my hubris, I spend too much time with the Trumpets and it rubs off. Welcome to the thread, post early and often.
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How are classic books written? Just splash a bucket of ink next to a ream of paper? No, of course not. Someone has to design it and create it.

Look around ... how symbiotic things live. If you believe the evolution fantasy, then which came first in the symbiotic view? How did the first one survive without the 2nd? And if this all just magic happened, where did it come from? If you say primordal soup, why is no other species saying every day, f this, im walking. If the chances of that first cell were so remote, how did it find the opposite sex (making it uncommon already), close enough to mate with? Doesnt make any sense at all.

The evolution argument is basically that we all evolved from a single rock. Rediculous. All the animals, birds, fish, insects, trees, flowers, mammals, all came from a single rock of carbon. That is stupid. When farmers plant corn, do they grow cows instead? Or when 2 horses are mated, does a farmer expect beans? NO! No one has ever seen 2 whales produce a cat. No, they always produce whales. Always. They will produce "variations", but never new species.

When you really stop to examine ALL of the evidence properly, the only logical conclusion is a creator, namely God. Even the multiverse argument falls apart and leads to God. You may not like that and you may hate him because you do not understand him and his ways, but that is your choice to a large extent and that is 100 on you.
Lmao. That has to be some of the dumbest attempt at examples ever posted on this thread. Over time species drift enough to become what we consider new species. Mammals do this in time periods beyond the comprehension of most humans, we think to small. Bugs, fish, some birds do this in relatively observable time periods. 100s of thousands of species have come and gone over earth's history. You may want to visit a few natural history museums.
Neanderthals figured out how to harness the power of sticks and rocks and go beyond simple sounds. Thousands of years later cavemen learned to harness fire, grow crops and write down some of those complex sounds. Eventually they dominated the earth with this power. What was the catalyst that created hominids? We don't know, all we can do is abstract guesses based on fossil records. But we do know that we come from Africa, not the middle east.
Will humans ever become a new species? Outside of unimaginable climate change or natural catastrophe i dont imagine it would happen on earth before we went extinct. With space travel and many generations it's certainly possible. Spending a few hundred years in vastly different radiation and gravities will definitely change us. In 5000 years earth will be covered in completely different species than it has now. And Christianity will be long forgotten.
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I want to apologize for my previous blue team on blue team violence, friend. I went back and read your posts and like the cut of your jib despite whatever differences of opinion we may have on political hot takes. I was way too harsh with my initial post. Please forgive my hubris, I spend too much time with the Trumpets and it rubs off. Welcome to the thread, post early and often.

You (plural) will never figure out just how dumb you actually are.
