This is a pipe dream and will never happen. The logistics are impossible. And if tax dollars are somehow taken away from a school, because of Charters or some other inane reason all that will happen is that taxes will increase to address the shortfall. The costs to operate don't disappear because dollars are taken out.It is long over due to reimagine “public education.” Parents should get to choose where to send their kids and they should be able to direct tax money to the school of their choice. Many private schools have boards consisting of administrators, teachers, parents and alum. It’s a good model. A taxpayer who wants to send their child to a “private” school should be able to direct the “public fund” to that school.
As example, if the taxpayers are paying $10k per year to educate a child (it’s more, but this number works as an example), $8k should follow the kid to the school of the parents’ choosing and $2k should go to the “public” school where the child would have gone had the parents chosen “public” education. That way, the taxpayer created school gets money for a child who goes elsewhere and the parents get significant financial assistance for their choice as to the education of their child. [means test this if you don’t like paying for some rich kid’s education]
Public school advocates slam private education for political self-serving reasons, but in every metropolitan area, if private schools closed tomorrow, public education would collapse. There is no way the taxpayer schools could take on those kids whose parents are paying taxes AND tuition.
The magic way that schools get fixed is that parents become active in supporting them and supporting their kids. And that doesn't mean just showing up in full diva mode when you think your little angel has been wronged in some way.
I have a daughter in Middle school. Her classes are basically Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Computers, PE and Art. My wife and I work with her every night on homework. We look at her schoolwork. We go to parent teacher conferences. We volunteer. This is a public school, and she is receiving a quality education. I talk to her about things like Race, Gender issues, etc and she has told me that outside of Social Studies, or an assignment in Art that might focus on something like Black History Month none of her teachers have ever brought these issues up. I keep hearing about schools that aren't teaching the "basics" and that are full-blown communist propaganda machines, but I have yet to actually see any evidence that they exist.