Sounds like Bushrod or Sammy. That is their line of thinking.Legitimate rebuttal I received to a post I made on social media. Swear to God this was what the guy said
“The vaccine is free. How is it helping Big Pharma? Lol”
You can’t fix stupid like this. This is the exact type of ignorance Democrats prey upon. Yeah, guy, they’re definitely not taking in any profit😂 Oh, that’s right. Pfizer has made about $15B alone off the vaccine, Moderna is expecting about $18B, that’s not even total revenue which as Pfizer expects $36B.
Speaking of RIP. Ill say another RIP to our friend North Carolina Wildcat.Off topic, I like to participate in many of the RIP threads, I don't look at it as disrespectful to the dead, but a celebration of life...but the recent Dean Stockwell one...that was Al on Quantum Leap you motherf-ckers. Quantum Leap was a favorite of a very young TheFrontRunner.
I never really go back and watch things I loved back then, I wonder if I would still think they are pretty good or if the adult me would be like...'that show is gawd f-cking awful.'
FifyLiberal thinking is just impossible to do figures.
Dont you mean bushrod AND sammy?Sounds like Bushrod or Sammy. That is their line of thinking.
Yes of course bush rodded sammy for free so...they think everything is free.Dont you mean bushrod AND sammy?
The contortions they have to twist into in order to keep playing the race card ends up making them look like the most racist of all.
Yeah, the race card is no longer valid in the US because of socialism. It holds no worth figuratively or politically because it has been devalued by the left as is all currency eventually under social rules.
I meant they are one in the same.Yes of course bush rodded sammy for free so...they think everything is free.
Is that some sort of narcissistic incest? Not sure how to label that one or how he/she/it does it unless he/she/it is a contortionist.I meant they are one in the same.
Well, no. One can be gay & not queer or bi. See MOKH lyrics.
A true oxymoron.Liberal thinking
That show was right behind MacGyver as 2 of my favorites. A few years back I rewatched both series and still enjoyed them. I'd love for Sam to leap into Biden and put right what once went wrong and finally leap his happy @$$ home.Off topic, I like to participate in many of the RIP threads, I don't look at it as disrespectful to the dead, but a celebration of life...but the recent Dean Stockwell one...that was Al on Quantum Leap you motherf-ckers. Quantum Leap was a favorite of a very young TheFrontRunner.
I never really go back and watch things I loved back then, I wonder if I would still think they are pretty good or if the adult me would be like...'that show is gawd f-cking awful.'
Not all democrats are pedophiles, however all pedophiles are democrats.Can someone point to the last time a case came up involving a pedophile that the Democrats did not take the pedos side? Honestly can't remember back that far.
She has those crazy ex girlfriend eyes and her son has those Menendez brothers eyes.
Good post. Saw these responses. I remember laughing so hard at a video showing Lebron at different times acting like he was reading a book...always on the first gawd damn page. If you are going to fake it dogg, open the book somewhere in the middle. Remember when some reporter asked him about the book he was reading, and he gave the most retarded 'oh shit, I didn't read it let me try to act like I did' response.
Glorifying obesity blows my mind. I'm glad they feel confident in who they are. But obesity is extremely unhealthy and shouldn't be celebrated. In fact, that is something the cdc/nih should be failing against to actually save lives.
Ill say this, I got nothing against thicker girls. Ive dated girls with some curves before. These girls here arent "plus size" haha. These are just a lineup of overweight women haha. I also think Hooters needs to understand their demographic better. When people think of Hooters, I dont think this is what they had in mind haha.
How far did Kyle live from Kenosha?Don't see where my take should be different. I am not talking about people with businesses nor did I say he was wrong. My post simply stated that we all have the right to go where we want in this country without being impeded mainly pointing out that he had a right to be there. Sure the rioters were wrong for destroying property and nowhere in my post did I say they were right about that. I simply stated they have a right to be there publicly too. I also said that basically if I were Rittenhouse probably would not have gone unless deputized to help. He came from Illinois. He said he came to protect businesses but, were any of those his businesses? The state of Wisconsin records says there is no record of him or his family owning any business there.
Maybe you should reread the post.
ya you got some whiners in the senate not happy because Trump isn't willing to pass anything that touches sentencing reform, he actually believes in maximum punishment at all times. Overhauling the courts is important so we stop wasting so much resources throwing the book at nothing crimes. They are also upset because Trump will claim credit for something he had no part in, they started working on this 4 years ago. But as long as senate republicans don't screw with the bill pushed through the house, it will pass easily. Its only a tiny part of what has been worked on but at least its a start.
This article sounds like classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" trash. It's merely an attack on conservatives.I'm actually reading this article. This is utter horse shit. How is this Journalism?
"But supporting a Black candidate hardly precludes voters from harboring racist beliefs and motivations. Republicans are increasingly more likely than Democrats to hold prejudiced views of minorities, so Black Republicans like Sears often draw especially strong support from white Americans with otherwise anti-Black views simply because they draw most of their support from Republican voters.
A clear example of this was in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Ben Carson made a bid to become the GOP’s first African American presidential nominee. Support for Carson was positively correlated with the belief that Black Americans have too much influence on U.S. politics, according to data from Washington University in St. Louis’s American Panel Survey (TAPS) in late 2015:"
Again, much of that relationship is down to partisanship — Republicans are more likely to hold prejudiced views and also more likely to support a Republican candidate. But that’s the point: For many white GOP voters, anti-Black views don’t seem to get in the way of supporting a Black Republican.
But they're basing this off of this graphic Haha
So you're racist if you have the absolute knowledge that blacks commit more violent crime and if you thought blacks had too much influence- aka call you racist all the time, affirmative action, race riots, mandatory hires, non-stop lectures and racial discrimination, etc.
"Put another way: Racially prejudiced white voters are not opposed to Black candidates simply because they are Black, but because they believe that most Black candidates will fight for “those people” and not “people like us.”
😂 Oh you mean, fight for Americans with the same value system instead of Democrats who are openly hostile and racist toward those not like them while acting with tribalism? You think I'm racist for favoring Thomas Sowell over Joy Reid?
BREAKING NEWS: Conservatives prefer conservative politicians over Democrat politicians regardless of race!
But they're racist cause we say they are.
Every time i see some Republican on TV talking about impeachment its always the same talking point. If they get Mulvaney we get Hunter Biden! umm, ok, knock yourself out. How is asking Hunter over and over again if his daddy helped him get a job a defense for Trump? Do you think Hunter is going to shock the world and say, "my daddy did it all, arrest him!" Which witness has the potential to ruin TRump? a guy who has been wading in Trumps shit for 3 years now and already ****ed Trump over in his cushy TV interview or some kid who got a job?
Distance was not the point for me or the issue. Mine was a legal point and if he had good reason to be there. According to his mother and his lawyer he lived with her in Illinois across the border but pulled lifeguard duties in Kenosha and had friends who owned a business there. I think you misunderstood what I was posting. I explained it in other post above. I am not against his being there or protecting himself.How far did Kyle live from Kenosha?