How will they rule ??!

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I'm actually reading this article. This is utter horse shit. How is this Journalism?

"But supporting a Black candidate hardly precludes voters from harboring racist beliefs and motivations. Republicans are increasingly more likely than Democrats to hold prejudiced views of minorities, so Black Republicans like Sears often draw especially strong support from white Americans with otherwise anti-Black views simply because they draw most of their support from Republican voters.

A clear example of this was in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Ben Carson made a bid to become the GOP’s first African American presidential nominee. Support for Carson was positively correlated with the belief that Black Americans have too much influence on U.S. politics, according to data from Washington University in St. Louis’s American Panel Survey (TAPS) in late 2015:"

Again, much of that relationship is down to partisanship — Republicans are more likely to hold prejudiced views and also more likely to support a Republican candidate. But that’s the point: For many white GOP voters, anti-Black views don’t seem to get in the way of supporting a Black Republican.


But they're basing this off of this graphic Haha



So you're racist if you have the absolute knowledge that blacks commit more violent crime and if you thought blacks had too much influence- aka call you racist all the time, affirmative action, race riots, mandatory hires, non-stop lectures and racial discrimination, etc.

"Put another way: Racially prejudiced white voters are not opposed to Black candidates simply because they are Black, but because they believe that most Black candidates will fight for “those people” and not “people like us.”

😂 Oh you mean, fight for Americans with the same value system instead of Democrats who are openly hostile and racist toward those not like them while acting with tribalism? You think I'm racist for favoring Thomas Sowell over Joy Reid?

BREAKING NEWS: Conservatives prefer conservative politicians over Democrat politicians regardless of race!
But they're racist cause we say they are.
He didnt need to and I saw a lot of people on the right this morning questioning the move. But as of right now it seems like a smart move. I think it was pretty clear what the defense was doing with him, they wanted to humanize him. They wanted to show he was just a kid trying to do the right thing and ended up having to defend himself. I think they portrayed that very well. I also think they had enough faith that Kyle has the facts on his side and the state prosecutors are clueless idiots. Like this clip for example

The ADA really seems to have no clue what he is doing
“There’s fires all over the place”.

But remember these were protestors, not rioters.

what an idiot that ADA is.
My take on the Rittenhouse trial is a simple one. Many of the people out there protesting (rioting) were not from that area either. blm and antifa are always bussed in from other areas in which they have a right to be. So, that is not indifferent to Rittenhouse also being able to travel about the country where ever he wants to go as do we all. At no time in yours or my travel should we either be impeded or attacked with the intent to harm us whether it be the intent to kill (which one rioter said) or just to beat you down. That is not the America we live in (at least not the one I live in) and we have the constitutional right to defend ourselves. Those idiots would be alive today had they just not attacked. If I am out and carrying and some one attacks me or my family, I would shoot too. Simple really.

With that being said, I would not go into a volatile situation like that knowing that these were thugs (blm and antifa) ready to attack, beat up, and or kill who ever got in their way unless I was deputized to do so.
I’d like to hear the process of how this article came to be.

Editor: Alright. What do we got?
Julie: It’s a piece about this woman who’s married and has a good sex life and they have two kids but he’s also into dudes.
Editor: Ohhhkay. Are they famous?
Julie: No
Editor: Are they a politician or some notable position?
Julie: No. He just has a long beard and he’s gay!
Editor: Julie, that just means he’s bis...eff it, print it!
I’d like to hear the process of how this article came to be.

Editor: Alright. What do we got?
Julie: It’s a piece about this woman who’s married and has a good sex life and they have two kids but he’s also into dudes.
Editor: Ohhhkay. Are they famous?
Julie: No
Editor: Are they a politician or some notable position?
Julie: No. He just has a long beard and he’s gay!
Editor: Julie, that just means he’s bis...eff it, print it!

Plot twist.

The editor is the gay man sleeping with the husband
My take on the Rittenhouse trial is a simple one. Many of the people out there protesting (rioting) were not from that area either. blm and antifa are always bussed in from other areas in which they have a right to be. So, that is not indifferent to Rittenhouse also being able to travel about the country where ever he wants to go as do we all. At no time in yours or my travel should we either be impeded or attacked with the intent to harm us whether it be the intent to kill (which one rioter said) or just to beat you down. That is not the America we live in (at least not the one I live in) and we have the constitutional right to defend ourselves. Those idiots would be alive today had they just not attacked. If I am out and carrying and some one attacks me or my family, I would shoot too. Simple really.

With that being said, I would not go into a volatile situation like that knowing that these were thugs (blm and antifa) ready to attack, beat up, and or kill who ever got in their way unless I was deputized to do so.
A lot of people were there doing what Kyle was doing. They were all protecting their town and businesses. Maybe you’d have a different take if it was your town.
I'm actually reading this article. This is utter horse shit. How is this Journalism?

"But supporting a Black candidate hardly precludes voters from harboring racist beliefs and motivations. Republicans are increasingly more likely than Democrats to hold prejudiced views of minorities, so Black Republicans like Sears often draw especially strong support from white Americans with otherwise anti-Black views simply because they draw most of their support from Republican voters.

A clear example of this was in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Ben Carson made a bid to become the GOP’s first African American presidential nominee. Support for Carson was positively correlated with the belief that Black Americans have too much influence on U.S. politics, according to data from Washington University in St. Louis’s American Panel Survey (TAPS) in late 2015:"

Again, much of that relationship is down to partisanship — Republicans are more likely to hold prejudiced views and also more likely to support a Republican candidate. But that’s the point: For many white GOP voters, anti-Black views don’t seem to get in the way of supporting a Black Republican.


But they're basing this off of this graphic Haha



So you're racist if you have the absolute knowledge that blacks commit more violent crime and if you thought blacks had too much influence- aka call you racist all the time, affirmative action, race riots, mandatory hires, non-stop lectures and racial discrimination, etc.

"Put another way: Racially prejudiced white voters are not opposed to Black candidates simply because they are Black, but because they believe that most Black candidates will fight for “those people” and not “people like us.”

😂 Oh you mean, fight for Americans with the same value system instead of Democrats who are openly hostile and racist toward those not like them while acting with tribalism? You think I'm racist for favoring Thomas Sowell over Joy Reid?

BREAKING NEWS: Conservatives prefer conservative politicians over Democrat politicians regardless of race!
But they're racist cause we say they are.
The contortions they have to twist into in order to keep playing the race card ends up making them look like the most racist of all.
A lot of people were there doing what Kyle was doing. They were all protecting their town and businesses. Maybe you’d have a different take if it was your town.
Don't see where my take should be different. I am not talking about people with businesses nor did I say he was wrong. My post simply stated that we all have the right to go where we want in this country without being impeded mainly pointing out that he had a right to be there. Sure the rioters were wrong for destroying property and nowhere in my post did I say they were right about that. I simply stated they have a right to be there publicly too. I also said that basically if I were Rittenhouse probably would not have gone unless deputized to help. He came from Illinois. He said he came to protect businesses but, were any of those his businesses? The state of Wisconsin records says there is no record of him or his family owning any business there.

Maybe you should reread the post.
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were not from that area either.
But, he was.

His parents were divorced. His address is officially at his mothers across the state line.

His father, as well as his grandmother, live in Kenosha. He was in Kenosha more days out of the week than not.

It was his community. The left has been acting like he drove up four hours from down state Illinois.

muh statelines.

All of the replay of this trial is still up on YouTube. The bullshit the prosecution tried to throw at this boy is despicable.
But, he was.

His parents were divorced. His address is officially at his mothers across the state line.

His father, as well as his grandmother, live in Kenosha. He was in Kenosha more days out of the week than not.

It was his community. The left has been acting like he drove up four hours from down state Illinois.

muh statelines.

All of the replay of this trial is still up on YouTube. The bullshit the prosecution tried to throw at this boy is despicable.
I LOATHE the media.

I'm getting to the point where I hate them more than liberals.
But, he was.

His parents were divorced. His address is officially at his mothers across the state line.

His father, as well as his grandmother, live in Kenosha. He was in Kenosha more days out of the week than not.

It was his community. The left has been acting like he drove up four hours from down state Illinois.

muh statelines.

All of the replay of this trial is still up on YouTube. The bullshit the prosecution tried to throw at this boy is despicable.
Ok, I stand corrected on that. But, was he protecting his house? Originally he said he was protecting a business which state records said they did not own a business in the state. Not withstanding I am not against his protecting himself and think that he should be not guilty.
Never let these assholes forget that they were full speed ahead on injecting every single person no matter the age on this BS experiment. sCiEnCe!!!!

The smugness of the covid cult is infuriating. You want to get it? Fine. IDGAS. But to try and mandate it for everyone else is pure insanity. God forbid someone makes a choice for themselves.

I still want to know the mental gymnastics of the pro abortion crowd being "My body, my choice" but then somehow throw that out when it comes to this jab. Oh but a leftist will say "How can you be against abortion and then freedom of choice for the jab?" Quite easy, really---I'm not in favor of you ripping the limbs off a child and vacuuming its brains out as a form of birth control.
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