How will they rule ??!

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Y'all remember that time Hillary suicided some guy and then they left a note that he supposedly wrote that said 'no foul play'. We talked about it a lot on here. You know the cops didn't buy that, they aren't that dumb. The note was a warning to the 'you got families, it ain't hard to suicide someone sergeant'.



Haha that’s multiple countries now that are slowly backing down with their vaccines.
Well that’s because those countries don’t have the science, AKA Anthony Fauci, to guide them and have totally consistent takes based in nothing but science that are never contradicted by the data or the science 2 days later.

Haha that’s multiple countries now that are slowly backing down with their vaccines.
Never let these assholes forget that they were full speed ahead on injecting every single person no matter the age on this BS experiment. sCiEnCe!!!!

The smugness of the covid cult is infuriating. You want to get it? Fine. IDGAS. But to try and mandate it for everyone else is pure insanity. God forbid someone makes a choice for themselves.

I still want to know the mental gymnastics of the pro abortion crowd being "My body, my choice" but then somehow throw that out when it comes to this jab. Oh but a leftist will say "How can you be against abortion and then freedom of choice for the jab?" Quite easy, really---I'm not in favor of you ripping the limbs off a child and vacuuming its brains out as a form of birth control.
manafort now indicted for witness tampering. was sending encrypted messages to his ex ukrainian employer trying to change his testimony. and like Trump Jr should have done, they sent the messages to the fbi. manafort gonna have fun spending 10-20 in prison. a pardon wont even save him, soon as Trump does it Virginia will file charges against him. accepting the pardon is an admission of guilt and makes a very easy state trial.
It always makes me shake my head when I see wealthy white leftists living in white neighborhoods constantly going on and on about race. They're so sheltered, really.

It also reminds me of one of my professors, a lily white professor who went from Nebraska to San Jose. He would go on and on about black victimhood, peddling this stuff constantly and how they're getting the wrong end of the stick all the time. Coincidentally, he's the one who made us watch the five-hour Klan propaganda film Birth of a Nation.

All of my white professors were like this---ALL OF THEM. None of them ever stepped aside and gave their positions up for diversity though.
I want to tell ppl like if they really want to help race relations, to look in the mirror and tell that person to quit being so racist.

Haha even CNN isnt far enough left for people now. I find it hilarious that there are still people out there that act like gas prices arent high and that inflation isnt bad enough where people can see a difference with their day to day purchases.

The mental gymnastics of the lunatic left, is truly impressive. Gold medal impressive.
Yup that seems to be the talking point that went out in the memo for the left today.

They have realized there is no chance Kyle is going to be found guilty. And instead of them coming out and admitting they were wrong and wrongfully made this kid guilty in the public eye. Theyre going to blame it on the judge. There is no way anyone can watch this trial and not come away thinking Kyle is innocent.

Haha even CNN isnt far enough left for people now. I find it hilarious that there are still people out there that act like gas prices arent high and that inflation isnt bad enough where people can see a difference with their day to day purchases.

The mental gymnastics of the lunatic left, is truly impressive. Gold medal impressive.

Wow Rittenhouse takes the stand and breaks down. Hard to watch. Despite having overwhelming amounts of exculpatory evidence they're still putting this kid through this solely for politics and optics.

F$@k every single soul that had/has even the slightest hand in that process.

Even worse, it will still be a miracle if he isn't convicted. If he's acquitted, the libs will just let the town burn again.

Watching this entire process proves to me more than ever that we live in a failed state
Why did he have to take the stand?
Why did he have to take the stand?
He didnt need to and I saw a lot of people on the right this morning questioning the move. But as of right now it seems like a smart move. I think it was pretty clear what the defense was doing with him, they wanted to humanize him. They wanted to show he was just a kid trying to do the right thing and ended up having to defend himself. I think they portrayed that very well. I also think they had enough faith that Kyle has the facts on his side and the state prosecutors are clueless idiots. Like this clip for example

The ADA really seems to have no clue what he is doing
It shows how much the Democrats are scared of Trump.
Where is that 58% number coming from?

Also, you’re willfully buying into media narratives, that we know are lies, why?
Trump is under, 42-52, in approval across all of RCP's polls. Just saw the 58% poll today. Where?

I don't have to buy into any narratives since I have my own free mind. You're also free to believe any narrative is a lie.

But my personal narrative is tons of white women hate Trump & he'd make Conserves chances of winning Prez in 2024 tougher than they need to be. Youngkin won VA by 2% because he got lots of white women on his side. Trump has no chance in VA. Lost by 5% in '16 & 10% in '20. You think he can ever do as well as Youngkin? LMAO.
Technically he didn't have to but you do if you want to win. Self defense is a matter of intent and belief at the time. Noone can speak to that better than the defendant.

The issue is it should've never been prosecuted at all.
I thought people said he had case won. If so, don't see risking a screw-up.

This is just the beginning. I can personally tell you for a fact some major players in that arena have major shifts planned in the next few years. It might not become reality, and I hope it doesn't, but it certainly won't be for lack of effort. You the individual will need to be vigilant against any incremental change or messaging focused on equity of health outcomes.

It isn't incompetence. They know full well it's bs because covid was the perfect example. Everything was free, yet still greatly varied outcomes. It's a calculated effort to fundamentally shift this nation into socialized medicine and it's one major player's intention push this in hopes of winning a top seat at the table.
I thought people said he had case won. If so, don't see risking a screw-up.

Read my post again. Self defense is an affirmative defense and is a matter of intent. Intent goes to the jury every single time. The defendant's testimony is the only direct proof of intent. Plus he was an excellent witness.

If he doesn't testify, you have to argue only burden of proof. Maybe they still win but this definitely increased their odds

Haha even CNN isnt far enough left for people now. I find it hilarious that there are still people out there that act like gas prices arent high and that inflation isnt bad enough where people can see a difference with their day to day purchases.

The mental gymnastics of the lunatic left, is truly impressive. Gold medal impressive.
Most of these types in D.C. and NYC do not drive so they have no effing clue and do not care one iota about gas prices.
Supporting black ppl is now racist

Could not believe it wasn't Babylon Bee.

There's not a single thing one can do as the left will call you racist no matter what. WGAS? Not voting black person is racist. Voting a black Republican doesn't count and you're still racist. You can only be non-racist if you vote for the black Democrat or the very old white Democrat. That's how it works.

Let's take a look at the authors.



Michael also wrote

Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats By Michael Tesler

Definitely some gems.
Last edited:
They broke the same law twice in one year. I mean... that’s criminally impressive for a company.
Again, I was blasted a few years back for mentioning what Kevin Trudeau was trying to bring to the fore front regarding big Pharma and the FDA. He was labeled a snake oil salesman, a conman, and a criminal and put in prison for what he was bringing forward. He was trashed by the media and everyone else.

He was right.
Then the prosecution claims this kid had a responsibility to listen to rioters to not put out fires...lololol

But, glasses ada was really bringing it home with the follow ups:

"Normally, people would call 911 and the fire department would put it out."

"You aren't qualified. You shouldn't have been there. You were really asking for it wearing that short skirt."