I've said this before but I'd hate to take DeSantis from Florida for a federal position. We should be focused on local government so much that we have a Ron DeSantis as a governor for all of the states that aren't a lost cause so you can protect yourself from the federal government to an extent.
I don't know who else we got who can run for president who could generate a huge turnout like Trump did but we have to get someone that's not Trump. Granted, we won't really see things unfold until 2023 but I'm not sure who we could put up for president that could get Trump momentum short of possibly DeSantis. We'll know more by midterms but Republicans have got to focus on stopping the cheating BS that's allowed to occur in ATL, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee.
Personally, I dream of a scenario where states get to tell the federal gov't to get effed.