How will they rule ??!

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They are slow and hopeful something leaks today on Trump but the media is turning on Clinton.
Dude, what's happening with Hillary, the DNC and possibly the Obama administration is the MOST CORRUPT sequence of events in the history of US politics and you're hoping for a leak on Trump? Short of throwing blacks, gays and Muslims off of the Trump Tower, there's absolutely NOTHING that he could have done or said that comes close to the government corruption coming from HRC and her people. Government corruption - not words or any of the BS coming from the MSM about Trump. Her stuff matters to everyone in this country and it is despicable.
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Dude, what's happening with Hillary, the DNC and possibly the Obama administration is the MOST CORRUPT sequence of events in the history of US politics and you're hoping for a leak on Trump? Short of throwing blacks, gays and Muslims off of the Trump Tower, there's absolutely NOTHING that he could have done or said that comes close to the government corruption coming from HRC and her people. Government corruption - not words or any of the BS coming from the MSM about Trump. Her stuff matters to everyone in this country and it is despicable.

What are you talking about? You may want to read what I said.
This is, to me, worse than anything else that has been uncovered. The Leviathan using it's weight to penalize wage earners and employers for political gain.

I think what disturbs me most is the complete helplessness even a giant chemical company must feel when they are being barraged by unaccountable bureaucrats who make the rules up as the go. Imagine pleading your case before a judge and you lay out perfectly logic and irrefutable proof you are innocent, only for the court to say, "hmm, still guilty." Kafka should be required reading in public schools
Take the time to read that link. This is yet another example of Hillary committing treason against the American people in the interest of a foreign entity for monetary gain. How many times has she put her interest in money and power above the interests of our country? Does it matter since once is too many?
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Twitter blocked #Hillaryforprison from trending so now #Hillaryfromprision is trending. They constantly change the spelling of any negative Dem trend. A couple of popular ones...

Hillarysemail to hillaryemail, hilaryemail
DNCLeaks to DNCLeak
PodestaEmails to PodestaLEAKS

Happens every freaking time.
Media bias is my thing. Irritates to no ends - almost as much as the invariable refusal to acknowledge from the left. Heard Mark Cuban being interviewed yesterday, denying it all - Trump gets what he deserves, he sees no evidence that there is hostility among media at large towards Trump, etc. etc.

Any of you seen a good listing of what we've learned this cycle about media bias from Wikileaks or where ever? Were I more enterprising and less lazy, I'd compile a list myself. But no.
At what point will individuals like Mark Cuban start to disassociate themselves with Hillary to keep their own reputations from being tarnished?
My fever dream of this thing going to the House with GayJay as the compromise pick serves a dual purpose of making sure Bill Weld is nowhere near the executive branch. Eff that loser
Media bias is my thing. Irritates to no ends - almost as much as the invariable refusal to acknowledge from the left. Heard Mark Cuban being interviewed yesterday, denying it all - Trump gets what he deserves, he sees no evidence that there is hostility among media at large towards Trump, etc. etc.

I stopped watching most TV a few years ago, maybe five. I still watch shows, but I don't plop my ass on the couch at 7pm and channel surf for 3 hours before bed anymore. I remember feeling absolutely disgusted with the things I was hearing/seeing, more specifically, the ideals and social constructs that just felt so forced upon me that it caused me to feel almost ill when I'd watch TV. And I mean ALL TV. News, series, reality, sports... all just a vehicle of shit designed to force opinion on the viewer rather than entertain or inform.

I just chalked it up to getting older and becoming more disconnected from society and what this culture has become... I'm now starting to think my subconscious was just smarter than I am and it recognized what was going on.
President DJT working to expand the electoral map even further... about to speak in Michigan. Two speeches in The Great Lake State today!

How ANYONE in Michigan who isn't an outright communist could support that hag and her policies which will DESTROY a state like Michigan even further is mystifying...
Donald will likely shut down marijuana, no? That's about all Michigan has going for it.

What. What. How. Why.

650k emails? What in the f are we doing. Why are these weirdos sending that many emails. Can you imagine what the disappeared ones say?

Nevermind! Let's expand the e-world! Jim Gray bringing gigabit to Crows Foot ky so they can mine bitcoins!!! Yayyyy. Let's put all medical records in the e-sphere!!!! YAYYY!!!!!

We are so greedy. Greedy af.

I'm pissed. You know damn well nothing will come of this, especially this where the FBI already looked dumb as hell the first go around.

Just get this shit over with and let's eat Arby's. I hear they have a new venison sandwich coming.
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Donald will likely shut down marijuana, no? That's about all Michigan has going for it.

What. What. How. Why.

650k emails? What in the f are we doing. Why are these weirdos sending that many emails. Can you imagine what the disappeared ones say?

Nevermind! Let's expand the e-world! Jim Gray bringing gigabit to Crows Foot ky so they can mine bitcoins!!! Yayyyy. Let's put all medical records in the e-sphere!!!! YAYYY!!!!!

We are so greedy. Greedy af.

I'm pissed. You know damn well nothing will come of this, especially this where the FBI already looked dumb as hell the first go around.

Just get this shit over with and let's eat Arby's. I hear they have a new venison sandwich coming.
Trump has said he will leave weed decisions to the individual states.
Wonder if any of the newspapers that previously endorsed Hillary will either retract their endorsement and go neutral and/or switch it to Trump. At what point do they say enough is enough?
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CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile
By Hadas Gold

10/31/16 12:36 PM EDT

CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile sharing questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation.

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CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile
By Hadas Gold

10/31/16 12:36 PM EDT

CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile sharing questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation.

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She sould sue. everyone knows they gave her the questions. nor firing her for it.
CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile
By Hadas Gold

10/31/16 12:36 PM EDT

CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile sharing questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation.

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Why? She only did what CNN wanted her to do. Every host on CNN has been in the tank for Hilary from day one. CNN needs to fire itself.
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I stopped watching most TV a few years ago, maybe five. I still watch shows, but I don't plop my ass on the couch at 7pm and channel surf for 3 hours before bed anymore. I remember feeling absolutely disgusted with the things I was hearing/seeing, more specifically, the ideals and social constructs that just felt so forced upon me that it caused me to feel almost ill when I'd watch TV. And I mean ALL TV. News, series, reality, sports... all just a vehicle of shit designed to force opinion on the viewer rather than entertain or inform.

I just chalked it up to getting older and becoming more disconnected from society and what this culture has become... I'm now starting to think my subconscious was just smarter than I am and it recognized what was going on.

Same here, except I stopped watching it about 15 years ago.
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