How will they rule ??!

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Ouch, this is WAY awkward. Huma and Weiner in the same room when the TV comes on with breaking news of his dick picks. Unbelievable. Obviously the first time either had heard the news. Watch both of their faces during the last 20 or so seconds.

The only thing awkward about thst is how fake their marriage is. neithwr of them gave 2 shits about the other. she wasnt upset or hurt. he wasnt worried about her being upset or hurt.

All they cared about is how to spin it. how it would affect their careers/campaign.

Probably dont care about eachother because shes a jihadi and hes a child molester.
So according to the WSJ Article, the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation for influence peddling, and wanted to ramp up the investigation, but the DOJ would not give the authority.

Wouldn't that be highly relevant information that the electorate should know? Why is THAT not the story here? I mean, to hell with the e-mail server, even though that shows she was reckless with national secrets, that does not remotely compare to intentional corrupt behavior. That should be big news.
So according to the WSJ Article, the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation for influence peddling, and wanted to ramp up the investigation, but the DOJ would not give the authority.

Wouldn't that be highly relevant information that the electorate should know? Why is THAT not the story here? I mean, to hell with the e-mail server, even though that shows she was reckless with national secrets, that does not remotely compare to intentional corrupt behavior. That should be big news.
"Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn't know because they might reflect badly on Democrats."
I hate Trump and would only vote for him if his opponent were Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot etc.

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Well maybe if Clinton keeps pushing Comey he will lay it out there and the public puts so much pressure on Lynch that she resigns because theTrump wave is coming and they can not stop.

The more people try the more their corruption seems to make it bigger and bigger. At some point it's best to tuck tail and get some damn cover.
Of course, right? Ha. He's been in the running for 18 months and this info just so happens to come out a week before the election?

What are they going to do this time? We've already got the rape and sexual assault stuff, what new theme do they have now? Theft? Murder? Putin texts? Ha.

Eff all of them. The Clintons are a crime family. This country needs to get rid of the Clintons and the Bushes types.

C'mon, America. Please, do the right thing and kick the Clinton family to the curb. Save the country.

**** anyone that would seriously vote for the Clinton crime family.
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lol not buying a second of any of this shit. Dam I hope it's true. But hopefully real Republicans got the memo.

Cheat, lie, make shit up to win the white house.

Liberal media and pathetic Dems best and only hope to win.
I know someone that was in the NYPD for nearly 20 years. Might send him off a message tomorrow and see if hes heard anything about that.
I'm as big a conspiracy nut as you'll find, but there is NO WAY that Hilldog -- as wretched as she is -- is the head of an international kiddie-porn/child sex-slave ring. No way.

I don't think so either. Bill maaaaybe. We know he liked to take trips to the underage islands, courtesy of the "Lolita express". But I just dont see it.

It's something bigger in scope than that.
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Doesn't have to be the leader to be connected. I mean at this point just getting proof to going there and having kids please her ends her BS.

Also those deleted emails pop up and I'm sure there is enough politically to show cause for a real investigation into the Foundation.

Wouldn't be surprised at all at the stories of the DOJ shutting down the investigation and the FBI backdooring their way to get it going.
HUGE, beautiful "HILLARY FOR PRISON" banner being held up squarely behind world series post game panel, right between Alex Rodriquez and Pete Rose after game 5 tonight!! Broadcast making very little attempt to hide it. None actually. Fans seems to be JUST A-O-K with it!! Just beautiful !!! CUBS WIN!! CUBS WIN!! CUBS WIN!!
HUGE, beautiful "HILLARY FOR PRISON" banner being held up squarely behind world series post game panel, right between Alex Rodriquez and Pete Rose after game 5 tonight!! Broadcast making very little attempt to hide it. None actually. Fans seems to be JUST A-O-K with it!! Just beautiful !!! CUBS WIN!! CUBS WIN!! CUBS WIN!!

I was dying laughing at it. Posted and tweeted it out too.

God dam awesome for whoever pulled that off.
We cannot elect this monster. Seriously, I want nothing to do with any POS that would vote for her after all of this.

Bury this evil scum.
There better be an unprecedentedly significant swing in polling when they come out later this week...

This is a crisis, a constitutional crisis if hrc wins... I used to think this country was above this, that the checks and balances would see her through. When this happens in smaller countries there are juntas or civil wars or they get invaded or whatever.

These people are such idiots they are going to go to their polling places next week and essentially vote some chode Kainefor president
There better be an unprecedentedly significant swing in polling when they come out later this week...

This is a crisis, a constitutional crisis if hrc wins... I used to think this country was above this, that the checks and balances would see her through. When this happens in smaller countries there are juntas or civil wars or they get invaded or whatever.

These people are such idiots they are going to go to their polling places next week and essentially vote some chode Kainefor president

There should be a test to qualify for voting. Her supporters are so GD stupid.
How would you like to be an aspiring journalist and then get a dream job with some MSM only to find out that your bosses are limiting your ability to inform the public of truth.

Aspiring reporter: "But sir, we have evidence that Hillary committed treason."
MSM boss: "I DON'T CARE!! I want you to write that article about that cat with two different eye colors"
How would you like to be an aspiring journalist and then get a dream job with some MSM only to find out that your bosses are limiting your ability to inform the public of truth.

Aspiring reporter: "But sir, we have evidence that Hillary committed treason."
MSM boss: "I DON'T CARE!! I want you to write that article about that cat with two different eye colors"

Oh, I have no doubts this constantly occurs.

Every journalist grows up probably idolizing the Woodward and Bernsteins that took down Nixon and thinks every story they're going to write is juicy only to end up covering total garbage like you mentioned.

That's what happens when entertainment is valued over news and when the left controls the majority of MSM.
I've noticed a slight change in my twitter democrats lately. It now has more of a "fine she might be a little corrupt, but Trump is corrupt too!" tone than before when they were completely dismissive.
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Welp I'd imagine any of the bombs either side have been sitting on will all drop this week. Going to be fun.
Ha.....Scarborough openly pleading for *any* high ranking Clinton campaign or Dem to come on Morning Effing Joe, but they won't. Oh, Ed Rendell tomorrow but nah. I mean, Mike Barnicle is offering free handies but nothing.


Wouldn't it be glorious if 2016 was the year that corruption got a big middle finger? Seeing UNC lose on a buzzer beater in the national title and possibly seeing Hillary Clinton finally get her comeuppance and lose, would easily make this one of the best years in America history.
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I've noticed a slight change in my twitter democrats lately. It now has more of a "fine she might be a little corrupt, but Trump is corrupt too!" tone than before when they were completely dismissive.

I lose followers nearly every time I bash Clinton but gain Trump supporters. What I have noticed from the left is them downplaying the whole thing (absolutely making false statements) and then beginning to personally attack me, Trump supporters and Trump himself. It's always the same "inbred", "racist" "xenophobe", "sexist" blah blah blah. I've also seen absurd claims like "I knew this would backfire for Trump. It has galvanized Hillary supporters. We got this."

Dumbest group of people I have ever seen in my lifetime.
Called it. Regardless of who you are, when you get too close to the Clinton's, it's always best to have a "life insurance" plan.
My Nam vet Marine uncle has been calling for this for the past week, telling me to be patient as morally bankrupt people involved in this level of corruption will turn on each other like rats when the heat is applied.
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Some other notes:

- Huma is nuts to keep the Clinton legal team....she's in deep shit. Much akin to Andre McGee keeping UL lawyers. Wieners computer is chock full of illegalities both political and otherwise. Expert on Hewitt this morning said it was likely everything Humanly did was backed up on Weiners server. Yikes.

- going to be a lot of career politicians and bereaucrats on the D side relieved she won't be potus.....sigh of relief for sure. She'd drop the iron curtain down in front of them and anyone not doing her bidding......shewwwwweeee
Not that many of us did not already know or at the very least suspected some shady stuff was going on in this administration and Congress, but the level of criminal and treason activity going on is at depths none of us ever thought could be possible. I hope the whole lot of them go down in flames for this. Biggest question will be if Trump truly has the guts (along with his administration) to go after these people. That includes POS like Mitch McConnell, Pelosi, probably Ryan, and many many others.

When Trump wins, he has a massive problem on his hands. He could spend everyday in his entire term(s) and still not be able to clean up the massive amount of corruption in Washington.

I truly believe this is our last chance to save this country. If Hillary wins we have completely lost our country and that includes Dems to. Most are too foolish to realize it now but they will soon find out much like they have with all of the corruption Obama's administration has conducted which anyone who did not support him knew was coming.