If they ban me, just going to have to return as "Let'sGoBrandon"
My first choice in a new screen name though would of course be as I have always said:
Not sure if there is a limit on letters for your screen name?
I'm a little embarrassed they have never banned me. They have deleted some of my messages, edited a few. I think maybe they sent me a warning once...I don't remember, but they never banned me. I remember once screwduke claimed they banned him. I never believed him, I think he claimed that sh-t for the street cred.
My first choice in a new screen name though would of course be as I have always said:
Not sure if there is a limit on letters for your screen name?
I'm a little embarrassed they have never banned me. They have deleted some of my messages, edited a few. I think maybe they sent me a warning once...I don't remember, but they never banned me. I remember once screwduke claimed they banned him. I never believed him, I think he claimed that sh-t for the street cred.