Would you be making the same argument had DeSantis mandated masks in all schools across the state? Or would you be saying that’s overreach and he should leave that decision to the local Governments?
So basically the political landscape of the locale is a deciding factor and you would be against a conservative locale making that decision for its constituents. Please just state the obvious, you want kids masked up everywhere and you don’t want parents to have that choice for their children.
What's more local that your own household?
Is that Matt Jones?
For the uptenth time, a cloth mask prevents NOTHING. Herd immunity is the only thing that will work.
You see what happens with these morons? They are incapable of learning anything.For the uptenth time, a cloth mask prevents NOTHING. Herd immunity is the only thing that will work.
DeSantis is more polarizing than Gretchen Whitmer? Gavin Newsom? Lori Lightfoot?, etc.
Or is it Amy McGrath?Is that Matt Jones?
You see what happens with these morons? They are incapable of learning anything.
Lower than the county level? What would that be, like a precinct?
Let me get this straight. If a precinct says no mask mandate, but the metro area (such as Orlando) says YES mask mandate, the metro would be wrong? So who overrides the City who is overreaching?
Oh yeah.
The governor.
Man, aren't you tired of self-owning???
The majority of them can wear masks, no one is stopping them.It sounds like we are talking beyond Florida so here is an example in NJ.
Union NJ is a town in NJ. It is in Union County. Union township is its own municipality. It has its own high school, police etc. There are many different towns and cities in Union County (Roselle, Hillside, Roselle Park, Clark, etc) so no, I would prefer for the State nor the County to make that decision for Union Township. The school board for Union Township who are accountable to the residents of Union Township should be deciding if the kids who attend school in Union Township should be masked.
Imagine parents in THAT town, going to school board meetings and town halls and the majority express a desire for a mask mandates but the mayor of Union Township and the Superintendent of Union Township Schools tell them that decision is out of their hands. The State or County Executive has determined what they can or can’t do.
No matter how you spell it out for this one, he won't get it.The majority of them can wear masks, no one is stopping them.
There is no benefit of wearing a mask over not wearing one, it’s simply a security blanket. Desantis is literally following the science, and yet he isn’t preventing anyone from wearing a mask, while other States are making it mandatory for all to wear one.
I'm not concerned about it, I'm vaxxed. I personally prefer no mask mandates as it's an inconvenience and it'd be beneficial politically. What I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy inherent in your position. Why does it make perfect sense to you to legally require people to wear a shirt for "decency" but not a mask to limit spread of a deadly disease during a global pandemic? Conservatives put tradition over logic every time.
How do you stop it? Nobody on our side knows how to fight these lunatics. We are always on the defensive. And our so-called 'party' either surrenders or fights by the rules of the Marquis of Queensbury and loses regularly.It’s past the point but still: this thing about the Rockies game is just a sad reminder of how liberals have warped this culture. Any fool who had seen the CovCath incident play out (or Smollet, or the garage noose, etc.) knew damn well that there’s no way that was real. (Common sense would tell you that you couldn’t shout that at an MLB stadium and remain anonymous). But the same gullible idiots ran with it anyway. They do it every time. They NEED race conflict. It’s all they have. We are all being used and abused by these assholes. It has to stop.
SIAP and TIFWIW. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/dr-ryan-cole-what-the-vaccine-spike-protein-does-to-the-body/
Couple the evidence in the video AND the comments from the left that I linked earlier in B Tatum's video ... I cannot (rationally) explain why people are not understanding of those who are willing to "wait and see"
This is another “there’s no evidence BLM protests are causing a spike but damned if the Sturgis bikers rally is going to be an epic super spreader grandma murdering event”
Like you and masks, I don’t care about decency either. I’m all for chicks parading around topless. Won’t get any complaints from me. But I also know that would lead to things much more harmful than Covid. You know such as sexual assault and rape.I'm not concerned about it, I'm vaxxed. I personally prefer no mask mandates as it's an inconvenience and it'd be beneficial politically. What I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy inherent in your position. Why does it make perfect sense to you to legally require people to wear a shirt for "decency" but not a mask to limit spread of a deadly disease during a global pandemic? Conservatives put tradition over logic every time.
Then their kids can wear a mask. Problem solved...It sounds like we are talking beyond Florida so here is an example in NJ.
Union NJ is a town in NJ. It is in Union County. Union township is its own municipality. It has its own high school, police etc. There are many different towns and cities in Union County (Roselle, Hillside, Roselle Park, Clark, etc) so no, I would prefer for the State nor the County to make that decision for Union Township. The school board for Union Township who are accountable to the residents of Union Township should be deciding if the kids who attend school in Union Township should be masked.
Imagine parents in THAT town, going to school board meetings and town halls and the majority express a desire for a mask mandates but the mayor of Union Township and the Superintendent of Union Township Schools tell them that decision is out of their hands. The State or County Executive has determined what they can or can’t do.
Umm. No. Most young people are liberal. It's when people grow up and actually start experiencing life on their own that they switch to a conservative view point. Unfortunately some people like you never make it out into the real world and keep living in their parent's basement.Luckily we don't need to rely on reproduction and indoctrination to maintain our numbers like y'all. Reality has a liberal bias and many young 'conservatives' realize that through education. But keep on home schooling, you'll maintain your iron grip on some of those poor stunted kids.
I heard you but there obviously isn’t a consensus on that. If there were, you wouldn’t have such varying messages. I hope you’re right but I have my doubts when you consider the variants.
People like his ilk don't see those last two things as bad or harmful. See Cuomo, Bill Clinton, et al.Like you and masks, I don’t care about decency either. I’m all for chicks parading around topless. Won’t get any complaints from me. But I also know that would lead to things much more harmful than Covid. You know such as sexual assault and rape.
No, I'm a superb teacher. You're just not actually a student.Perhaps you aren’t a very good teacher.
Science is NOT consensus. That nonsense was debunked during the global warming bullcrap.I heard you but there obviously isn’t a consensus on that. If there were, you wouldn’t have such varying messages. I hope you’re right but I have my doubts when you consider the variants.
Science doesnt say anything ...Science is NOT consensus. That nonsense was debunked during the global warming bullcrap.