How will they rule ??!

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I think it’s hypocritical to be against Governors mandating masks but be okay with a Governor mandating that local governments cannot implement.
Would you be making the same argument had DeSantis mandated masks in all schools across the state? Or would you be saying that’s overreach and he should leave that decision to the local Governments?
I would disagree with that particular decision. However, I think that would be better than a statewide mandate. Communities can vary so much culturally, demographically in one State and even in a County. I think the more local it is then the more power the people in THAT specific affected community has, which I believe is ultimately what most prefer. I actually would prefer such a decision go further down than the county level in some places. Each area may face its own set of circumstances separate and apart from their neighbors. Why not give the discretion they need.
So basically the political landscape of the locale is a deciding factor and you would be against a conservative locale making that decision for its constituents. Please just state the obvious, you want kids masked up everywhere and you don’t want parents to have that choice for their children.

Lol. That’s what you gleaned from all that?
He flat-out stated the vaccines lower your likelihood of severe illness which I'd think includes death, but the last is my interpretation. Said it in the 3:30-5:00 range. Didn't you hear him? Have a problem with what he said?
SIAP. Good view and probably will get banned soon.

Makes you wonder why most people can't see the truth. If you own cats or dogs or other animals that you take to a vet then you know that the corona virus has been around for a long time now. What that doctor expressed here Should be known by all of these so called experts like Fauci and I believe it is which brings me to the question of Why? Why are they making people vaccinate, lock down, wear mask, etc...most obvious point is, control. They are finding out how easily controlled the masses are. This need to be reposted and if you did not watch it yesterday, please do today.

I would disagree with that particular decision. However, I think that would be better than a statewide mandate. Communities can vary so much culturally, demographically in one State and even in a County. I think the more local it is then the more power the people in THAT specific affected community has, which I believe is ultimately what most prefer. I actually would prefer such a decision go further down than the county level in some places. Each area may face its own set of circumstances separate and apart from their neighbors. Why not give the discretion they need.
What's more local that your own household?
Yeah, the agenda of getting people vaxxed for their own safety. I commend him for his outreach but you won't see me doing it. If the anti-vaxxers want to die, go for it. Their choice, personal responsibility. Fewer Republican voters.
So African Americans are all now primarily republican? in a nonsensical binary. The guy that claims everyone is brainwashed by capitalism....turns out he's easily brainwashed by partisan talking points

The "I believe" science crowd...once again telling you upfront what that means. It's a religion used for political leverage....not actually looking at data.

In this case...who's actually vaccinated or rather anti vax or vax hesitant. Or that everyone must live in this dichotomy rather than most ppl maje decisions based on a political party...just like this, the overwhelming majority of unvaxxed are non political.

It's why they don't say anything about places like DC only having 40% of the population vaccinated....or why there's a spike in places like Los know total maga meccas
I'm a big supporter of the LGBTQ community. I encourage all leftists to be gay. That's less leftist idealogy being reproduced. Except for the fact that I'm not actively hoping people will die like you are, I suppose we aren't all that different.
Luckily we don't need to rely on reproduction and indoctrination to maintain our numbers like y'all. Reality has a liberal bias and many young 'conservatives' realize that through education. But keep on home schooling, you'll maintain your iron grip on some of those poor stunted kids.
Governing what people put on their body that doesn't defy obscenity or lewdness laws is ludicrous.
Why is it acceptable then if you care so much about 'freedom'? I'm much more likely to die from someone breathing covid on me without a mask than I am from seeing someone's privates.
He flat-out stated the vaccines lower your likelihood of severe illness which I'd think includes death, but the last is my interpretation. Said it in the 3:30-5:00 range. Didn't you hear him? Have a problem with what he said?
LOL, I think I'll take everything else he said around that statement, which basically justified not getting it DESPITE that. You heard blah, blah, blah until he said what you wanted to hear.

He also said that those who have already had the virus are at low risk and that getting vaxxed could actually exacerbate their problems.

I trust the guys qualifications to make the statements he made, and his comments told me as a person whose had it, that I should avoid the Vaccine.
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Luckily we don't need to rely on reproduction and indoctrination to maintain our numbers like y'all. Reality has a liberal bias and many young 'conservatives' realize that through education. But keep on home schooling, you'll maintain your iron grip on some of those poor stunted kids.

Cognitive dissonance has a "liberal" bias, namely a lack of experience and wisdom, and yes, intelligence too.

What's happened to you (pluarl) is this... your parents failed you and you areg going to fail your children; you will end up sandwiched between generations you "hate," never figuring out how wrong you were or why.

And that's best case scenario. Worst case, your communist delusions come to fruition and you will figure it out when the rubber hits the road, but by then it will be too late.
So African Americans are all now primarily republican? in a nonsensical binary. The guy that claims everyone is brainwashed by capitalism....turns out he's easily brainwashed by partisan talking points

The "I believe" science crowd...once again telling you upfront what that means. It's a religion used for political leverage....not actually looking at data.

In this case...who's actually vaccinated or rather anti vax or vax hesitant. Or that everyone must live in this dichotomy rather than most ppl maje decisions based on a political party...just like this, the overwhelming majority of unvaxxed are non political.

It's why they don't say anything about places like DC only having 40% of the population vaccinated....or why there's a spike in places like Los know total maga meccas
There are several communities who are resistant to getting the vaccine. Some have legitimate issues, some don't. In my opinion the benefits of getting the vaccine outweigh the risks. So I got it, for me. Everyone is free to make their own decision. Which they're doing. And when you run the numbers country-wide on who's getting the jab and who isn't, and who's winding up being hospitalized and dying and who isn't, they don't look very good for the Rs.
Luckily we don't need to rely on reproduction and indoctrination to maintain our numbers like y'all. Reality has a liberal bias and many young 'conservatives' realize that through education. But keep on home schooling, you'll maintain your iron grip on some of those poor stunted kids.
Why, because you busily aborted 50 million of your own voter base in the last 48 years so you have to import your voters from other countries via illegal immigration?

You'd best not be sneering, it's not a good look when you're actually the one scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Luckily we don't need to rely on reproduction and indoctrination to maintain our numbers like y'all. Reality has a liberal bias and many young 'conservatives' realize that through education. But keep on home schooling, you'll maintain your iron grip on some of those poor stunted kids.
ROFLMAO! Wow. Indoctrination is EXACTLY how people like you exist. It's PRECISELY the reason all these high schoolers and college kids with ZERO real life experience come to their line of thinking. You came to it by sitting in a classroom listening to indoctrinated professors pass along their ideologies to you and your classmates. But you think that makes you "educated" while us rubes who have lived, worked, earned degrees in professions that earn and produce, made careers and had families are "uneducated". THAT was OUR education. not absorbing philosophies or ideologies that have NEVER ONCE worked in the real world.
LOL, I think I'll take everything else he said around that statement, which basically justified not getting it DESPITE that. You heard blah, blah, blah until he said what you wanted to hear.

He also said that those who have already had the virus are at low risk and that getting vaxxed could actually exacerbate their problems.

I trust the guys qualifications to make the statements he made, and his comments told me as a person whose had it, that I should avoid the Vaccine.
I'm not rejecting anything he said. You're picking & choosing to fit your belief system.
Why is it acceptable then if you care so much about 'freedom'? I'm much more likely to die from someone breathing covid on me without a mask than I am from seeing someone's privates.
and you have every right to hole up in your house or wear a damn hazmat suit out in public if you're so concerned? or you could wear your own damn mask. That will protect you right? I mean masks work both ways right?
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and you have every right to hole up in your house or wear a damn hazmat suit out in public if you're so concerned? or you could wear your own damn mask. That will protect you right? I mean masks work both ways right?
No no, YOU are the devil because YOU want to infect everyone else and slaughter grannies, you Nazi. It's not his responsibility to look out for himself, it's YOUR responsibility to ruin your OWN life in order to accommodate his pathetic, wimpy little fears and offendedness.
and you have every right to hole up in your house or wear a damn hazmat suit out in public if you're so concerned? or you could wear your own damn mask. That will protect you right? I mean masks work both ways right?
I'm not concerned about it, I'm vaxxed. I personally prefer no mask mandates as it's an inconvenience and it'd be beneficial politically. What I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy inherent in your position. Why does it make perfect sense to you to legally require people to wear a shirt for "decency" but not a mask to limit spread of a deadly disease during a global pandemic? Conservatives put tradition over logic every time.
I'm not concerned about it, I'm vaxxed. I personally prefer no mask mandates as it's an inconvenience and it'd be beneficial politically. What I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy inherent in your position. Why does it make perfect sense to you to legally require people to wear a shirt for "decency" but not a mask to limit spread of a deadly disease during a global pandemic? Conservatives put tradition over logic every time.
Straw man fail. Reductio ad shirtlessness? That's super lame.

Covid isn't deadly. The survival rate is 99.97%. You wring your filthy hands over supposed covid deaths but you wink and nod over the thousands of covid positive illegals pouring over the southern border.

The only hypocrite is YOU.
college debt should not be universally forgiven. But it should not be exempt from bankruptcy. These kids made bad decisions they didn't fully understand. Stop federally guaranteeing student loans and then the market will actually appropriately adjust for the risk. Colleges will be forced to adapt and lower prices and wasteful spending to entice applicants. Right now they can raise prices without concern because kids just get a federal loan without understanding the cost to them down the road. If you absolutely have to get out from under the debt bankruptcy and its long term effect on your credit should be an option.
I live in Maryland. Just for the record, several days ago, I said that many leaders were making poor decisions. I mentioned Biden at the border and I mentioned DeSantis in Florida. Those are the two most polarizing leaders arguably. Someone asked me how DeSantis is messing up. I brought up what looks like overreach to me. That being his executive order preventing local governments and schools from making their own decisions on implementing mask mandates per cdc guidelines.

To review:

The border is horrendous in every way imaginable. Migrants with Covid are being allowed in.

DeSantis signed an EO that if any school districts implement mask mandates, they may lose funding. Although cdc guidelines recommend masking in schools. Florida Covid numbers including hospitalizations are up.

Aside from my OPINION that the DeSantis move is an irresponsible miscalculation that will harm him, putting that aside, what part is false?

Warrior said all of it is false
For the uptenth time, a cloth mask prevents NOTHING. Herd immunity is the only thing that will work.