How will they rule ??!

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If you end property tax on owner occupied properties, there is no incentive to assess homes and raise values for properties not changing hands. Sales values would still drive real estate prices, but values would not need to be reassessed. Insurance costs will not decrease and may in fact increase because most are based on replacement costs, estimated at 125% of assessed value, which already lags behind market values.

Homeowners insurance companies will likely increase rates because they will need to continually assess values to keep insurance for replacement costs relevant to actual market rates. The increase should, however, be much less than the yearly cost of property taxes. I'm gonna guess based on my time in the industry that 25-33% increase in HI premiums initially.
I’d take a $1000 hike in my Insurance if it meant I didn’t have to pay the $5000 in property taxes. That’s a net positive gain.
** Wise Words Department**

"The suggestion that liberals aren't moralizers is so preposterous it makes it hard for me to take any of them seriously when they wax indignant about "moralizers." Almost every day, they tell us what is moral or immoral to think and to say about race, taxes, abortion - you name it. They explain it would be immoral for me to spend more of my own money on my own children when that money could be spent by government on other people's children. In short, they think moralizing is fine. They just want to have a monopoly on the franchise."

-Jonah Goldberg

Finding massive fraud without arrest warrants being issued is just politicking. I've no interest in outrage mongering. Either arrest the people doing it or it means nothing. I don't care about firings. I don't care about public shaming. I want justice for what's been done to Haiti, to the US, to citizens, etc. Theater is just theater no matter by whom it is produced.

Justice is what matters to restore the republic and make it somewhat whole
This will be one helluva fight. Hopefully they can pull it off and end the brainwashing insanity that is the federal department of education.

I wish I saved the post, but one time I was explaining to Sambowie how his worldview was an indoctrination, that he was brainwashed socialist and then unwittingly indoctrinating children (his profession), to which he vehemently protested only to a few posts later say, "yeah, that's jjust what the rich want you to believe to keep us divided."

It was quite remarkable, just how unaware these people are. Then we got this new guy here, crying about how he was immediately disparaged as a commie, "ya'll just name call cuz you can't handle my brilliance!" only to a few days later start talking about "wealthfare" and how all our problems could be fixed if we just taxed the rich more.

They must fix education.
Think folks need to take a step back and have some patience with the DOJ when it comes to prosecuting folks and all. It takes time and a lot of work to build a strong enough case to put folks in prison. Bondi has been on the job for about a month. The Epstein documents will take some time to go through. My biggest concern right now is getting rid of the bad apples that are still causing issues in the FBI and other agencies. To me, that must be priority 1 right now. If nothing of substance has been done 6 months from now then let’s talk.
Think folks need to take a step back and have some patience with the DOJ when it comes to prosecuting folks and all. It takes time and a lot of work to build a strong enough case to put folks in prison. Bondi has been on the job for about a month. The Epstein documents will take some time to go through. My biggest concern right now is getting rid of the bad apples that are still causing issues in the FBI and other agencies. To me, that must be priority 1 right now. If nothing of substance has been done 6 months from now then let’s talk.

I agree about prosecution but this is just releasing documents. Releasing documents in today's world is easy. You can even run them through ah automated redaction to make sure nothing gets missed. Takes a few seconds.

I don't expect anyone of note to get prosecuted. St most it will be underlings that get thrown to the wolves in hopes of appeasing us, but that's at most.
Any more examples? If true that is wrong. War times create brutal conditions.
I can list dozens of examples of Putin doing worse things to his own people and others.
The US did some crap as well.

In related news...

Hopefully it will change the name. Kroger Field is a stupid name IMO.

Why not Rich Brooks field or something like that?

Hard pass on Brooks. Most overrated coach here ever.

I know the woke crowd will never go for it, but lets embrace the bourbon industry for a change......100 Proof Field or Kentucky Bourbon Stadium.
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Not w/o reviewing them as ukalumni said. You can't just turn loose stuff like this when there are numerous potential legal ramifications.

The only legit legal reason to delay is something related to victim notification. If that was the hold up, they would've already said. So that isn't it.

If Kash is still going through "pages", sounds like its all paper copies. That is highly unusual for today, because the doj and us attorneys routinely use a file share service for voluminous discovery. I know because i tried several cases against them.

If its still paper, all they have to do is scan to pdf, which they undoubtedly have endless machines on hand just for that purpose. Its mandatory electronic case filing, so every piece of paper gets converted.

If its redaction, once converted to pdf they have special redaction programs too that can almost instantly redact whatever is needed.

There is no legitimate reason for this delay. Its a bureaucratic delay. I am guessing someone(s) from intelligence is blocking the release. We know Epstein was an intelligence asset and no doubt had troves of info used to leverage or develop further human assets. If they are active, those human assets need cover or extraction; or might legitimately need redacted out.

Im guessing intelligence is trying to redact so much that it rendere the release basically worthless, but the president and Kash isnt buying it. That would also explain why these are papers instead of pdfs, because it's housed with intelligence instead of doj.

Thats jmo.
We need people to be charged or nothing changes.

Here’s the problem- yes people should be charged and in jail. Many of them. But I don’t think Trump can manage that and keep his eye on the bigger things. I just think that it’s like an infestation of vermin. You can’t kill them one at a time.

Also, we all know how the media would frame this- “Trump continues persecutions of contractors, many of whom are minorities”.

An uphill fight. But hey, maybe it can be done.
The only legit legal reason to delay is something related to victim notification. If that was the hold up, they would've already said. So that isn't it.

If Kash is still going through "pages", sounds like its all paper copies. That is highly unusual for today, because the doj and us attorneys routinely use a file share service for voluminous discovery. I know because i tried several cases against them.

If its still paper, all they have to do is scan to pdf, which they undoubtedly have endless machines on hand just for that purpose. Its mandatory electronic case filing, so every piece of paper gets converted.

If its redaction, once converted to pdf they have special redaction programs too that can almost instantly redact whatever is needed.

There is no legitimate reason for this delay. Its a bureaucratic delay. I am guessing someone(s) from intelligence is blocking the release. We know Epstein was an intelligence asset and no doubt had troves of info used to leverage or develop further human assets. If they are active, those human assets need cover or extraction; or might legitimately need redacted out.

Im guessing intelligence is trying to redact so much that it rendere the release basically worthless, but the president and Kash isnt buying it. That would also explain why these are papers instead of pdfs, because it's housed with intelligence instead of doj.

Thats jmo.
Whatever is in there or related to it is evidently huge.

It doesn’t take this long to protect victims. What they’re really protecting are whatever intelligence services were connected.
This will be one helluva fight. Hopefully they can pull it off and end the brainwashing insanity that is the federal department of education.
Well, They will stop it at the federal level, but when left up to California to do things on their own, do you think it will get better or worse there? How about New York, or any other blue state for that matter? Will be an interesting battle in a purple state like Kentucky with a blue Governor and Red Legislature. Gonna make for some interesting debates come election time in the state.
Well, They will stop it at the federal level, but when left up to California to do things on their own, do you think it will get better or worse there? How about New York, or any other blue state for that matter? Will be an interesting battle in a purple state like Kentucky with a blue Governor and Red Legislature. Gonna make for some interesting debates come election time in the state.

It will get worse there but at least parents have the option to leave and go to a state that's better. Of course inner city kids will get screwed, but they were getting screwed anyway.

Plus if enough leave and their funding sinks, they'll eventually have to course correct.

I agree ky will be interesting. Andy installed his own kea people at the State level. Going to be a fight.
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It reveals just how effective the programming has been that some people watching the unraveling of the sweater thread line by thread line has them hating the puller rather than the knitter. Their crying for a return to the comfort of being completely, unknowingly surrounded by fraud is not much different than the cruel of the Israelites to return to slavery in Egypt in spite of the great events that led them out of it.

These same people are flailing about, flinging feces at anyone that is actually in motion trying to help or to prepare for the discomfort that is forthcoming. At some point with every great injury or wound, the healing cannot come without some painful effort. Rehab has to happen even through the discomfort.
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Imagine watching all of these Hollywood and network productions of spy thrillers and espionage thwarting fantasy series and not once understanding that the real threat was the govt itself. Jefferson, Monroe, and the like would be so disappointed if they traveled through time to see what this country they helped found has become. Disappointed, but not surprised, because they predicted it even as they tried to prevent it with their founding documents and the many years of debates that led to them.
Hopefully it will change the name. Kroger Field is a stupid name IMO.

Why not Rich Brooks field or something like that?
I'm all for a Rich Brooks field if he is willing to give several million to the football program. The loss of this Kroger guy is a bad thing for UK athletics. We need big money donors now more than ever.

On a separate note. The second you mentioned the name Brooks I could hear the stampede of feet hammering the earth in and desperate effort to get here just to tell us how much he sucked, and it didn't take long for them to arrive. I will stop there.
Think folks need to take a step back and have some patience with the DOJ when it comes to prosecuting folks and all. It takes time and a lot of work to build a strong enough case to put folks in prison. Bondi has been on the job for about a month. The Epstein documents will take some time to go through. My biggest concern right now is getting rid of the bad apples that are still causing issues in the FBI and other agencies. To me, that must be priority 1 right now. If nothing of substance has been done 6 months from now then let’s talk.
Agree. Plus once you go to all the work of bringing charges....what then? If it's in D.C. 99% chance they walk after the trial.
Of course some lowlife Democrats are going to skip the speech tonight. Whatever would they do when the mother of a slain daughter by an illegal speaks? Clap?? When it's announced that women's privacy in sports is protected? Cheer?

elfing losers.