How will they rule ??!

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@AustinTXCat how bout you go play in traffic

I'm not a closed minded idiot, so any time someone constructs a solid argument rather than just resort to name calling, I listen. I certainly would have had to hold my nose to vote for him in that case, especially if it was widely publicized that he did those things. However, Beshear being a complete MONSTER would have triggered my vote for Bevin regardless. I'm just glad I got out of Kentucky and am now in Florida. It sorta feels like I'm in one of the few free states left standing these days.

And full disclosure, I'm a Reds fan.
LOL. @TheFrontRunner isn't a Reds fan. Not at all. He lost a bet. To me. 😁 He has about 18 more days of typing that.
he US economy added 943,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate fell to 5.4%. Last month was also revised way up to 938,000.

KABOOM! way over estimate!

@AustinTXCat how bout you go play in traffic

Biden just can't stop winning for all you maga morons! He has almost brought back all the jobs the fatass cheeto destroyed. Soon to be the greatest economy in history!

* Yawn *

- Unemployment rate much lower under Trump before Democrats forced business closures and incited racial protests.

- Amazing what $1.8 T buys.

- Known, indisputable fact: Unemployment rate generally lower in states with Republican governors leading.

- Inflation running 3.5%. Every GD thing more expensive. Thanks, Joe!

- Your ass is still dismissed.
SMH. I just basically gave you an example (kids being abused because teachers out) if you weren't acting like such a disingenuous jackhole. 😅😅😅

Bevin's political demise isn't rocket surgery.
I know a lot people who didn’t vote for him because of that single incident. They didn’t Vote for a Beshear but they didn’t vote at all for governor. Said they couldn’t vote for either in good conscious. All Bevin had to do was shut up. He thought he was like Trump but Trump singles out the media, politicians and other leaders. Bevin went after state workers who vote and have families that vote. I voted for him but he was a moron.
Ran his mouth very stupidly was the biggest problem. If he had just kept his mouth shut he would've won just like every other statewide Republican candidate. Look at the margins for every other candidate. A lot of Republicans simply didn't vote for Governor.

IMO, he wanted to emulate Trump but that's basically impossible. Trump is a phenomenon.
They cheated is the entire reason he lost.
he US economy added 943,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate fell to 5.4%. Last month was also revised way up to 938,000.

KABOOM! way over estimate!

@AustinTXCat how bout you go play

Biden just can't stop winning for all you maga morons! He has almost brought back all the jobs the fatass cheeto destroyed. Soon to be the greatest economy in history!

Openly stating his actions are likely illegal. This from the Office of the Executive.

Only a chump like you would be cheerleading it.

Florida is now leading the nation in per capita hospitalizations for COVID-19, as hospitals around the state report having to put emergency room visitors in beds in hallways and others document a noticeable drop in the age of patients.

In the past week, Florida has averaged 1,525 adult hospitalizations a day, and 35 daily pediatric hospitalizations. Both are the highest per capita rate in the nation, according to Jason Salemi, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida.

I'll be honest. Who gives a shit? Cases mean nothing.
Once again, can you quote ONE GAFFE? LOL

There are DOZENS, right? So you should be able to identify one!

Bevin got the Trump treatment and DeSantis would get the same. The media would resort to LYING about DeSantis the same way they LIED about Trump.
Hell they already are pretty much calling DeSantis a murderer over covid.
I'll be honest. Who gives a shit? Cases mean nothing.

let’s see what happens but this is all going to ruin him politically. It’s dumb. But like i
said, let it play out.

This is how you handle a laughable joke of a "man" who has no idea who he is from one minute to the next.

Biden apparently has no clue what he is up against and his handlers better put a muzzle on him and find someone else to attack other than the Governor of Florida. If the media did it's job they would expose Biden as the fraud and fake he is. But that is not going to happen so he gets humiliated every day over and over.
let’s see what happens but this is all going to ruin him politically. It’s dumb. But like i
said, let it play out.

The left politicizes the virus because you are leftist scum, give two chits of an F about lives other than your own.

It's only politics and power for you, how to promote your sickness and unAmerican agenda. If there's one mistake that guy is not going tomake, it's bowing to so-called liberal politics and the media/puppeteers.

He's your president one day; revenge is going to be served on a cold dish.
The left politicizes the virus because you are leftist scum, give two chits of an F about lives other than your own.

It's only politics and power for you, how to promote your sickness and unAmerican agenda. If there's one mistake that guy is not going tomake, it's bowing to so-called liberal politics and the media/puppeteers.

He's your president one day; revenge is going to be served on a cold dish.

if he becomes president, that’s fine. Not sure what the revenge is. I will be ok. As long as he doesn’t seek being a media ho every chance, stfu and continue about the business of being POTUS. I could care less. This all started because I tried to show that most of these politicians are all the same and most, including the constituents are hypocrites. It’s ok. Most of us are and selfish as well.
if he becomes president, that’s fine. Not sure what the revenge is. I will be ok. As long as he doesn’t seek being a media ho every chance, stfu and continue about the business of being POTUS. I could care less. This all started because I tried to show that most of these politicians are all the same and most, including the constituents are hypocrites. It’s ok. Most of us are and selfish as well.

I'll also be fine... but the days of your communist BS will be over, all of it undone and the country will course correct back to where it belongs, namely America first.

Not everyone is as selfish as you, believe it or not, but all democrat socialists communists are. Your reparation dreams will never happen, best you're ever going to get is whatever socialist spending spree they manage to get through in the next few year$.
he US economy added 943,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate fell to 5.4%. Last month was also revised way up to 938,000.

KABOOM! way over estimate!

@AustinTXCat how bout you go play

Biden just can't stop winning for all you maga morons! He has almost brought back all the jobs the fatass cheeto destroyed. Soon to be the greatest economy in history!
Unemployment benefits were also cut in 25 states that libs wanted to continue. Weird how that works. Not to mention many schools are forced to reopen. Did you divide the private payroll vs the public one? Of course not. Not a big nuance guy are ya.

The ole Obama trick of "look at this job growth" govt jobs paid with taxes
I know a lot people who didn’t vote for him because of that single incident. They didn’t Vote for a Beshear but they didn’t vote at all for governor. Said they couldn’t vote for either in good conscious. All Bevin had to do was shut up. He thought he was like Trump but Trump singles out the media, politicians and other leaders. Bevin went after state workers who vote and have families that vote. I voted for him but he was a moron.
He went after a bunch of psycho commies who are bleeding the system dry. I know not everyone of them are marxist scumbugs but enough are that my opinion of and respect for "educators" is in the cellar.
Since the biden admin has given tyrannical unconstitutional authority to the cdc to make laws over private property, does that mean if you're a landlord you can just print money out to pay the mortgage...just like the government pays for things

Or how about landlords can just stop paying property tax?

Or income taxes get suspended for everyone?
he US economy added 943,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate fell to 5.4%. Last month was also revised way up to 938,000.

KABOOM! way over estimate!

@AustinTXCat how bout you go play

Biden just can't stop winning for all you maga morons! He has almost brought back all the jobs the fatass cheeto destroyed. Soon to be the greatest economy in history!
He went after a bunch of psycho commies who are bleeding the system dry. I know not everyone of them are marxist scumbugs but enough are that my opinion of and respect for "educators" is in the cellar.
As a whole in this state, my respect is in the cellar as well. Individually and among the rural areas of the state though, it is not. That group, for the majority, is largely conservative and want zero to do with Beshear or Liberalism in general. But they do want the legal contract they signed and were agreed upon by the state to be seen through. They’ve worked to earn that. They make themselves an easy target but to claim they are bleeding the system dry is a false take when you look at the history of how the system was abused and misused by legislators both D & R. Not to mention the wasteful spending in the state and add those abusing state social programs. I won’t put down anyone who has kept a job for years and continued to pay taxes and push towards retirement. Working people are my people whether I agree with them all or not. Until we start encouraging more young conservatives (especially males) to go into the field and call for change we’ll continue the downward spiral.
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