How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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ENLARDGED HEART WITH FLUID AROUND how can you not read what was written? Really dude, are you that dense? I really in my heart want to believe people like you do not exist...I'm losing faith and quickly..would your stance be the same if that was your kid, and please lord tell me this idiot cannot and will not ever spawn..
I'm not disagreeing with what they found. I'm saying that they haven't said the shot caused the condition. I.e., that B happened doesn't mean A caused it.
RINO existed long before Trump and it summed up McCain and Romney. Dem-Lite pieces of shit which is why Obama beat them.

I’ll take nationalism over the uniparty.
Sure it's been around for decades. Just that it's being used here now to define anyone who doesn't stoop before Trump. Changed the definition.
I can tell that you literally just fell off the turnip truck.

Democrats ran Kentucky for over a century and are the ones who got our Commonwealth in such poor shape to begin with.

Kentuckians finally realized Democrats had done nothing for them during all that time. They also realized that modern Democrats have completely gone away from constitutional rights and moral values.

Kentucky has been a Red State less than 20 years and the Republicans have over 100 years of Democratic crap to clean up.

Electing Andy has set us back another 4 years.
I have a friend with two lib daughters - who I've been friends with also since they were born. Both are highly educated & intelligent - except for the lib part. (Dad's not.) Both are totally fed up with teachers unions who kept their kids out of school till April, one in LV and one in Chicago. The Chicago one getting out to tOSU Town.
You need to do a little more research on the New Deal. Most economic studies indicate the New Deal actually prolonged the Great Depression. Those policies did nothing but strip away liberty and change the perception of government as an entity whose purpose is to protect liberty to an entity who is looked at by many people as something who should be taking care of them. It’s been one of the worst economic decisions ever made in this country And we continue to pay for it with our freedom.
Govt going door to door to see about the death vax that is killing people is the next level. Next is forced.

Shits getting amped up

More nonsense. Nobody should take the vaccine huh? So stupid, classic ReTrumpican. Freakin Tucker Carlson over here.
It's laughable. He negotiated a contract that paid Ernst and young basically double what Colorado paid to process about half the claims. He must've gone to the Obama school of negotiations.

Don't forget about the giant contract he signed with Salesforce in April or may of 2020 where he paid them millions to "get us back to work safely"....then proceeded to keep everything locked down until June 1 2021.

Of course anyone reading this thread back when the deal was signed remembers the direct trail I illustrated from Salesforce to the dnc and china. This was nothing more than a kickback and investment towards dnc backing of his political future. Same with lockdown and riots. So for Andy personally, it was money well spent.
You won’t see WKYT doing any investigation into this very suspicious activity. They’ve got their heads shoved up Andy’s ass too far.