How will they rule ??!

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Probably already posted here, but I don't think I have seen it.

Man's never known the truth. It's amazing. Is he the greatest bser of all time?

That whole ordeal would make a pretty juicy story for some young journalist.

Including dismissing a seasoned vet so he could appoint a ky Dem operative/family pal who was a bankruptcy lawyer with zero experience doing anything else.

Then throwing them under the bus to such an extent they resigned and committed suicide.

Quite the story indeed. Too bad the media is completely biased.
Offer you a Reds pride hat if you will take the vaccine...

No way you would turn down that offer.

Only if it was signed by Joey Votto.
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“The DA is Chesa Boudin, adopted son of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorne. Sound familiar? Boudin's real parents were both convicted of murdering two police officers in New York- they received 20 year and 75 year sentences. The san francisco DA was born to anarchists, then raised by two other anarchists. He is an anarchist: an anarchist is a criminal.”
I previously posted the Chinese news propaganda trying to mock the USA on July MSNBC, anchors like Chris Hayes treat Communist Party propaganda worthy of consideration:

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“The DA is Chesa Boudin, adopted son of Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorne. Sound familiar? Boudin's real parents were both convicted of murdering two police officers in New York- they received 20 year and 75 year sentences. The san francisco DA was born to anarchists, then raised by two other anarchists. He is an anarchist: an anarchist is a criminal.”
Imagine he is one of many that Soros $$$$ got elected.
Don't have to look too hard across the country to see what Soros' plan was.
Lol. I love how everyone ignores that God did not plop them down here. They too migrated. They were also savages who killed each other (and some who even ate others). They all conquered each other. They were not some unified group living in harmony. Just like blacks weren’t living in Wakanda all peaceful and thriving until evil whitey came with a butterfly net to capture them.

Dems love revisionist history.
Nothing like using fake white guilt as an opportunity to virtue signal. If she really felt guilt she would quietly donate money or do something. Instead she’s just making it about her.

Can’t say I disagree however, with this being a movement, I imagine that it’s probably more beneficial to have these types of things continue to make it out to the public. And she hasn’t done anything yet but we shall see. If she does do something, I think it’s awesome because while she herself had nothing to do with it as someone said, it appears she reaped the benefits of that labor. Inheritance is a powerful thing and the numbers say that certain segment of society hugely benefits from it and have for quite some time.
Can’t say I disagree however, with this being a movement, I imagine that it’s probably more beneficial to have these types of things continue to make it out to the public. And she hasn’t done anything yet but we shall see. If she does do something, I think it’s awesome because while she herself had nothing to do with it as someone said, it appears she reaped the benefits of that labor. Inheritance is a powerful thing and the numbers say that certain segment of society hugely benefits from it and have for quite some time.
Lol. Is welfare not the benefit of someone’s labor? Is Affirmative Action not also a form of getting something you didn’t deserve simply because of race?

Are race-based admissions and hirings not taking someone’s rightful spot?

The entire concept of reparations as you constantly pine for is a contradiction. You’re advocating to take away money from someone who didn’t do anything wrong and giving it to someone who did not work for it. There’s no end in sight for this as you will always want more. Your thirst will never be quenched. Like the mafia, the race hustlers will always keep coming back for more and more as all it takes is to cry racism for someone to open up their wallet.

You do not deserve a single thing you did not work for nor is anyone obligated to give it to you and the idea that you think because you’re black somehow means you’re entitled to a white person’s finances is absurd.

Tell you what, how about you give up using and participating in anything created by evil whitey?
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Lol. Is welfare not the benefit of someone’s labor? Is Affirmative Action not also a form of getting something you didn’t deserve simply because of race?

Are race-based admissions and hirings not taking someone’s rightful spot?

The entire concept of reparations as you constantly pine for is a contradiction. You’re advocating to take away money from someone who didn’t do anything and giving it to someone who did not work for it. There’s no end in sight for this as you will always want more. Your thirst will never be quenched. Like the mafia, the race hustlers will always keep coming back for more and more as all it takes is to cry racism for someone to open up their wallet.

You do not deserve a single thing you did not work for nor is anyone obligated to give it to you and the idea that you think because you’re black somehow means you’re entitled to a white person’s finances is absurd.

Tell you what, how about you give up using and participating in anything created by evil whitey?

What does affirmative action and welfare, both things by the way that benefit all types of people, have anything to do with ADOS? I said this to you previously. Being black has nothing to do with this. It simply happens to be that the majority of ADOS are black. Yet you keep saying that. You keep saying it because you know to admit otherwise causes your whole argument to crumble. Again let’s start there. This has nothing to do with many black people and it has nothing to do with many white people as well. I really can’t have a valid discussion with you until you can at least acknowledge THAT.
Getting them in position to take out any who oppose their way of thinking.

So is "demisexual" someone who is only attracted to Demi Moore? I'm getting confused with all this new terminology, why's it gotta be so complicated?

Or Demi Lovato. Not to many choices.

Seriously though here is the definition.
A demisexual person does not experience sexual attraction until they have formed a strong emotional connection with a prospective partner.

So basically you get a title for not putting out on the first date.