How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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FYI, like 2008 and 2012 there will be several drop in albanyish posters pop in if she keeps this lead. They love front-running and talking about winning like a 3rd grader on the playground.
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Cable bundles is the only thing that keeps CNN & MSNBC afloat. They don't pull in enough ratings to sustain themselves and are only kept alive by Time Warner and other cable companies forcing local cable distributors to carry all there programming or carry none. End cable bundles and those two little propaganda machines are done.
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Clinton Foundation lied. Actually gave no money to the Alliance's Healthy Schools Program. Wonder where that money went?

Same as Sen Grimes for you (although I never predicted Romney, but whatever, that is your standby lazy retort).

Burn...she was such an idiot. Couldn't say who she voted for President and Boom - over. Had a chance against McConnell, but ended up being a clown. Terrible investment. Terrible

Funny story, but a good friend of mine through high school (in NY) ends up becoming McConnell's chief of staff. Next time I am in DC, I'm going to visit and try to get a pic with Mitch. That would be awesome.
Burn...she was such an idiot. Couldn't say who she voted for President and Boom - over. Had a chance against McConnell, but ended up being a clown. Terrible investment. Terrible

Funny story, but a good friend of mine through high school (in NY) ends up becoming McConnell's chief of staff. Next time I am in DC, I'm going to visit and try to get a pic with Mitch. That would be awesome.
Heard Mitch would be the better looking of you two so, he probably would take one.
Careful, man. Back in like 2005/2007 I had a .gif avatar of a nail piercing a finger. 2 people complained about it and they not only removed it for me, I caught a 1-week ban for it. ****in fascists round here. Be aware.

They banned you for that?
I don't want to watch "that"....

Interesting realization.....was mocking the National Enquirer yesterday for their Hillary cover story because, well because it's the National Enquire and it's what they do. Now, with all the evidence being presented about the NYT, Google, CNN, etc. working directly with the Clinton/Dem team---is there really any difference in the level of integrity we should apply to either?
I don't want to watch "that"....

Interesting realization.....was mocking the National Enquirer yesterday for their Hillary cover story because, well because it's the National Enquire and it's what they do. Now, with all the evidence being presented about the NYT, Google, CNN, etc. working directly with the Clinton/Dem team---is there really any difference in the level of integrity we should apply to either?

Here's even more evidence of collusion. NYT sending first draft of a story to Hillary camp for approval (click on "view source" tab to view draft)

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“Well, I’m not a believer in term limits,” Trump said at the time. “If you don’t like someone, you push a button.” He later added, “I don’t know why it’s popular. I think it’s people who really press it who want to run for office and the only way they’ll get elected is, I guess, to term limit people out because they can’t win an election.”
Pretty ballsy---and the ultimate pandering--if Trump changed his position on term limits simply to garner votes. When did he say that cardkilla? Probably in the past couple of weeks...and a complete turnaround only days later. What a F'ing fraud.

It's just my opinion, but I'm pretty certain that everyone agrees with me, that any politician that changes their stance on a key issue should basically give up their right to hold a government position. We put our trust in them, vote for them...and then they get in office and do something completely different than what they promised. It's almost like they lied to us.

Liars. I don't like liars.

Thanks for pointing that out killa, job well done!!!
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“Well, I’m not a believer in term limits,” Trump said at the time. “If you don’t like someone, you push a button.” He later added, “I don’t know why it’s popular. I think it’s people who really press it who want to run for office and the only way they’ll get elected is, I guess, to term limit people out because they can’t win an election.”

Name a politician who hasn't changed their position on an issue. In 2008, Obama was against gay marriage. In 2012, Obama became so pro-gay agenda that I thought he was going give someone a BJ on live TV just to prove how much he loved gay people.
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No, every other poll didn't get it right in 2012.
The LA times poll consistently had Obama ahead by what he won by in the weeks leading up to the election. Using the exact same formula they're using now.

They also have a larger number of people than other polls. They do use the same people, but the same people aren't polled daily.

It doesn't claim to use electoral votes, it's a national poll.
But if it were a national election, Al Gore would have been elected in 2000.

They use 3200 people and poll about 450/day so that all are polled once per week.
Nate Silver predicts the national numbers to have a spread of only about 5% but the EC numbers, the only ones that count are much, much wider...347 to 191. That gives Hillary a pretty good margin of error. Silver could be wrong about FL, PA and OH and it still wouldn't matter.

How is the Daybreak poll different from other surveys?
The poll asks a different question than other surveys. Most polls ask people which candidate they support and, if they are undecided, whether there is a candidate they lean to. The Daybreak poll asks people to estimate, on a scale of 0 to 100, how likely they are to vote for each of the two major candidates or for some other candidate. Those estimates are then put together to produce a daily forecast.

The LA Times and Silver are very close on Trump's support @ 42-45%
“Well, I’m not a believer in term limits,” Trump said at the time. “If you don’t like someone, you push a button.” He later added, “I don’t know why it’s popular. I think it’s people who really press it who want to run for office and the only way they’ll get elected is, I guess, to term limit people out because they can’t win an election.”
So what, I liked you in the beginning and then found out what a jerk you were and changed my mind. It happens.
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Military people, I'm ignorant, so excuse me, but I've always wondered why the military community does not have a larger voice/presence. It seems to me, an ignorant, that our military is not respected by our current worldly leaders, and that whole mindset that is so popular amongst the educated, elites, etc. Military folks are America as far as I'm concerned. The most American. Their thoughts hold a lot more weight than normal citizens, for obvious reasons. I just don't see people speaking out on their behalf. Why? Like, Trump should have all these military leaders he's constantly referring on the TVs telling it like it is. Am I way off base? Or is just so frowned upon, disrespectful to be a whistleblower, or speak out against the govt even if you disagree with them? Whatever it is, I have the upmost respect for our military and strongly feel that they should have a larger voice/presence, especially as we continue to move forward with this global worldly union bullshit.

Lmao the podesta SS#. Obviously we need more transparency and more e-webs. Obviously.
So you really want our military involved in politics?
You might want to rethink that a bit.
[laughing] Dude from the O'Keefe video (Aaron Black) who coordinates the fake protest actually posed as a protester himself.

Protester signs read exactly as they wrote them out in Podesta's emails. This video pretty much validates what O'Keefe has put out in the last week. MSM now being scooped by a stay at home mom.

Candidates and/or parties colluding with SuperPACs is a big no no. Not much room for deniability now, regardless of O'Keefe's reputation.

I love that the emails continue to show how Dems view minorities. They're like token items to grab on a shelf to manipulate morons.
So you really want our military involved in politics?
You might want to rethink that a bit.

You might want to stfu and think, learn to read, etc. It's embarrassing how our military is viewed and treated by this administrations and it's 1000% because we are busy apologizing and kissing the worlds ass, some of the very worst the world has to offer, which is disrespectful as hell to the men and women and trans that serve this country to protect our freedoms, and things these countries want to destroy us for, you ignorant piece of shit. The military will save your ass again someday and you won't even know it.
Will you rupugs please take a step back and join Albany on the high road for once? Geez...

Im all for name calling, if you can back it up with facts, but come on...

Seriously, eff Dems and Muslims. It would be great if they could just deport Dems to Islamic nations.

Honestly, the left is filled with brainwashed sheep who refuse to step out of bounds in their indoctrination.
It is becoming very clear, the left is beyond radical and pure evil. We should not have to be governed by these psychopaths.

You hypocritical POS.

did somebody grab your p***y?

you're a reprobate.

Just b/c you had to go & act like a little bitch,.

As I said, its one thing to call a name, its another to actually back it up with actual facts vs feelings. Its understandable, you cons need your safe spaces for your feelings. Libs hurt my feelings. Libs are demons. The problem is most of you never back it up with facts. I mean, you have guys here who think posting a parking ticket from Wiki is "AHA!" and whats worse is there are AHA moments, they just dont seem to be able to distinguish what is relevant, or you have people who think the US is giving up control of the internet or have never given back anything to the community, but bitch about others.

Willy called it. Its emotional reasoning.
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[laughing] Dude from the O'Keefe video (Aaron Black) who coordinates the fake protest actually posed as a protester himself.

Protester signs read exactly as they wrote them out in Podesta's emails. This video pretty much validates what O'Keefe has put out in the last week. MSM now being scooped by a stay at home mom.

Candidates and/or parties colluding with SuperPACs is a big no no. Not much room for deniability now, regardless of O'Keefe's reputation.

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Except I didn't call him a name. I said he was acting exactly the way he was acting.

I admitted posting it wasn't right to begin with. All he had to do was ask & I would have deleted the the post, no problem. Instead he came at me a certain way, so I treated him in kind.

I'm a fairly reasonable guy. Just ask @BigSexyCat. He didn't like my avatar, asked me nicely to change it & I had no problem doing so, no questions asked.
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The dirty secret is that Congress will never pass term limits, even if Trump isn't just pandering. Perhaps Trump has really changed his position, perhaps he knows it's dead on arrival anyway.

moe_schmoe said: Cowards.

Are you seriously complaining, trying to call me out for calling CNN cowards for cutting a man's satellite feed just b/c he dared to mention wikileaks on air? Is this for real?

For someone always talking about others needing safe spaces, your sure are fragile.
The media stuff is maddening. I just keep going back to fn Eli Capilutou standing high on his podium and calling his gd student newspaper a antiquated propaganda rag all because they did their job, for the sake of the sexual assault victims, and students all over that campus. And not only did they get no credit from the damn president of their university, he belittled them, and sued them. And nobody cared. It's garbage. Take that example, multiply it, and that's what we're dealing with on a larger national scale.
The dirty secret is that Congress will never pass term limits, even if Trump isn't just pandering. Perhaps Trump has really changed his position, perhaps he knows it's dead on arrival anyway.
Don't need Congress. Can be done by 2/3rd's of States calling for a Constitutional Convention or the States can pass their own laws on term limits. Either way I would like to see 12 year Senate or House with no serving in one and then to the other. 12 years period.
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