How will they rule ??!

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Friedman of the NYT, not the Onion:

Thank God for WikiLeaks.

I confess, I was starting to wonder about what the real Hillary Clinton — the one you never get to see behind closed doors — really stood for. But now that, thanks to WikiLeaks, I’ve had a chance to peruse her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks, I am more convinced than ever she can be the president America needs today.

Seriously, those speeches are great! They show someone with a vision, a pragmatic approach to getting things done and a healthy instinct for balancing the need to strengthen our social safety nets with unleashing America’s business class to create the growth required to sustain social programs.
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A lot of truth to that. Some of the most positive and happy people I know are some of the dumbest as well. By dumb, they have no clue what is going on outside of their small little bubble. They do not keep up with the news, do not get on Social Media, etc. They live rather simple lives. When I sit back and think about it I wish I had their attitude about life. Would be much easier not giving a damn about most things and just live life to its fullest.

Same here man. Same here.
Willy we basically live in an e-world. Only going to get worse.

True, we are the dumbest animals on the planet bc we have rejected the planet, life itself. We think we can rebuild a planet.

Yeah, something to be said about that. But hey, at least we got Youtube.
Wikikeaks just dumped Podesta batch #12. Already some good stuff. Not very damaging, but more so embarrassing. I've heard Hillary is a lush. Must be the booze.

Why did she call herself a moderate?

I pushed her on this on Sunday night. She claims she didn't remember saying it. Not sure I believe her. We were speculating, that it may be a Don Baer intervention.

I mean it makes my life more difficult after telling every reporter I know she's actually progressive but that is really the smallest of issues. It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment.
Lol lex and gray are talking "gigabit" city again because lexgntoms lightning fast internet ain't fast enough so they need speeds 60x faster which requires city to install fiber optic allll over. Says he promised this in 2014, but project stalled because they had to get bids and figure out costs...lmao. Just saying it how it's worded. To make it seem like this is super important and our govt has been working very hard, even though they just now started thinking about costs...

Anyway, tech experts they asked said speeds like that ain't necessary, especially for widespread residential use. Google itself is re-thinking its model because they found They couldn't afford it.

Last, they need this for education. Some kids don't have internet. Lmao.

They asked city of google can't afford it, how can lex. "We have many investors lined up" lmaoooo. They don't even have bids. They have a gd hole in the ground.
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Did Robby Mook cover up sexual harassment/assaults within the '08 campaign?

I was recently contacted by a source who claims to have worked on the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign and is alleging that Marlon Marshall made unwelcome sexual advances and propositions towards women on the campaign repeatedly.

The allegation is that he would "corner women, make them uncomfortable and make suggestions about having sex."

The source also claims that Robby Mook was made aware of the issue, but declined to act on it or intervene because he is personal friends with Marshall.
Dated a girl in college that always said you can't rape the willing.......need more skanks like her IMHO.
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Your runaway winner for Dumbass of the Day? Russell Simmons!

"Russell Simmons joined Trevor Noah on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" on Monday to talk about "Muslims Speak Out," a project he formed to deal with Islamophobia, which he called "the worst scourge we have."

He told Noah that people misunderstand the Muslim community and that "99.99-tenths of them are not radicalized, right?" And then he added the kicker: "Probably more Christians are radicalized."

Of course, nothing of the sort is true, unless you accept the left's definition of radicalization, which says that religious objections to sex outside of the biblical definition of marriage—and perhaps refusing to bake a wedding cake or having the expectation of privacy in the bathroom—is exactly the same thing as throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning them to death. Simmons apparently thinks saying words that people find objectionable is the same as blowing people up."
Who knew?
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Friedman of the NYT, not the Onion:

Thank God for WikiLeaks.

I confess, I was starting to wonder about what the real Hillary Clinton — the one you never get to see behind closed doors — really stood for. But now that, thanks to WikiLeaks, I’ve had a chance to peruse her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks, I am more convinced than ever she can be the president America needs today.

Seriously, those speeches are great! They show someone with a vision, a pragmatic approach to getting things done and a healthy instinct for balancing the need to strengthen our social safety nets with unleashing America’s business class to create the growth required to sustain social programs.

Just wow? What do you even say to something this absurd?
How presidential of her! And she has the nerve to call me a deplorable. SMDH.
I was deployable when I served in the military and now according to Hillary I am deplorable. Well, the spelling is in the same ballpark, she's got that going for her, which is nice.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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You're right...The Right has clearly stepped out of bounds and selected a liberal, swindling, jack-off from NYC as their nominee.

You should be very proud of yourself. Good job.
You're coming unhinged, you must be afraid Hillary might lose.
This isn't even right, but whatever. I honestly feel for the Podesta's once this info hits the iOSGods & Chan boards.

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Social Security changes for 2017 announced. Seniors get a few crumbs and upper middle class earners get screwed.

Seniors get a 0.3% cost of living adjustment.

The top taxable wage base goes from $118,500 to $127,200 (7.34% increase).
Upcoming Medicare premium increase will wipe this out completely... they gave it with the explicit intentions of taking it right back, then get the glory for the initial increase.

And folks buy it.
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Military people, I'm ignorant, so excuse me, but I've always wondered why the military community does not have a larger voice/presence. It seems to me, an ignorant, that our military is not respected by our current worldly leaders, and that whole mindset that is so popular amongst the educated, elites, etc. Military folks are America as far as I'm concerned. The most American. Their thoughts hold a lot more weight than normal citizens, for obvious reasons. I just don't see people speaking out on their behalf. Why? Like, Trump should have all these military leaders he's constantly referring on the TVs telling it like it is. Am I way off base? Or is just so frowned upon, disrespectful to be a whistleblower, or speak out against the govt even if you disagree with them? Whatever it is, I have the upmost respect for our military and strongly feel that they should have a larger voice/presence, especially as we continue to move forward with this global worldly union bullshit.

Lmao the podesta SS#. Obviously we need more transparency and more e-webs. Obviously.
Military people, I'm ignorant, so excuse me, but I've always wondered why the military community does not have a larger voice/presence. It seems to me, an ignorant, that our military is not respected by our current worldly leaders, and that whole mindset that is so popular amongst the educated, elites, etc. Military folks are America as far as I'm concerned. The most American. Their thoughts hold a lot more weight than normal citizens, for obvious reasons. I just don't see people speaking out on their behalf. Why? Like, Trump should have all these military leaders he's constantly referring on the TVs telling it like it is. Am I way off base? Or is just so frowned upon, disrespectful to be a whistleblower, or speak out against the govt even if you disagree with them? Whatever it is, I have the upmost respect for our military and strongly feel that they should have a larger voice/presence, especially as we continue to move forward with this global worldly union bullshit.

Lmao the podesta SS#. Obviously we need more transparency and more e-webs. Obviously.

Active military are strongly discouraged from getting involved in politics and especially from being critical of a sitting commander in chief. Just ask the three star general (Stanley McCrystal) who was shit-canned for his comments about Obama in Rolling Stone magazine. He was the overall commander in Afghanistan.
One thing I've always respected about Albany is his respect of other posters. No name calling, no mud slinging, no personal putdowns or demeaning comments. States his opinions and graciously considers the perspectives of others regardless of their point of view.
Military people, I'm ignorant, so excuse me, but I've always wondered why the military community does not have a larger voice/presence. It seems to me, an ignorant, that our military is not respected by our current worldly leaders, and that whole mindset that is so popular amongst the educated, elites, etc. Military folks are America as far as I'm concerned. The most American. Their thoughts hold a lot more weight than normal citizens, for obvious reasons. I just don't see people speaking out on their behalf. Why? Like, Trump should have all these military leaders he's constantly referring on the TVs telling it like it is. Am I way off base? Or is just so frowned upon, disrespectful to be a whistleblower, or speak out against the govt even if you disagree with them? Whatever it is, I have the upmost respect for our military and strongly feel that they should have a larger voice/presence, especially as we continue to move forward with this global worldly union bullshit.

Lmao the podesta SS#. Obviously we need more transparency and more e-webs. Obviously.
Unfortunately, while in the military, you are instructed to basically hold your tongue when it comes to voicing your opinions about current governments. You cannot openly express your true feelings for fear of possible actions against you. Officers especially can pretty much kill their careers for coming out against the Commander in Chief or any other leader in a branch of the US government. Military officers who speak out now against Hillary would probably find their careers over when she becomes president providing she wins. You swear an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states and its leaders.
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