How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So did everyone else.
The problem with the LA Times poll is that they poll the same people every week...the very same people. They also give more weight to people who are enthusiastic about their candidate. Can't say I know anyone who is "enthusiastic" about Hillary but I do know a lot of people who are scared to death of Trump.
It also doesn't give consideration to the Electoral College which is where Trump is at a huge disadvantage. Blue states like California, NY, NJ, IL, etc put Clinton at 250+ electoral votes. Trump has to win almost every swing state and losing just one if it's FL, PA or OH means he can't get to 270.
Nate Silver gives Trump a 24% chance in FL, a 10.3% chance in PA and a 35% chance in OH. His chance at winning is set at 12.4%.

No, every other poll didn't get it right in 2012.
The LA times poll consistently had Obama ahead by what he won by in the weeks leading up to the election. Using the exact same formula they're using now.

They also have a larger number of people than other polls. They do use the same people, but the same people aren't polled daily.

It doesn't claim to use electoral votes, it's a national poll.
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So not one response to the argument. Usual con response. No response to saying cons don't do that? When I posted direct evidence against it. :joy:

I asked what you've done to make the country and your community better. Not a hard question.
I'll rush to his defense....he has made his country and community better by not being a liberal.
No, every other poll didn't get it right in 2012.
The LA times poll consistently had Obama ahead by what he won by in the weeks leading up to the election. Using the exact same formula they're using now.

They also have a larger number of people than other polls. They do use the same people, but the same people aren't polled daily.

It doesn't claim to use electoral votes, it's a national poll.
Fuzz conveniently forgets about the Rasmussen and PPD polls, which use a similar methodology to the LA Times poll. Fuzz also conveniently forgets that Silver was so wrong about the primaries (a 2% chance for Trump to win? Really?) that he could have been sued for malpractice, if such a cause of action existed against pundits. Finally, Fuzz allegedly conveniently forgets to pay his bets when he loses bets.

All that being said, I'm glad that the election is not tomorrow. She would NOT win Ohio, but there's a hell of a chance that she would win the whole thing, if the election was tomorrow. But the word is that the really good stuff from Wiki and O'Keefe is yet to come. She better hope that some more tapes of Trump saying naughty words is also released.
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No, b/c there is now proof that FBI agents were offered special jobs in return to help cover it up. The FBI agents used the words quid pro quo in their official report. Not Trump, not me, not right wing conspiracist, but the agents who actually did the investigation. That's not conspiracy.
Sounds like a law degree, a few convictions and special prosecutor is your next career in a Donald administration. How can the real lawyers be soooo stoopid?
Technically others are saying it, but Trump is so much louder it's all you hear.

Do you not think that other FBI agents being pissed that they worked that hard and felt they had enough to indict yet Comey alone disagreed and fed the plan on a long weekend Friday so that the Tuesday back to work the AG could just walk away is just a little suspicious?
Oh that's right. FBI agents were on record! Open and shut! The briars know what really happened.
No, every other poll didn't get it right in 2012.
The LA times poll consistently had Obama ahead by what he won by in the weeks leading up to the election. Using the exact same formula they're using now.

They also have a larger number of people than other polls. They do use the same people, but the same people aren't polled daily.

It doesn't claim to use electoral votes, it's a national poll.

From what i understand they use over 2k, with 75% being used daily and 25% being fresh new people.
How can the real lawyers be soooo stoopid?
Try keeping up. Every single lawyer that worked the case agreed with the FBI agents.

No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute -- it was a top-down decision,” said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified.

“It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked.”

“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official said. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing' which made no sense to us.”

Comey is literally the only person who worked that investigation that felt she should walk.

Shouldn't be surprising after seeing all the hoops he jumped through to clear her. He was given his marching orders & fell in line.
Sounds like a law degree, a few convictions and special prosecutor is your next career in a Donald administration. How can the real lawyers be soooo stoopid?
Ah ha! So you concede that, in fact, that there will be a Donald administration! You walked right into that one, fella!
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Try keeping up. Every single lawyer that worked the case agreed with the FBI agents.

No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute -- it was a top-down decision,” said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified.

“It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked.”

“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official said. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing' which made no sense to us.”

Comey is literally the only person who worked that investigation that felt she shouldn't be indicted.

Shouldn't be surprising after seeing all the hoops he jumped through to clear her. He was given his marching orders & fell in line.

but but but something something stooopid lawyers yuk yuk yuk

"Nanna nanna boo boo, stick your head in doo doo"

Your runaway winner for Dumbass of the Day? Russell Simmons!

"Russell Simmons joined Trevor Noah on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" on Monday to talk about "Muslims Speak Out," a project he formed to deal with Islamophobia, which he called "the worst scourge we have."

He told Noah that people misunderstand the Muslim community and that "99.99-tenths of them are not radicalized, right?" And then he added the kicker: "Probably more Christians are radicalized."

Of course, nothing of the sort is true, unless you accept the left's definition of radicalization, which says that religious objections to sex outside of the biblical definition of marriage—and perhaps refusing to bake a wedding cake or having the expectation of privacy in the bathroom—is exactly the same thing as throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning them to death. Simmons apparently thinks saying words that people find objectionable is the same as blowing people up."
By definition I thing all religions are a form of radical.

Others may disagree but once you really get down to it they all are radical forms of thought considering how much "unknown" it takes to believe or have "faith".

Just saying, but I ain't saying anything really.
Your runaway winner for Dumbass of the Day? Russell Simmons!

"Russell Simmons joined Trevor Noah on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" on Monday to talk about "Muslims Speak Out," a project he formed to deal with Islamophobia, which he called "the worst scourge we have."

He told Noah that people misunderstand the Muslim community and that "99.99-tenths of them are not radicalized, right?" And then he added the kicker: "Probably more Christians are radicalized."

Of course, nothing of the sort is true, unless you accept the left's definition of radicalization, which says that religious objections to sex outside of the biblical definition of marriage—and perhaps refusing to bake a wedding cake or having the expectation of privacy in the bathroom—is exactly the same thing as throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning them to death. Simmons apparently thinks saying words that people find objectionable is the same as blowing people up."

These asshole libs should put their money where their mouths are. By all means, go live in an Islamic nation and then tell us how awesome it is.

Also, try to insult and bash Islam and Muslims while you're there like you do Christians in the U.S. then come back and tell us which group wanted to murder you.
Your runaway winner for Dumbass of the Day? Russell Simmons!

"Russell Simmons joined Trevor Noah on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" on Monday to talk about "Muslims Speak Out," a project he formed to deal with Islamophobia, which he called "the worst scourge we have."

He told Noah that people misunderstand the Muslim community and that "99.99-tenths of them are not radicalized, right?" And then he added the kicker: "Probably more Christians are radicalized."

Of course, nothing of the sort is true, unless you accept the left's definition of radicalization, which says that religious objections to sex outside of the biblical definition of marriage—and perhaps refusing to bake a wedding cake or having the expectation of privacy in the bathroom—is exactly the same thing as throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning them to death. Simmons apparently thinks saying words that people find objectionable is the same as blowing people up."
These numbers are from 2014, & considering it's the fastest growing religion, the numbers are probably higher today.

Approximately 15% -25% of Muslims are radicalized according to intelligent services around the world. That equals out to about 180 - 300 million people.
Christians are the most philanthropic religion on the planet. Muslims are the biggest murderers and rapists when it comes to religion.

Anyone who acts like Islam is peaceful has no effing clue of its history of even Muhammad's farewell speech in the Surah before he died. He sure wasn't calling for peace.

Seriously, eff Dems and Muslims. It would be great if they could just deport Dems to Islamic nations.
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All that being said, I'm glad that the election is not tomorrow. She would NOT win Ohio, but there's a hell of a chance that she would win the whole thing, if the election was tomorrow. But the word is that the really good stuff from Wiki and O'Keefe is yet to come.

No, she would not win Ohio. Yes, she would win. doubt that changes. Still, let's just say you're right . . . "really good stuff" . . . though CNN did provide a segment for Mr. O'Keefe's most recent doc it wasn't without plenty of "dumbing down". They did a very good job of distancing the crime from the criminals so-to-speak, and not without mentioning a few tid-bits of Mr. O'keefe's past. So I could imagine another documentary where Mr. O'keefe's findings may be twice as damning, CNN's spinning might be only 1/2 as diluting, and the effect might still be overall disappointing.

And like today, we would be talking about 1 segment.
Honestly, the left is filled with brainwashed sheep who refuse to step out of bounds in their indoctrination. There could be a video of Hillary shooting two nuns in the head and they'd find a way to justify it and say "Yeah, well, this is what happens when Trump projects hate and he assaults women."

It is becoming very clear, the left is beyond radical and pure evil. We should not have to be governed by these psychopaths.
Honestly, the left is filled with brainwashed sheep who refuse to step out of bounds in their indoctrination.

You're right...The Right has clearly stepped out of bounds and selected a liberal, swindling, jack-off from NYC as their nominee.

You should be very proud of yourself. Good job.
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You're right...The Right has clearly stepped out of bounds and selected a liberal, swindling, jack-off from NYC as their nominee.

What legislative processes has Trump voted on and how that have established him as a political liberal? Please enlighten.
Last edited:'re starting to become unhinged. It's clearly staring to become apparent to even you, Hillary is going to win the election.
It was apparent to you that "Remain" was going to defeat "Leave". How did that turn out?

Here's something that you have yet to grasp. A Presidential election is not a football game. If you're going to argue that your team is better than the opposing fan's team, "Neener neener! We're going to win the game against you next week" is a reasonable argument. If you are trying to present a good argument for your Presidential candidate, "Neener, neener! We're going to win the election anyway" is a worthless argument. Your entire argument in support of Clinton seems to be "na na na na boo boo, she's going to win". Weak. And, based on your botch of the Brexit election, it's questionable as to whether you even know what you are talking about, as far as that goes, anyway.
Having people getting paid to act like asses at a rally is voter fraud?

No, bussing people in from other states is voter fraud.

That's the entire video. The DNC pays people to go to rallies and get urrbody all riled up.

Sounds like good gamesmanship, to me. Surprise. Politics is dirty.

Except for the DNC didn't pay them, Americans United did. As Foval explained it, Hillary's campaign & the DNC coordinated with Americans United, & then paid them to pay these people.

There's a reason Foval was so adamant about stressing the need to always, under any circumstance, keep a double blind between the SuperPAC (Americans United) & the other two (Hillary's campaign, DNC) in order to maintain plausible denialbility.

Hillary's campaign & the DNC colluding/coordinating with a SuperPAC is a direct violation of federal campaign coordination laws, i.e. it's illegal as ****.
I know what the election taught me. Evidence varies.

In a murder case, emails and text message are used to convict murders.

In a hillary clinton case, emails and video evidence "don't count" or it's "untrue"

What a world we live in. The whole human experience is one big sham. You people lie to yourselves just to get through the day. You're trying to make sense of a world artificially constructed and you think your participation matters. [laughing] I'd give both of my arms and legs just to stroll through life naive and clueless. Ignorance is truly bliss.
Willy we basically live in an e-world. Only going to get worse.

True, we are the dumbest animals on the planet bc we have rejected the planet, life itself. We think we can rebuild a planet.
I know what the election taught me. Evidence varies.

In a murder case, emails and text message are used to convict murders.

In a hillary clinton case, emails and video evidence "don't count" or it's "untrue"

What a world we live in. The whole human experience is one big sham. You people lie to yourselves just to get through the day. You're trying to make sense of a world artificially constructed and you think your participation matters. [laughing] I'd give both of my arms and legs just to stroll through life naive and clueless. Ignorance is truly bliss.
A lot of truth to that. Some of the most positive and happy people I know are some of the dumbest as well. By dumb, they have no clue what is going on outside of their small little bubble. They do not keep up with the news, do not get on Social Media, etc. They live rather simple lives. When I sit back and think about it I wish I had their attitude about life. Would be much easier not giving a damn about most things and just live life to its fullest.
Why did open-minded, art-loving liberals in NYC start trying to destroy the naked Hillary? Did that happen to the numerous Trump ones a couple months back?

Still in awe that any major media even acknowledged O'Keefe exists (other than the time he got in trouble for the Landrieu event).
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