How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] Madonna: If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob

“If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob. OK? I’m really good. I’m not a douche, and I’m not a tool. I take my time, I have a lot of eye contact, and I do swallow.”

Are you seriously complaining, trying to call me out for calling CNN cowards for cutting a man's satellite feed just b/c he dared to mention wikileaks on air? Is this for real?

For someone always talking about others needing safe spaces, your sure are fragile.
Im not complaining about calling names at all. Nor am I upset, it was a point that I was illustrating by using x amount of posts to show that someone else tried making about how the left always does this or that and cons dont insult, but I seem to see a lot of vitriol from cons on here.
Chris Wallace, will he bend over backwards to show that he isn't biased or be like the other moderators?
Saw earlier that he said he's only there to moderate & keep time. Said his job isn't to fact check in real time, & it's up to the candidates to check their opponent.
We've had two debates where Trump had to take on the moderator. It s Hillary's turn to get pressured and see how that feels.

Three debates including the VP one and Republicans constantly have to deal with the bias BS. Give it right back to them.
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Im not complaining about calling names at all. Nor am I upset, it was a point that I was illustrating by using x amount of posts to show that someone else tried making about how the left always does this or that and cons dont insult, but I seem to see a lot of vitriol from cons on here.
Fair enough.
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You might want to stfu and think, learn to read, etc. It's embarrassing how our military is viewed and treated by this administrations and it's 1000% because we are busy apologizing and kissing the worlds ass, some of the very worst the world has to offer, which is disrespectful as hell to the men and women and trans that serve this country to protect our freedoms, and things these countries want to destroy us for, you ignorant piece of shit. The military will save your ass again someday and you won't even know it.
Yeah internet tough guy. We should show respect to the military by sending them off to war as often as possible. fyi my father was military, one of my son-in-laws is active military, my nephew is active military, the best man at my wedding was military and I know a whole lot of others who are military either former or active and they disagree with your sorry ass. They have what you lack...common sense.
Pardon me if I don't share your POV that the military is in anyway viewed or treated in any disrespectful way. Because you say it or Donald Trump says it doesn't make it so.

The US is a democracy which means that its leaders are elected. All current military are volunteers that signed up to serve and took an oath to defend and obey the Constitution and commander-in-chief, not their own personal interest. The fact that you think that the military should be politicized screams ignorance.
Yeah internet tough guy. We should show respect to the military by sending them off to war as often as possible. fyi my father was military, one of my son-in-laws is active military, my nephew is active military, the best man at my wedding was military and I know a whole lot of others who are military either former or active and they disagree with your sorry ass. They have what you lack...common sense.
Pardon me if I don't share your POV that the military is in anyway viewed or treated in any disrespectful way. Because you say it or Donald Trump says it doesn't make it so.

The US is a democracy which means that its leaders are elected. All current military are volunteers that signed up to serve and took an oath to defend and obey the Constitution and commander-in-chief, not their own personal interest. The fact that you think that the military should be politicized screams ignorance.

Yet you're voting for a war baron. It must be crazy for you to look into a mirror and see someone else. I wonder what that's like.
Chris Wallace, will he bend over backwards to show that he isn't biased or be like the other moderators?
Trump and his supporters are incapable of seeing non-bias. Just like Trump was crying about the moderators cutting him off. He failed to see that he spent more time talking than did HRC.

It's like some people that think their team never fouls or commits a penalty and every foul/penalty called is proof to them that the game is rigged.
Yeah internet tough guy. We should show respect to the military by sending them off to war as often as possible. fyi my father was military, one of my son-in-laws is active military, my nephew is active military, the best man at my wedding was military and I know a whole lot of others who are military either former or active and they disagree with your sorry ass. They have what you lack...common sense.
Pardon me if I don't share your POV that the military is in anyway viewed or treated in any disrespectful way. Because you say it or Donald Trump says it doesn't make it so.

The US is a democracy which means that its leaders are elected. All current military are volunteers that signed up to serve and took an oath to defend and obey the Constitution and commander-in-chief, not their own personal interest. The fact that you think that the military should be politicized screams ignorance.


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Yet you're voting for a war baron. It must be crazy for you to look into a mirror and see someone else. I wonder what that's like.
Not sure there is much difference between the two in that matter. I'm just voting on the one who doesn't act like an adolescent.
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The dirty secret is that Congress will never pass term limits, even if Trump isn't just pandering. Perhaps Trump has really changed his position, perhaps he knows it's dead on arrival anyway.
At this point (hell, at any point) Trump will say anything to get elected. 90% of the crap he has spewed, he knows he can't do it.
So, based on your limited sampling--and they are in 100% agreement, they don't feel that the current administration nor the Clintons have viewed or treated them disrespectfully in any way? Just trying to clarify.
Not sure there is much difference between the two in that matter. I'm just voting on the one who doesn't act like an adolescent.

hahaha, right. I get it. You like the experience of someone looking you straight serious in the eye and lying to you. As Albany would say, par for the course.
What are the odds that Republicans wake up tomorrow hating Chris Wallace? It will be interesting to find out if he can satisfy the right.
hahaha, right. I get it. You like the experience of someone looking you straight serious in the eye and lying to you. As Albany would say, par for the course.
Willy, hate to brake it to you but they are both liars. Do we really need to list the countless lies that Trump has told and continues to tell every day?
So, based on your limited sampling--and they are in 100% agreement, they don't feel that the current administration nor the Clintons have viewed or treated them disrespectfully in any way? Just trying to clarify.
That would be correct for those I mentioned.
Willy, hate to brake it to you but they are both liars. Do we really need to list the countless lies that Trump has told and continues to tell every day?

You're not fooling me. Everybody lies. Hell even you do too. Even when caught. Still lie.

Look, you're rationalizing then internalizing and then sprinkling it with a touch of minimization and wah lah! Hillary isn't a criminial and it's all Donald Trump's fault.
Lol, Rs complain about moderators but dems dont. Only the democrat moderator of the presidential forum couldnt even walk down the street after that forum.
Lol, Rs complain about moderators but dems dont. Only the democrat moderator of the presidential forum couldnt even walk down the street after that forum.
That would be correct for those I mentioned.

I've tried several different ways to reply to this and be at least somewhat respectful. I can't.

Because I've spoken to far too many individuals in the military and/or former military who simply say the complete opposite. With one exception, and she's a former Marine who proudly supports Hillary and Obama because of their stance on gays in the military, and yes, she is. And she has my utmost respect.

Another leak on how they make the news and how they're only interested in portraying Republicans as racist.

All of you sheep dance for your masters.
Well of course they are going to, because the Republicans oblige time and time again.

You all act like people put guns to folks heads to make them do the stuff that gets reported. Was DT forced to assault women or make that video?

You'd see the same crap if Republicans emails were exposed, guarantee it.
The Dems on here are absolutely clueless to their brainwashed ridiculousness. I bet anything they'd be the first to point out UNC's AFAM and Louisville's corruption.
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At this point (hell, at any point) Trump will say anything to get elected. 90% of the crap he has spewed, he knows he can't do it.
Agree with the can't do it part but, I am not so sure he really wants to get elected. He seem to shoot himself in the foot every week. By design?
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Warrior-cat....most of your military friends big Obama and Clinton fans? Feel like they've always been respected by both? Our good buddy fuzzylogic seems to think that's the case.

Or nah?
What are the odds that Republicans wake up tomorrow hating Chris Wallace? It will be interesting to find out if he can satisfy the right.
No, he will try and stay the course and actually push to be objective. He is pretty good at that. If it were Hannity, Oreilly, or a few others there, Hillary would not go to the debate. She needs the biased liberal media in order to have a chance at any debate just like in the first 2.
What are the odds that Republicans wake up tomorrow hating Chris Wallace? It will be interesting to find out if he can satisfy the right.

Idk wtf that is, it's obviously not THEE Christopher Wallace, but I can tell you without a doubt he's a 1000% f****t. Guaranteed. That was easy.

Willy, hate to brake it to you but they are both liars. Do we really need to list the countless lies that Trump has told and continues to tell every day?
But one of them not named Trump has had numerous people killed, allowed US citizens to be killed, taken money meant for a ravished country and used if for personal gain, called millions of Americans deplorable, etc....
I'd like for Chris Wallace to ask each candidate to step from behind the podium and:

Stand on one foot for 30 seconds.
Do 10 jumping jacks.
Run in place for 60 seconds.