How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
if HC is really up in Arizona, might as well turn the lights out. Hell, DT may not even win UTAH. At this point, He's going to need some homerun type debate tonight along with video of Hillary killing a small child and then eating it.

That's just shocking to see Arizona in the blue column. Hell, he's only up 3 in Texas, although I believe he wins that state easily still. Looks like I'm gonna be out $50 on this election. Had no idea DT would be this terrible of a candidate. Because Hilldog is god awful herself. Bob Dole could probably beat her.

I don't know if the Republican party is dead if they lose but I could see some serious deck chair shuffling in 2018.
All current military are volunteers that signed up to serve and took an oath to defend and obey the Constitution and commander-in-chief, not their own personal interest. The fact that you think that the military should be politicized screams ignorance.

Just like Hillary took an oath when she was sworn in as SoS that she broke? Just like that constitution she shit all over when she decided she was above the law?

Why is it okay for her, but not the military? The fact that you think that the SoS should be used for one's own gain & to skirt the law screams ignorance.
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Willy, hate to brake it to you but they are both liars. Do we really need to list the countless lies that Trump has told and continues to tell every day?

Yeah, but let's be real here. One is a liar, & the other is a lying, thieving, corrupt criminal.

I'd rather you lie to me & be done with it, then rob me blind, lie to me about it & stab me in the back as I walk away.
What are the odds that Republicans wake up tomorrow hating Chris Wallace? It will be interesting to find out if he can satisfy the right.

You mean like the Democrats woke up hating moderators b/c one dared to ask Hillary a tough question, & then again b/c they allowed Trump to "loom" over her, "intimidating" her, when all he was doing was standing at his own chair? Yeah, good times, indeed.
I like that Obama's African half brother will be there. I'd like to see him stand up and shout obscenities about Barack in a thick African accent like
Tonight puts us one step closer to the end of this shit show and for that, I thank the lerd. Hoping for fireworks, expecting none.

If someone could please get a skin scrape after they vigorously shake Bill Clinton's hand tonight so we can get a DNA test for the whore's son, that would be dope.
Here's how much Obama cares about the military. Trying to cut funds from the "homeless, waiting in line so long they're dying" veterans, while giving money to foreign countries, illegals & refugees.

When Republicans refuse it, he proposes even more cuts to other areas that threaten to shut down the government, & then he uses that to try to guilt trip the Republicans into cutting the homeless veterans' funds by threatening active military members & their families, saying they won't get paid if government shuts down.

We're just days away from a government shutdown, because the House Republican Leadership will not negotiate on Federal government budget cuts.

President Obama and Congressional Democrats have proposed tens of billions of dollars in cuts. When the Republican Leadership refused to give on some of their demands, like cutting funds for Homeless Veterans, the President and Democrats proposed even more cuts in other areas.

Unless the Republican Leadership is open to coming to an agreement, the government will shut down, and troops and military families will be hard hit.

While our troops will be asked to continue serving, they won't be paid for their sacrifice until the government shutdown ends.

It simply isn't right to ask our military families and troops who sacrifice so much already to give up their paychecks because of Republican obstinacy.
Cruz talking about Creamer from the O'Keefe videos. Reddit dug up a list of WH guests & Creamer was visiting the WH almost weekly. O'Keefe may have just accidentally uncovered something much bigger than he intended.

Full story here

I've tried several different ways to reply to this and be at least somewhat respectful. I can't.

Because I've spoken to far too many individuals in the military and/or former military who simply say the complete opposite. With one exception, and she's a former Marine who proudly supports Hillary and Obama because of their stance on gays in the military, and yes, she is. And she has my utmost respect.
Next time you see one, ask them to give you a specific instance of either Obama or Clinton showing the military any disrespect. I work with a former grunt that talked that shit all the time until I asked him that question. He couldn't give an answer..."Well everybody knows it..." was about the best he could do.

The "disrespect the military" BS is an old, tired urban myth perpetuated by the right wing media about all democrats.

Curious, how many have you spoken to that are black and/or officers?
Three of my old HS friends who are black, 2 of them West Point graduates...all retired military are probably the biggest Obama fans I know. I know they also hate Trump because they let everybody on FB know every day.
Yet another poll showing Trump ahead in the race.

"In a four-way matchup between Trump, Clinton, Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, the Republican presidential nominee draws 41.3 percent support to Clinton's 40 percent, putting her within the poll's 3.6 percent margin of error."

Isnt this the poll that Silver says is most accurate?
The "disrespect the military" BS is an old, tired urban myth perpetuated by the right wing media about all democrats.

They feel it.

Just 15% of active-duty servicemembers gave Obama a thumbs up in the annual Military Times survey and more than half -- 55% -- say they disapprove of Obama's job as commander-in-chief. The President has struggled to gain the approval of troops throughout his time in office, but these numbers reflect a new low for Obama, who finished his first year in office with a 35% approval figure and only 4 in 10 disapproving, according to the Military Times survey. The Military Times survey is not scientific and relies on a voluntary response from the publication's readers. President Obama's approval rating in the general population is much higher, though still well below 50 percent. In the most recent CNN / ORC poll, he got the approval of 44% of Americans.
The Military Times survey also finds a lower approval rating than other polls of Americans connected with the military. A Washington Post / Kaiser Family Foundation poll of veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan found approval of the President was lower than the general population, but much higher than 15 percent.
32% of veteran respondents in that April survey said they approved of the job President Obama was doing.
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Next time you see one, ask them to give you a specific instance of either Obama or Clinton showing the military any disrespect. I work with a former grunt that talked that shit all the time until I asked him that question. He couldn't give an answer..."Well everybody knows it..." was about the best he could do.

The "disrespect the military" BS is an old, tired urban myth perpetuated by the right wing media about all democrats.

Curious, how many have you spoken to that are black and/or officers?
Three of my old HS friends who are black, 2 of them West Point graduates...all retired military are probably the biggest Obama fans I know. I know they also hate Trump because they let everybody on FB know every day.

I will bite and I know that you will say it is petty. etc.

I personally found the Latte Salute to be extremely disrespectful. Not because is was a major event that cost lives. But that fact is that it is one of the most simple, basic, displays of respect you can show a military member. I for one during my career took the salute to heart and I still do.

President Obama did not care, could not be bothered or could not stay focused enough to render proper respect to the men and women of the armed services in his presence.

I know he is not required to salute. But, then don't do anything - half-assing the salute was a show of major disrespect.

Of course this is only my not so humble opinion on this subject.
You have to think that BOs preparation for post-WH with Organization for Action was part of this. Remember....Community Organizer
One of the earlier batches of Podesta emails there was a chain where they were discussing suspicion of Obama voter fraud (I think Nevada or Iowa). Wonder if Creamer has always been his go to guy?

What's odd is Creamer stepped down yesterday, but today when the Obama connection was made he went dark. All social media accounts have been deleted.

*edit: Just checked & his Twitter is still active. Not sure why people were saying his social media accounts were deleted. People be bullshitting when it's not even necessary. Knew I should've checked first.
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One of the earlier batches of Podesta emails there was a chain where they were discussing suspicion of Obama voter fraud (I think Nevada or Iowa). Wonder if Creamer has always been his go to guy?

What's odd is Creamer stepped down yesterday, but today when the Obama connection was made he went dark. All social media accounts have been deleted.

Colorado, I think was the one mentioned from 2008 polls of voter fraud.
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Let's review and prognosticate.

Donald networks the political circus to gauge another run for president.
Hillary networks the political circus to gauge another run for president.

Donald was for the war until he wasn’t.
Hillary was against the war until she voted for it.

Donald is being sued for fraud over Trump University.
Hillary broke the law with classified docs on a private server.

Donald stiffed construction workers and filed bankruptcy.
Hillary has created zero jobs and got rich off taxpayers.

Donald’s campaign is funded by Putin and Russia.
Hillary’s campaign is funded by Saudi Arabia and ISIS.

Donald wants to build a wall along the southern border to keep out terrorists.
Hillary wants to build coalitions with our mortal enemies.

Donald’s sexual misconduct is exposed by 9 women.
Hillary defended a rapist who was found not guilty.

Donald is exposed on video as admitting to assaulting women.
Hillary PAC’s are exposed on video with campaign violations.

Donald supporters wear “Bill is a rapist” t-shirts at Clinton rallies.
Hillary supporters start fights at Trump rallies.

Donald wants to destroy ISIS.
Hillary wants to destroy ISIS.

Donald has nice kids.
Hillary is a fighter.

Donald marries Hillary in 2021.
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Try keeping up. Every single lawyer that worked the case agreed with the FBI agents.

No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute -- it was a top-down decision,” said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified.

“It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked.”

“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official said. “We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing' which made no sense to us.”

Comey is literally the only person who worked that investigation that felt she should walk.

Shouldn't be surprising after seeing all the hoops he jumped through to clear her. He was given his marching orders & fell in line.
One anonymous source huh?

Every single one or the vast majority wanted a prosecution?

Is Comey literally the only one or wasn't he? Try keeping up will ya?
Never liked Rubio, but damn, his argument that we shouldn't focus on the wikileaks emails because tomorrow it could be the Republicans is the stupidest goddam thing I've ever heard.

The difference between the Rs and Ds is if the Rs are doing this, we want to know and talk about it you jackass.
Ha, that Trump supporter *babe* on CNN kills Smerconish (a noted light loafer) on his notion that only some R's are angry that he literally and figuratively forgot about, you know, that whole Bernie Sanders thing.

I mean, she grabbed him right in the pussy.