How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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OT but W O O D! 😎 😜
He selectively quoted a bit but Jefferson was still pretty clear than a military complex was the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to our country. You know that thing that the GOP worships above all other things. He understood that it would turn us into an imperial state like Britain and take to much security away from the States while corrupting the federal government. Pretty much everything he warned on has happened.
Looks like the same building but appears to have more units added on since i was there. in the middle picture is that looking toward the gate at route 75? the west wall of the mess hall was mostly windows and you could get a glimpse of planes taking off over the highway. eating lunch there one day and happened to be looking out those windows just as a kc135 crashed on takeoff just over the tree line on the far side side of the highway—plumes of black smoke and all hell broke loose—my ncoic immediately ordered everbody back to our duty stations. a picture of the tail section appeared on the front page of my hometown newspaper—which my dad sent to me.
Pretty sure the red roofed buildings were newer and originally there was just the building connected to the chow hall. That's the main entrance in mine (at least that is what I considered the main one) with the flags lining the road. I believe there was a B-52 and KC-135 on display. Just looked it up and found this picture.

The busier entrance was on the other side of the base near SAC/STRATCOM headquarters and the hospital that was off-base.

Never heard about the plane crash. We had a plane forced to make an emergency landing after hitting a flock of birds on takeoff and I believe they immediately dumped fuel and landed. I think there was damage to the flaps and at least one engine.
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Found this one under that tweet.

So why is it okay for a dude to have surgery and say he is a chick and compete against them when he is 0% female, but a guy can't have surgery and claim he is Korean? There's probably a higher chance he has Korean in his DNA than that weightlifter dude/chick has female in his.

How can you draw a line at what is right and wrong since they opened the floodgates? It's all a bunch of nonsense but aren't they being like the people they hate by not being inclusive to this guy?
They do this every election season. Whoever is the newest opponent to the left is the most evil Hitler 2.0 of all-time. They’ve done it to so many times. All you have to do is just go back and look at headlines they’ve said about Reagan, Bush, W, Romney, Trump, etc. It’s their go-to every time.

In 2006/2007, they made movies about killing Bush. He was the devil. Obama was the savior. Then in 2012, Romney was going to put blacks in chains. Then in 2016, it became “I know we said Romney was bad but this time we really mean it.”

Trump was the only one who didn’t just take it from the media, allow them to crush him and just move on. Media isn’t used to that. They’re used to cucked GOP who think the classy thing to do is let the left slander you and never respond.
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@Dionysus444, @bushrod1965 what should happen to these BLM activist in your opinion? What should their punishment be as opposed to say an unarmed person who entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6 and took nothing, burned nothing, broke nothing?
Probably statues naming them as fascist fighters and patriots of the socialist/communist movement of the country formally known as America.
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This is why Republicans suck. They should be doing this very thing but they are spineless.
Instead of working on impeachment they are “compromising” with the dims, helping to bankrupt our country. repubs are no better than the dims. it looks like trump was our last hope for real change but he wound up a victim of their corruption and treasonous ways.
Andy didn't get enough pub over his eo yesterday so he's pushing the rounds today. I expect him to be on ksr.

Anyone with alot of spare time should do a public records request for every state dollar paid to Jones or ksr. It's a virtual lock they were paid as "influencers" for "vaccine awareness". There's alot of ad dollars too.

Of course it all rolled in about the time he decided to not run for office. Bout the same time as the magical book deal that had zero market demand.
They do this every election season. Whoever is the newest opponent to the left is the most evil Hitler 2.0 of all-time. They’ve done it to so many. All you have to do is just go back and look at headlines they’ve said about Reagan, Bush, W, Romney, Trump, etc. It’s their go-to every time.

But apparently, they won’t do that to DeSantis, because he’s not as bad as the Orange Man. 😅
California has 33 million acres of forest and 20 million acres of brush. How do you propose they pay for 100's of thousands of people to constantly clear out the ground? Forest fire is a good thing, it's nature's way of clearing out the crap and fertilizing the soil. Humans are just dumb and think they can live in a natural fire trap. It's the same concept for idiots that live on the coast or a river with land below the water table. Play stupid games with nature, get predictable results. You either wipe out the forest and kill the earth or move your stupid asses away from the forest.
Andy didn't get enough pub over his eo yesterday so he's pushing the rounds today.
Who needs a representive legislature anymore?

After dictating eo after eo for a year and a half, why stop now?

We don’t even have to have an emergency. Just accept it.

Gone are the days of a governor eo just proclaiming a special day at the state fair.