How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Impress me, are you happy about anything? Perhaps the infrastructure bill is something?

It's a joke if anyone is paying attention. Apparently not you. Not going anywhere till Dims get their other $4T in other runaway spending per Biden/Piglosi/Shummmer. All for show & to give Manchin cover on the $4T. And here I thought you said you're leaving Dim Party, but apparently not. LOL.

Violence plagued this earth since virtually day 1. If it isn't guns, it's knives. If it isn't knives, it's bombs. Banning all of the above don't work because they get them anyway.

You just can't ban evil or violence no matter how many times utopian fools say otherwise.
Yep. I remember reading about this woman In Georgia a few years ago. Her husband threatened to kill her, so the police took all his guns. later he caught her sitting at a railroad crossing, so he simply pushed her car in front of the oncoming train. Taking his guns didn’t stop him from killing her.
Why are maga sheep so hung up on middle and high school sports? Who gives a shit if some chicks lose to dudes that want to be chicks. Are their lives now ruined? That would be a no because It's meaningless sports. Conservatives would rather the women be at home cooking food and raising kids anyway. They don't have time for school and sports.

Like I said in the Bitcoin thread, the government has backdoors to everything. That's why they allow it to exist. Palantir is a great example and a rabbit hole to explore if anyone has spare time

That's also why they had to do everything to stymy any trump investigation into any of it and get him out of office asap

Violence plagued this earth since virtually day 1. If it isn't guns, it's knives. If it isn't knives, it's bombs. Banning all of the above don't work because they get them anyway.

You just can't ban evil or violence no matter how many times utopian fools say otherwise.
If they try to ban guns, look no further than the prohibition era with Alcohol to see what will happen. the underground market will flourish
She just looks like an absolute moron saying that, Yet the liberal sheep will slurp it right up.
“We inherited a tough situation.” 😂 That’s like going to a bank vault, using a bomb to blow it open and have everyone rob the bank, and then acting like you blowing up had nothing to do with it.

This country and economy was rolling until the Dems and their masters China used CoViD to destroy us.
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Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
270 months minus 199 days served for Chauvin.

What he did was wrong but with that said the guilty verdict on all charges a and then the basic max sentence isn't right either. If the roles were reversed and a juror had hid that he went to a clan rally people would be screaming a mistrial. Juror goes to a BLM rally and hides it....crickets.
The 1500 return to work bonus is pathetic even for this limp wristed loser. It's an implicit admission they know full well people are choosing to not work; but paying anyway.

So instead of turning off the free money, theyll keep the charade going till September while the struggling business owners continue to cling to life.

Has anyone handled anything as poorly as Andy handled the unemployment fiasco? It makes his covid handling look like a work of genius
How else are you going to destroy the value of the dollar if you don’t keep handing it out for piss poor reasons?