How will they rule ??!

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Do any of you have a resource on CRT? My left leaning wife is trying to get me to listen to an NPR podcast that “explains” was CRT is all about. If I’m going to be subjected to the propaganda, I’d like a resource from the other side, just to balance things out.
From the quite liberal Wiki:

"Critical race theory sees racism as systemic and institutional, rather than just a collection of individual prejudices.[6][7] It also views race as a socially constructed identity[6] which serves to oppress non-white people.[8] "

I.e., this country is systemically racist. All I need.
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Important thread here for a few reasons:

The IRS obviously leaked way more than simple tax returns.

While the outcome for thiel was incredible, the incredible outcome was due to thiels hard work and ingenuity. Not the retirement vehicle itself. Had PayPal flopped, the Roth would've sucked and he'd been poor.

The tone and disdain by the left for people that realize a gain from massive personal risk. Anyone could've taken that risk and created something incredible. Instead most just sit on the sidelines then complain when the risk takers get a risk that pays off.

Now....we know this level of info was leaked to propublica from the IRS. Noone else had this much aggregate info on this many people. We know they leaked info related to the most wealthy, tax savvy Americans.

So.... anyone know a wealthy, tax savvy American that both the IRS and far left have an interest in ruining? Imo this entire leak is cover for the one true target of that leak.
I believe Mitt did the same thing except it was only like $500M back in 2016.
No, but I have talked to a teacher about CRT.

It's essentially the same stuff they've been teaching for decades, now it's just a big emphasis, and mainly a political tool being used to more aggressively achieve their goal - which is changing america. You just teach the little kids that America is racist, America is white, these are the horrible things America and white people are responsible for. Then, those little kids feel like America is bad, and they grow up hating everything American.
Yes but, it also teaches that whites are inherently racist and there is no cure for it.
Do any of you have a resource on CRT? My left leaning wife is trying to get me to listen to an NPR podcast that “explains” was CRT is all about. If I’m going to be subjected to the propaganda, I’d like a resource from the other side, just to balance things out.

Christopher rufo.
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Drugs are racist and a civil rights issue.

Wonder who's selling all these drugs to the black victims/users? Surely not all the drug dealers the left demand turned loose because prosecuting them is racist.

This is all so pathetic
So I'm guessing that from now on anyone who doesn't support a massive border wall and military on the border to stop all of these illegal drugs from pouring into black communities is a bonafide racist, right?
Have no idea who it is, I’m not even on Twitter. Just googled an image search for the quote. It’s been reposted a billion times it’s not like whoever that is started it originally.
And it's a moronic statement. Of course they'll describe Capitalism. Because Capitalism and the freedom to choose and make our own destiny is why we hate Socialism. Why is there supposed to be a limit to our contentment and success? Socialists have a "myriad of reasons" why they hate Capitalism, the majority of which are asinine and rooted in envy or laziness.

Drugs are racist and a civil rights issue.

Wonder who's selling all these drugs to the black victims/users? Surely not all the drug dealers the left demand turned loose because prosecuting them is racist.

This is all so pathetic
I guess the last 20 years of the opioid epidemic in rural white Appalachia where foreign drs passed it out like candy didn’t count.
Wife plays the market and was just bragging about an $8,000.00 plus so far this year with her investments. I said yeah, and tomorrow it could be a $20,000.00 dollar loss because of Joe Biden. She said "yeah, well he would lose money too". I laughed and said there are two things wrong with that statement. 1. Joe Biden has insider information and would get out before it did, and 2. China will back him up and make sure he is well taken care of.

Liberals must be proud.
Biden is making 10% on deals all the time, just not in the stock market
I generally stick to the political forum...but I sometimes look at the other threads in the Paddock.

Did I read correctly in the Chick-fil-A thread that @Gassy_Knowls was interested in running one of them? can't run no Chick-fil-A are vegan and by your previous comments on religion I'm 50 percent sure you are a Satanist.

You can't be out there telling church ladies they need to be eating butthole. Stay away from our Chick-fil-As will try to get them to start making some plant based dog food chicken you eat, stay the f-ck away from our chicken sandwiches.
And it's a moronic statement. Of course they'll describe Capitalism. Because Capitalism and the freedom to choose and make our own destiny is why we hate Socialism. Why is there supposed to be a limit to our contentment and success? Socialists have a "myriad of reasons" why they hate Capitalism, the majority of which are asinine and rooted in envy or laziness.
You're so indoctrinated you don't even get the joke. They won't describe the good parts of capitalism. They'll attempt to critique socialism with the classic Cold War tropes. Poverty, corruption, war crimes, inflation, police brutality, food lines, civil and economic rights abuses. All things that are happening live around the world right now under capitalism. You just ignore them because it doesn't fit your narrative.
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You're so indoctrinated you don't even get the joke. They won't describe the good parts of capitalism. They'll attempt to critique socialism with the classic Cold War tropes. Poverty, corruption, war crimes, inflation, police brutality, food lines, civil and economic rights abuses. All things that are happening live around the world right now under capitalism. You just ignore them because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Indoctrinated? LOL Pot meet Kettle. No, I've just spent almost 52 years living, learning and working under AMERICAN values and now I'm supposed to listen to some 20 something know-it-all tell me how I've been doing it wrong all along?
You're so indoctrinated you don't even get the joke. They won't describe the good parts of capitalism. They'll attempt to critique socialism with the classic Cold War tropes. Poverty, corruption, war crimes, inflation, police brutality, food lines, civil and economic rights abuses. All things that are happening live around the world right now under capitalism. You just ignore them because it doesn't fit your narrative.
And that's exactly what you do. You don't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism and cronyism.

The problem with socialists- with the "real socialism hasn't been tried yet" is neither has real capitalism been tried...theres always a market base solution. You like to cherry pick the happy things out and believe that every socialist system will always be filled with altruistic figures that would never turn to their own benefit and ignore how humans are, but leave out the side effects or negative possibilities of socialism. In other words you believe that utopian socialist ideas can be reality with no flaw. The problem is, in reality, perfection is impossible. So I would rather take an imperfect capitalism over an imperfect socialism. And would take an imperfect capitalism over a perfect socialism bc as time has told us there's no longevity in it before it breaks.. It's why time and time again socialist countries devolve into nasty things, and why other countries like, one of your favorites, Sweden had to balance back to capitalism bc, for instance, production dropped so badly and the country almost bankrupted itself in decades past...."but they have this one thing I like!"

Virtually all of socialism revolves around emotion and can be caring in capitalism too. Theres nothing that shows welfare to others can't exist in capitalism...if it's not happening, than the "perfection" isn't happening. What makes you conclude for certain the perfection happens with longevity in the other?

Prime example: