Why? Is your views on sexuality more important than my views on politics?Political affiliation is not a protected class legally like sexuality.
False. And even if it weren't, if you lose your investment, money that you put into the business, that would be enough. All the worker did was lose his/her (two genders) jobs and they could pick up and go to the next job. That investment could be everything that owner had and more (loan). The worker still has their savings and other monies if they have any. Your take is from a position of ignorance or greed.The only risk an owner has is of losing his investment and going back to being a worker like everyone else.
False.No. Political affiliation is not a protected class like sex is. You're allowed to refuse service to a Klansman. Like restaurants kicking out Trumpers a few years ago.
False.If you're refusing service based on their being a Klansman and not because they're gay then it's allowed. Same for Clayton Bigsby the black Klansman.
The baker wins out, if he/she (Two genders) decides not to bake, so be it. It is there religious right and their business. Easy call.He sells custom decorated wedding cakes. If your position is the couple have a sex right to buy their wedding cake and the baker has a religious right to not compromise his religious beliefs then how do we resolve it?(this isn't true legally obviously, owner and customer have different legal burdens, so this is just a hypothetical) Whose right trumps who? Not making the cake sides with the owner, making the cake sides with the couple. Any outcome violates someone's rights.
The rationale is that immutable characteristics, like what race you were born or in what country, are separate from changeable opinions, like politics. Weren't you actually alive for the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Seems like you should already know these things instead of needing to be schooled by a millennial.Why? Is your views on sexuality more important than my views on politics?
She's the next John Roberts. Trump should've known better. But it was McConnell who pressured Trump to nominate her. Aren't you guys just so lucky to have Mitch "represent" you?
This, today, sounds to me, that you don't have to offer your services to folks who don't follow your religious convictions: "Supreme Court sides with Catholic foster agency that excludes same-sex couples in 9-0 ruling"No one’s stopping you from disagreeing with or not accepting trans people (your own words). They’re stopping you from refusing service as a business owner. Disagree and don’t accept all you want. But if you’re going to offer a service or good to the public you cannot deny that to someone based on their race, sex, religion, or national origin. What’s your counter argument here? You think businesses should be able to deny black people service?
It's quite clear people change their minds on gender identity.According to Bostock v. Clayton County sexual orientation and gender identity protections result from sex protection, an immutable characteristic. Same as race.
So, you can change your sexual orientation or just want to be a woman for a hour/day or whatever and be who you want to be at that time then change back at any time according to today's standard right? With that in mind, a Klansman can walk in and say he is protesting his peoples history and now identifies as black and he wants you to bake a cake with a swastika on it because it symbolizes the oppression of his now self appointed race and he needs to educate people on how to identify it.The rationale is that immutable characteristics, like what race you were born or in what country, are separate from changeable opinions, like politics. Weren't you actually alive for the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Seems like you should already know these things instead of needing to be schooled by a millennial.
Did you read the ruling or even the article you linked? It pertains to government agencies that already provide exceptions. They ruled that since Philadelphia already provides exceptions they cannot withhold one here unless they have a particular reason, the 'strict scrutiny' standard. "The creation of a system of exceptions under the contract undermines the City’s contention that its nondiscrimination policies can brook no departures. The City offers no compelling reason why it has a particular interest in denying an exception to CSS while making them available to others." Masterpiece Cakeshop is not a government entity nor do they have exceptions to even have a 'strict scrutiny' standard on. You really think this would've been 9-0 had it given private business free license to discriminate, effectively overturning the Civil Rights Act?This, today, sounds to me, that you don't have to offer your services to folks who don't follow your religious convictions: "Supreme Court sides with Catholic foster agency that excludes same-sex couples in 9-0 ruling"
9-ZERO no less. D44 out on limb by himself & past where he's sawing.
""CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in a majority opinion."
Seems to me the bakers are just offering a service consistent with their religious beliefs.
Supreme Court sides with Catholic foster agency that excludes same-sex couples in 9-0 ruling
The Supreme Court sided unanimously with a Catholic foster agency in a dispute against the city of Philadelphia over whether it should be banned from participating in the city's foster program because it excludes same-sex couples.www.foxnews.com
The same could be argued of religion. And a counter-argument could be made. Regardless of your opinion on the subject, that's the current law of the land. Both are protected.It's quite clear people change their minds on gender identity.
False. The gay couple hold opinions too. They have the opinion that they are sexually compatible but, according to God and the Bible which the baker lives by they are not in his eyes. The baker is not refusing service because they are male or female couples, he refused to bake the cake they wanted because he could not by God's law engage in condoning the actions the cake represented.They hold an opinion. He isn’t refusing service because they’re white(illegal), he’s refusing because they’re in the KKK(legal).
False.A wedding is a wedding. The only reason you see it as not “normal” is because they’re gay. Discrimination based on their sexual orientation.
See above.
False.They’re trying to get him to choose. Either provide service or quit. He has a right to his religious beliefs but not to sell cakes. If his religious convictions are so strong he can close up shop and keep them.
He refused service because the couple was male-male and not male-female. He's discriminating based on the sex of one of the participants. This isn't about opinions.False. The gay couple hold opinions too. They have the opinion that they are sexually compatible but, according to God and the Bible which the baker lives by they are not in his eyes. The baker is not refusing service because they are male or female couples, he refused to bake the cake they wanted because he could not by God's law engage in condoning the actions the cake represented.
Lie.He refused service because the couple was male-male and not male-female. He's discriminating based on the sex of one of the participants.
One of the difficulties in this case is that the partiesdisagree as to the extent of the baker’s refusal to provide service. If a baker refused to design a special cake with words or images celebrating the marriage—for instance, a cake showing words with religious meaning—that might be different from a refusal to sell any cake at all. In defin-ing whether a baker’s creation can be protected, thesedetails might make a difference. The same difficulties arise in determining whether a baker has a valid free exercise claim. A baker’s refusal to attend the wedding to ensure that the cake is cut the rightway, or a refusal to put certain religious words or decora-tions on the cake, or even a refusal to sell a cake that has been baked for the public generally but includes certainreligious words or symbols on it are just three examples of possibilities that seem all but endless.Whatever the confluence of speech and free exercise principles might be in some cases, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s consideration of this case was incon-sistent with the State’s obligation of religious neutrality.The reason and motive for the baker’s refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions. The Court’s precedents make clear that the baker, in his capac-ity as the owner of a business serving the public, might
3 Cite as: 584 U. S. ____ (2018) Opinion of the Court have his right to the free exercise of religion limited by generally applicable laws. Still, the delicate question ofwhen the free exercise of his religion must yield to an otherwise valid exercise of state power needed to be de-termined in an adjudication in which religious hostility onthe part of the State itself would not be a factor in thebalance the State sought to reach. That requirement,however, was not met here. When the Colorado Civil Rights Commission considered this case, it did not do so with the religious neutrality that the Constitutionrequires.Given all these considerations, it is proper to hold that whatever the outcome of some future controversy involv-ing facts similar to these, the Commission’s actions here violated the Free Exercise Clause; and its order must be set aside
False, I posted the male or female couples and that them being sexually compatible was their opinion. But, according to God and the Bible which the baker has the right to follow (religious freedoms) they are not compatible and he did not want to bake a cake that showed that opinion or orientation. He has that right by God's law and religious freedoms. They could have had a wedding cake just not one the baker felt was against his principles.He refused service because the couple was male-male and not male-female. He's discriminating based on the sex of one of the participants. This isn't about opinions.
So I guess you agree cruise ships should be able to require vaccines from their customers before they board no matter where they disembark from?
It doesn't matter who's "compatible" or what that even means. It's illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex.False, I posted the male or female couples and that them being sexually compatible was their opinion. But, according to God and the Bible which the baker has the right to follow (religious freedoms) they are not compatible and he did not want to bake a cake that showed that opinion or orientation. He has that right by God's law and religious freedoms. They could have had a wedding cake just not one the baker felt was against his principles.
By the way, it is now time to school you. Biologically, same sex couples cannot procreate. By design and proven incompatible.
LOLIf you read my post you quoted it specifically says I'm talking about the majority who don't follow politics closely, not the minority who do that populate this thread. So as a poster here all of your personal question are irrelevant as no one's talking about you. But in general you can look at the educational demographic statistics. Republicans have a majority of HS or less. Democrats have a majority of college+. And every year the difference becomes starker.
Dang!The partisan education gap is happening live in real time right now. Go ask a random sampling of 25 yr old college grads why they favor Ds over Rs more than 2 to 1. For me personally the largest issues are economics and civil rights. Dems are passable on civil rights and at least trying on economics. Reps are abysmal on both issues. My education on history, sociology, economics, psychology, biology, geology, classics, ecology, and political science led me to these personal opinions. The same is true for other degree holders.
I never said your vote was misguided. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for being conservative ideologically. The current US two party political alignment isn't on that axis though. You can see this from many lifelong ideological conservatives rejecting Trump and Trumpism. It's all social issue culture war.
It is also illegal to make a person do something against their religious beliefs in this country so, by right the baker did not have to bake a cake that was vulgar or against his religious beliefs. Not unlike conscientious objectors refusing to go war after drafted based on religious beliefs once confirmed that that was the case. You are trampling on his right so, again to help you understand, your right cannot supersede my right when it is in my business. Plus, they could have had any other cake there thereby not being refused service. Only they decided they were going to make him do what they wanted him to do against his will and religious right. His business and his right to not go against God.It doesn't matter who's "compatible" or what that even means. It's illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex.
Completely false and made up stats by those who agree with your stance.If you read my post you quoted it specifically says I'm talking about the majority who don't follow politics closely, not the minority who do that populate this thread. So as a poster here all of your personal question are irrelevant as no one's talking about you. But in general you can look at the educational demographic statistics. Republicans have a majority of HS or less. Democrats have a majority of college+. And every year the difference becomes starker.
Actually you aren't funny, more like pathetic.
And from your posts I would have guessed fifth grade.
So, what do you think the hundreds of thousands of new "citizens" crossing the border now is going to do to the Dimwits education level? But don't worry, they will get all the benefits Americans have, until we go bankrupt.
I haven't really followed this very closely, but did he refuse service or did he refuse to decorate the cake the way they wanted. There is a huge difference. If he would have sold them a cake decorated in a different way that doesn't violate his beliefs, then he is not refusing service. I really don't know the answer to that question.He refused service because the couple was male-male and not male-female. He's discriminating based on the sex of one of the participants. This isn't about opinions.
Good question. One issue is that we're being kind of nebulous here when talking about highly specific legal issues. The SC case he's known for is Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 2018 which is the gay wedding cake. From the link:I haven't really followed this very closely, but did he refuse service or did he refuse to decorate the cake the way they wanted. There is a huge difference. If he would have sold them a cake decorated in a different way that doesn't violate his beliefs, then he is not refusing service. I really don't know the answer to that question.
Something doesn’t seem right in that description. I have a hard time believing he refused an order simply because it was a pink cake with blue icing.Good question. One issue is that we're being kind of nebulous here when talking about highly specific legal issues. The SC case he's known for is Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 2018 which is the gay wedding cake. From the link:
Craig and Mullins visited Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, in July 2012 to order a wedding cake for their return celebration. Masterpiece's owner Jack Phillips, who is a Christian, declined their cake request, informing the couple that he did not create wedding cakes for marriages of gay couples owing to his Christian religious beliefs. Craig and Mullins promptly left Masterpiece without discussing with Phillips any of the details of their wedding cake. The following day, Craig's mother, Deborah Munn, called Phillips, who advised her that Masterpiece did not make wedding cakes for the weddings of gay couples because of his religious beliefs...
The new case that sparked the discussion is a different allegation that the plaintiff tried to order a pink cake with blue frosting, but the bakery refused her saying they “did not make cakes for ‘sex changes.’”
Either way he offers custom cakes. You can't say, "You can't buy anything in my store other than this one raisin," and still say you're not refusing service. You're refusing a service you provide to others based on sex.
That's what's being reported everywhere, but with the media who knows.Something doesn’t seem right in that description. I have a hard time believing he refused an order simply because it was a pink cake with blue icing.
a person could get a pink cake with blue icing from a number of different places. if that was they really wanted and for the purpose of celebrating their whatever.That's what's being reported everywhere, but with the media who knows.
"Autumn Scardina filed a lawsuit against Masterpiece Cakeshop in 2017, after the bakery refused to bake her a pink cake with blue frosting, symbolizing her gender transition. Phillips testified that the bakery refused to bake the cake “based on the message they believed it would have conveyed - that a person can change genders and that a gender transition should be celebrated.”"
I like how you used the pronoun “they”. I see what you did there.They cannot understand logic or think anything differently than what their programming suggests.
Y'all celebrate and champion rural living. One of the fixtures of rural life is limited options. Becky out in the backwoods may only have one place within miles that makes custom cakes. The problem can be even worse out west where towns are so far apart. Businesses aren't legally allowed to refuse service on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin; age or disability(added later). That protects you from your local gun shop refusing you service just for being an American or white devil just like it protects them with the cakes.a person could get a pink cake with blue icing from a number of different places. if that was they really wanted and for the purpose of celebrating their whatever.
so why don't you understand that was never the point of this situation. they never cared about the cake. they only cared about the confrontation and the opportunity to be a victim. they purposefully targeted a a specific cake place and with this purpose in mind.
why is that not a an issue to you? they weren't looking for a damn cake, they were looking for confrontation. plain and simple. why does a business owner have to concede to someone who only had that purpose in mind.
beautiful thing about capitalism, if someone won't provide you with the service and take your money, someone else will.
False, that was not the case here. It was not rural and not only that but the baker has the right to refuse on religious grounds. His right to believe his position.Y'all celebrate and champion rural living. One of the fixtures of rural life is limited options. Becky out in the backwoods may only have one place within miles that makes custom cakes. The problem can be even worse out west where towns are so far apart. Businesses aren't legally allowed to refuse service on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin; age or disability(added later). That protects you from your local gun shop refusing you service just for being an American or white devil just like it protects them with the cakes.
So asking Biden what flavor ice cream he ordered is negative reporting? He would have self destructed if he had to go through the questions Trump put up with.