How will they rule ??!

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I gotta assume all this talk of rigged elections is probably going to suppress the Republican voter turnout.

That's good...
and your nominee is pushing conspiracies from the same guy who said 9/11 was an inside job, that the government caused the California drought by pumping water into the ocean, that Sandy Hook was faked, that the gov't is turning people gay by putting some gay bacteria in their juice boxes, and that Obama and Hillary are demons who smell like sulfur. I mean you really wanna go there? This is dark ages, medieval times type thinking here. But yeah, let's laugh at millenials! :flush:
I agree with this. I think the problem is that all of us have bias baked in that is very hard to flush out. The MSM is definitely more slanted to the liberal agenda, I don't think anyone would argue with that. So, they have foils - Fox News, Drudge, Alex Jones, etc - but a lot of those are even more slanted the other way.

If you watch news shows, panels, etc, they have all turned in to shouting fests because EVERYONE is biased one way or another. Fox tries the whole "we report, you decide" stuff while at the same time trotting out "reporters" like Hannity, O'Reilly, the judge (her name escapes me.) You'd almost have to have robots reading the news for no inherent bias to come across, but you would still need a live person to decide what the robots would read. I think it's a vicious cycle.

For example, at the same time Fox News is reporting "crippling, damaging" info being released from Wikileaks, CNN isn't even talking about it. Somebody at each network has a different opinion of what "news" is.

My gawd, another albanylibtard.

There is a MAJOR difference between a talkshow host and a news anchor. A talkshow host has a show that is often pre recorded, containing topics to discuss. They are often biased and a good one has no problems admitting his/her bias. Hanmity and oreilly are talk show hosts.

A news anchor is supposed to be unbiased, reporting on world events in real time. They arent supposed to give an opinion and are supposed to report facts while covering ALL the news.

Fox news has a lot of talkshow hosts while most are right leaning. Hannity is admittedly in the trump corner. At the same time, juan williams.. who is on during the hour thats a traditional news hour is most definitely a democrat.

Again, rheres a big effing difference between hannity and your news anchora refusing to cover clinton stories.

Either you knew this and are just being a typical lib or you didn't know thow which renders any opinion you have as irrelevant.
Only something a disingenuous greedy bastard would say.

Why don't you scoot along since "you got yours"

Anything that suppresses votes should be strongly frowned on and condemned by all of us, regardless of whether it helps or hurts the party we support. Willy you're spot on with this one.
and your nominee is pushing conspiracies from the same guy who said 9/11 was an inside job, that the government caused the California drought by pumping water into the ocean, that Sandy Hook was faked, that the gov't is turning people gay by putting some gay bacteria in their juice boxes, and that Obama and Hillary are demons who smell like sulfur. I mean you really wanna go there? This is dark ages, medieval times type thinking here. But yeah, let's laugh at millenials! :flush:

And you libs allign yourselves with these type opinions:
My gawd, another albanylibtard.

There is a MAJOR difference between a talkshow host and a news anchor. A talkshow host has a show that is often pre recorded, containing topics to discuss. They are often biased and a good one has no problems admitting his/her bias. Hanmity and oreilly are talk show hosts.

A news anchor is supposed to be unbiased, reporting on world events in real time. They arent supposed to give an opinion and are supposed to report facts while covering ALL the news.

Fox news has a lot of talkshow hosts while most are right leaning. Hannity is admittedly in the trump corner. At the same time, juan williams.. who is on during the hour thats a traditional news hour is most definitely a democrat.

Again, rheres a big effing difference between hannity and your news anchora refusing to cover clinton stories.

Either you knew this and are just being a typical lib or you didn't know thow which renders any opinion you have as irrelevant.

I know the difference between news and entertainment. Even newspeople have inherent bias built in. They may not show it as openly as someone like Hannity or Williams or Begala, but it's there.

Like I said, at the end of the day, a real live person has to decide what is news and what isn't, what part of news gets what timeshare, etc. That will ALWAYS be influenced by bias.
and your nominee is pushing conspiracies from the same guy who said 9/11 was an inside job, that the government caused the California drought by pumping water into the ocean, that Sandy Hook was faked, that the gov't is turning people gay by putting some gay bacteria in their juice boxes, and that Obama and Hillary are demons who smell like sulfur. I mean you really wanna go there? This is dark ages, medieval times type thinking here. But yeah, let's laugh at millenials! :flush:


Literally, none of that happened. Zilch. You really make shit up Cardkilla. Were you always a liar?
Anything that suppresses votes should be strongly frowned on and condemned by all of us, regardless of whether it helps our hurts the party we support. Willy you're spot on with this one.

video is getting almost 100 likes per minute on Youtube but the view count has been disabled - been stuck at 17,350 views for a LONG time. As we all know, only a small percentage of YouTube viewers take the time to log in with an account and "like" or "dislike". At the current rate, the likes will outnumber the stuck view count in just a few minutes. Currently the top trending video on YouTube is an SNL skit with 90K combined likes/dislikes and almost 10 million views. Those ratios stay mostly consistent for YouTube videos. The O'keefe video now has more than 17,350 combined likes/dislikes to outnumber the stuck view count. Do the math. (only 309 of them are dislikes). A million views already? Not a stretch.

You can send feedback to a YouTube video and actually screenshot your problem/concern. I sent feedback for what its worth - told them to stop manipulating the data and that this is important information about our political process...
I gotta assume all this talk of rigged elections is probably going to suppress the Republican voter turnout.

That's good...

So no, anything that suppresses voter turnout is bad, I already pointed that out.

But if you are Trump and you

  • want to win the election
  • think you can win the election
shouldn't your message be something like "this election is close, we will win this election if we turnout on
Nov 8th," or something similar, rather than "they're gonna rig the election, it doesn't matter who wins, it's in the bag."

Seems to me that the prior message would be much more likely than the latter to try and get voters to the polls on election day. As much as I take offense to Albany's post about this suppressing GOP turnout being a good thing, I tend to agree that it's the most likely outcome based on Trump's rhetoric.
So no, anything that suppresses voter turnout is bad, I already pointed that out.

But if you are Trump and you

  • want to win the election
  • think you can win the election
shouldn't your message be something like "this election is close, we will win this election if we turnout on
Nov 8th," or something similar, rather than "they're gonna rig the election, it doesn't matter who wins, it's in the bag."

Seems to me that the prior message would be much more likely than the latter to try and get voters to the polls on election day. As much as I take offense to Albany's post about this suppressing GOP turnout being a good thing, I tend to agree that it's the most likely outcome based on Trump's rhetoric.
Or, it is making people mad at the current system and like other things that Trump has said, he is speaking to people that are disgusted and want something different. 'Build a wall' hits home with millions of people fed up with the illegal immigrants, free flow of drugs, etc...
so Trump is a scoundrel & doing unprecedented damage to our country by talking about this election being rigged, per lefty dems....the same lefty dems who still to this day as they have done for 16 years say GWB stole the 2000 election, & should not have been President

that's the logic, right? Trump's accusations are shocking beyond repair, but completely different than what their side has always said about 2000?

amazing times we live in
and your nominee is pushing conspiracies from the same guy who said 9/11 was an inside job, that the government caused the California drought by pumping water into the ocean, that Sandy Hook was faked, that the gov't is turning people gay by putting some gay bacteria in their juice boxes, and that Obama and Hillary are demons who smell like sulfur. I mean you really wanna go there? This is dark ages, medieval times type thinking here. But yeah, let's laugh at millenials! :flush:
Its the Russians fault
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I know the difference between news and entertainment. Even newspeople have inherent bias built in. They may not show it as openly as someone like Hannity or Williams or Begala, but it's there.

Like I said, at the end of the day, a real live person has to decide what is news and what isn't, what part of news gets what timeshare, etc. That will ALWAYS be influenced by bias.

Thats not what you said though.

You said Fox news slogan is BS because they have "reporters" like hannity and oreilly.

They are talk shown hosts. Hannity gladly admits his bias. Oreilly, typically on the right has bashex trump numerous times.

When it comes to actual news, i would say fox is definitely middle. When it comes to nighttime talk show hosts, they are to the right minus megyn kelly.
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Soros has ties to Smartmatic Group which owns voting machines in 16 states. Smartmatic's Chariman Mark Malloch-Brown also serves on Soros's Open Society Foundation. Those 16 states are:

In the US, Smartmatic has offered technology and support services to the Electoral Commissions of 307 counties in 16 States:

District of Columbia
New Jersey
So, who is JohnKBA? Don't remember a single post and then all of a sudden drops in with the detailed company line.

Albany, not in a bubble at all. Read, talk and engage with a very wide variety of sources. But....none of them other than you and likely others who are being spoon fed and paid by the lib machine.
He's usually over at the Tard board, kissing Zipp's ass, and soaking up praise from their scum fans as being the "only reasonable UK fan". In other words, he's over there, posing as a UK fan, and selling us down the river. And he's now blocked.
Soros has ties to Smartmatic Group which owns voting machines in 16 states. Smartmatic's Chariman Mark Malloch-Brown also serves on Soros's Open Society Foundation. Those 16 states are:

In the US, Smartmatic has offered technology and support services to the Electoral Commissions of 307 counties in 16 States:

District of Columbia
New Jersey

Lots of blue states. Minus a couple on the Mississippi and Florida.
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I will give Albany points for being clever.

Here's what she did- cite some garbage poll suggesting that Utah is in play for Clinton. In response to my citation of a poll showing that Trump is up by 17 in Utah over Clinton, she retorts by saying that if we are even discussing Utah at all, then that shows how much trouble Trump is in nationally.

Now, that was clever. I wish I had thought of it myself! Not long ago, there was a garbage poll which had Trump only a hair away from a tie in Vermont. I could have cited that poll, and, then if Albany rebuts it with a real poll, showing a 17 point lead, or higher, for Clinton, say, "well, if we're even discussing Vermont at all, that's an indication that she's in real trouble nationally!".

Of course, Albany is not always as clever as that. For example, she insists that Clinton is going to win, and that I know that Clinton is going to win- yet was as wrong as wrong can be about Brexit. Not just a little bit wrong about Brexit- wrong from beginning to end, wrong from A to Z. And Albany continues to insist that Clinton is winning nearly every poll- well, she's not winning LA Times, PPD, Pew, and is back and forth on Rasmussen, and is within the margin of error in the new WAPost poll today.

But it gets even better. Most Clinton supporters believe that the American people support her policy positions and they would concur that Trump is an absolutely terrible candidate that is more beatable than any other Republican that could have been thrown out there. But they will also generally concede that Clinton herself is a poor candidate, unlikeable, best when out of the public eye, etc, etc. Albany actually worships the ground the woman walks on. So, in Albany's view, you have (1) policies with which the vast majority of Americans agree, (2) advocated by the most wonderful woman, in the world, which are opposed by (3) the worst GOP candidate imaginable. Anything less than a 50 state, 35% point landslide for Hillary Clinton means that Albany is as delusional about this race as she was about Brexit.
He's usually over at the Tard board, kissing Zipp's ass, and soaking up praise from their scum fans as being the "only reasonable UK fan". In other words, he's over there, posing as a UK fan, and selling us down the river. And he's now blocked.
The who do you want in control of the nuclear launch codes argument is a moronic one.

But yes, I want a change in foreign policy. And so does John Kerry apparently
Just like in many other areas, ignorance to the facts breeds a lot of fear when one side uses unrealistic non-facts (finger on the button mentality). It should scare us that we have so many uninformed people in this country.
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70% of Republicans think Obama was born outside the US and is a Muslim [roll][sick]
I don't believe that, but I do believe without an iota of doubt that he is a muslim sympathizer....A sympathizer of a sect/cult, etc...made up of many, many people that not only do not have the interests of the US and her allies at heart, but in fact despise the US and everything it stands for.