How will they rule ??!

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Bill, obviously if he wins the election it makes the question in my post moot - but let's say he doesn't - what's the next move?

I can't answer for Bill, but the very first step will be for the Status Quo to end unbiased journalism.

You can't have your campaign threatened by truth.

truth is the Status Quo worst enemy. That and free press.
James O'Keefe has released his first video about the dark operatives behind the Clinton campaign and the shady stuff they do. I'm 5 minutes in out of 15 and hope these guys get what's coming to them.

so, like . . . this 15 minute video has been posted here for an hour now and nobody has anything to say about it? Nobody?
I can't answer for Bill, but the very first step will be for the Status Quo to end unbiased journalism.

You can't have your campaign threatened by truth.

truth is the Status Quo worst enemy. That and free press.

I agree with this. I think the problem is that all of us have bias baked in that is very hard to flush out. The MSM is definitely more slanted to the liberal agenda, I don't think anyone would argue with that. So, they have foils - Fox News, Drudge, Alex Jones, etc - but a lot of those are even more slanted the other way.

If you watch news shows, panels, etc, they have all turned in to shouting fests because EVERYONE is biased one way or another. Fox tries the whole "we report, you decide" stuff while at the same time trotting out "reporters" like Hannity, O'Reilly, the judge (her name escapes me.) You'd almost have to have robots reading the news for no inherent bias to come across, but you would still need a live person to decide what the robots would read. I think it's a vicious cycle.

For example, at the same time Fox News is reporting "crippling, damaging" info being released from Wikileaks, CNN isn't even talking about it. Somebody at each network has a different opinion of what "news" is.
I agree with this. I think the problem is that all of us have bias baked in that is very hard to flush out. The MSM is definitely more slanted to the liberal agenda, I don't think anyone would argue with that. So, they have foils - Fox News, Drudge, Alex Jones, etc - but a lot of those are even more slanted the other way.

Much like John Kerry, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Nope, not any more. Just another in a long line of paid shills.
I agree with this. I think the problem is that all of us have bias baked in that is very hard to flush out. The MSM is definitely more slanted to the liberal agenda, I don't think anyone would argue with that. So, they have foils - Fox News, Drudge, Alex Jones, etc - but a lot of those are even more slanted the other way.

If you watch news shows, panels, etc, they have all turned in to shouting fests because EVERYONE is biased one way or another. Fox tries the whole "we report, you decide" stuff while at the same time trotting out "reporters" like Hannity, O'Reilly, the judge (her name escapes me.) You'd almost have to have robots reading the news for no inherent bias to come across, but you would still need a live person to decide what the robots would read. I think it's a vicious cycle.

For example, at the same time Fox News is reporting "crippling, damaging" info being released from Wikileaks, CNN isn't even talking about it. Somebody at each network has a different opinion of what "news" is.

And for the record John, I am not an Alex Jones or a Fox guy. Those that have known me on here in the past, know that I am a big big critic of Fox.

My problem is, that status Quo politics meddling in MSM have led to a million "political websites and blogs" to the point that no information is credible.
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Bill, obviously if he wins the election it makes the question in my post moot - but let's say he doesn't - what's the next move?

Pennsylvania does seem to be tightening - Clinton has gone from 87% chance to 84% chance to win in betting markets in the last week.

Come back in the midterms, then the election again in 2020. This movement going on didn't just start, it's the Tea party movement continued.

Trump may not win, but change, it is a coming. People are fed up with the crap going on in Washington, there is a struggle going on right now in the nation.
How can anyone look at the Democratic Party and think they like America or have her interest? These people would fit in well with a communist country.

No way this country ever would have thrived and got to the top of the world flowing the leftist ideology.

Seriously, these people are violent and absolute fascists in their tactics. Brainwash ppl and kids and then assault and silence those who dare disagree.
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People are fed up with the crap going on in Washington, there is a struggle going on right now in the nation.

Between Hillary's health, stamina, the divisive political atmosphere and the huge distrust people have in her which is being validated every single day...even if she wins, it's going to be one ugly Presidency for her. And I don't think playing the sexism card is going to work as well as the racism card did for Obama.

^^^^^That's not what I said KBA, I said you are another paid shill like several before you. Your comments only bear witness to that.
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Between Hillary's health, stamina, the divisive political atmosphere and the huge distrust people have in her which is being validated every single day...even if she wins, it's going to be one ugly Presidency for her. And I don't think playing the sexism card is going to work as well as the racism card did for Obama.

I've thought ever since the nominations were locked up that we were headed for our first 4 year president since GHWB. Nothing I have seen over the last several months has changed that outlook.
Between Hillary's health, stamina, the divisive political atmosphere and the huge distrust people have in her which is being validated every single day...even if she wins, it's going to be one ugly Presidency for her. And I don't think playing the sexism card is going to work as well as the racism card did for Obama.

^^^^^That's not what I said KBA, I said you are another paid shill like several before you. Your comments only bear witness to that.

So the democrats are paying people to peruse and comment on college sports forums? Amazing. I had no idea the rabbit hole went so deep.
Who is the real enemy Daboss?

What do you suggest we do if our votes mean nothing?
You're going to sit there and deny that Fox, Drudge, and Infowars are strongly anti-democrat? Come on man.

They are but Fox actually throws a bone to Dems and have multiple analysts who are fair and not always blaming Dems on everything. How many leftist networks can say that?

Fox' people have been super critical of Trump. How about the leftist networks with Hillary? They're all in.
I didn't really see much there. It's all stuff we knew was going on anyway.

Anyone who didn't know, will never be informed well enough to find this.

Zero impact imo

missed you post. disagree. There is real evidence of criminal activity here. You can "know" (aka "strongly suspect") until the cows come home. This video is detailed with evidence of criminal doing. If you're unwilling to see that then it's pretty clear which side of the fence you're on. The criminal side. Also, YouTube has apparently disabled the view count to prevent it from going viral. Been stuck at 17,350 views while the "likes" keep going steadily up. Pretty soon the number of likes will outnumber the views. the ratio of people who view videos on YouTube who log in with accounts (to "like" with) is comparatively small. Very small. Just got another 200 likes while I typed those last three sentences. Lot's of people looking at it without YouTube allowing it to trend. Whoops goes another 200 likes.
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So the democrats are paying people to peruse and comment on college sports forums? Amazing. I had no idea the rabbit hole went so deep.

It's confirmed. CTR is paying hillary bots to explode on forums and websites.

So why wouldn't a hillary bot not do it here John. Hillary will spend $1 billion on this election to "secure" her investment. Trump will spend about $100 million.

She has the budget
[QUOTE="YourPublicEnemy, post: 5262572, member: 78067"]They are but Fox actually throws a bone to Dems and have multiple analysts who are fair and not always blaming Dems on everything. How many leftist networks can say that?

Fox' people have been super critical of Trump. How about the leftist networks with Hillary? They're all in.[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree with the bolded part here - which is why I said we just end up with shouting matches on cable news because you have one biased person trying to talk over another biased person - that happens on CNN too - I never watch MSNBC so can't comment on them.

This is why I believe truly "unbiased" news is a tough row to hoe. At some point, someone has to make an executive decision on what constitutes news and on how to report it.
Having to watch Hillary's corruption is like having to watch her smile as she slowly inserts her fist kneee deep in your asshole. Only to then have her plant child porn on your computer and then kill your family and friends. That's Hillary
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Having to watch Hillary's corruption is like having to watch her smile as she slowly inserts her fist kneee deep in your asshole. Only to then have her plant child porn on your computer and then kill your family and friends. That's Hillary

The visual of a fist "knee deep" in an asshole made me spit out my coffee. You made my afternoon Willy.
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Honest question, JohnKBA, had you never heard of Correct the Record? Or do you just assume the Democrats are paying trolls on Reddit exclusively?

Edit: Nevermind, you answered the question.
James O'Keefe has released his first video about the dark operatives behind the Clinton campaign and the shady stuff they do. I'm 5 minutes in out of 15 and hope these guys get what's coming to them.

video is getting almost 100 likes per minute on Youtube but the view count has been disabled - been stuck at 17,350 views for a LONG time. As we all know, only a small percentage of YouTube viewers take the time to log in with an account and "like" or "dislike". At the current rate, the likes will outnumber the stuck view count in just a few minutes. Currently the top trending video on YouTube is an SNL skit with 90K combined likes/dislikes and almost 10 million views. Those ratios stay mostly consistent for YouTube videos. The O'keefe video now has more than 17,350 combined likes/dislikes to outnumber the stuck view count. Do the math. (only 309 of them are dislikes). A million views already? Not a stretch.
Russians, dudes hiding out in embassies, whatever.

No politician can be trusted. They lie to us. They lie to each other. They cover their asses. None of this is news, and it's why none of these email leaks are moving the needle. No liberal democrats care.

Seems like the Clinton supporters on here are the only Clinton supporters not on the payroll. Uncanny really.

I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was a Clinton supporter after all this shit came out, then I realize I'm the sheep they were manipulating. (Who am I kidding, if I was a Clinton supporter I wouldn't have the self awareness to realize I was being manipulated).
Seems like the Clinton supporters on here are the only Clinton supporters not on the payroll. Uncanny really.

I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was a Clinton supporter after all this shit came out, then I realize I'm the sheep they were manipulating. (Who am I kidding, if I was a Clinton supporter I wouldn't have the self awareness to realize I was being manipulated).

Where can I sign up to get paid? If I'm gonna be on here anyway chatting with you guys, I might as well subsidize my income, right?


I can see where some of you are coming from. I don't like Hillary as a candidate. I don't like Trump as a candidate either. I guess I dislike HRC a little less. Living in Kentucky that means most people disagree with me, but that's life. At least we are in a country where we can have discourse like this openly.
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We can't even depend on that anymore.

Not with "gotcha politics", which is just an opportunity to shame the person rather than hearing them out.

I think that after an adversarial "feeling out process," we got to the point where we are having a civil discussion now. That's progress, right?
so Trump is a scoundrel & doing unprecedented damage to our country by talking about this election being rigged, per lefty dems....the same lefty dems who still to this day as they have done for 16 years say GWB stole the 2000 election, & should not have been President

that's the logic, right? Trump's accusations are shocking beyond repair, but completely different than what their side has always said about 2000?

amazing times we live in
I think that after an adversarial "feeling out process," we got to the point where we are having a civil discussion now. That's progress, right?

I guess. But it's hard to have a civil discussion when one candidate is defying the ethnics and legality of the topic being discussed.
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so Trump is a scoundrel & doing unprecedented damage to our country by talking about this election being rigged, per lefty dems....the same lefty dems who still to this day as they have done for 16 years say GWB stole the 2000 election, & should not have been President

that's the logic, right? Trump's accusations are shocking beyond repair, but completely different than what their side has always said about 2000?

amazing times we live in

I had a Sore Loserman bumper sticker on my car in 2000.