I agree with all of this. Socialism is not the answer at all. The GOP needs an overhaul. They can't win elections on the backs of white males anymore - they simply don't make up enough of the electorate nowadays. Clinton is going to win this election because the gender gap is going to be bigger than it has ever been.
So you have a double edged sword - I believe that a "traditional" GOP candidate would have walked over Hillary this year. Outside of Obama's approval rating, which is actually quite high, all the other metrics point against the Democrats. The economy is stagnant, the ACA has been something between a disappointment and abject failure depending on who you talk to, Americans don't feel as safe as they have in the past, etc.
However, as evidenced by Trump's support from ~40% of the electorate, a lot of people are tired of "traditional." So that brings us to the quandary - run a radical outsider, he creates a movement, tops out at 2/5ths support, and a Democrat stays in power. Run a traditional candidate, he probably wins, but you're stuck with the status quo. Which is preferable?