How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He's usually over at the Tard board, kissing Zipp's ass, and soaking up praise from their scum fans as being the "only reasonable UK fan". In other words, he's over there, posing as a UK fan, and selling us down the river. And he's now blocked.

Really? WTF. Stay the f over there and please don't come over here. WTF.

MODS - please ban this tool who's kissing Zipp's arse.
Anything that suppresses votes should be strongly frowned on and condemned by all of us, regardless of whether it helps or hurts the party we support. Willy you're spot on with this one.

When you are suppressing your own vote total, well, you can't always help stupid. Why do you think numerous Republicans are going on TV telling people the election is not rigged? They know the Donald's talk of a rigged election will hurt down ballot races.

Trump’s statements consistent with MarketWatch reporting that said it’s possible he may not have lost actual money.

"Cooper had asked Trump if he used the nearly $1 billion in losses shown on the three 1995 state tax returns leaked to The New York Times “to avoid paying personal federal income taxes?”

Trump responded, “Of course I did. Of course I did.”

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It's like you don't even read the tweets. She didn't send that, and it's not unusual for an aid to want to please a donor. Look, I get there is bad stuff, but post the bad stuff. All your supposed A HA tweets are just, hey, we've got a strategy for Reddit, or hey,

HRC likes Salmon!!!! That devil!!!

I get you're one of the slower guys on the paddock, and that's fine, like how you thought USA was giving up control of Internet, or has no idea what the executive branch does, but this isn't damning. There's much more meat than this.
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Disagree. I think we have more information now than ever. Independent voters now make up largest voting block.

You assume people don't take in info. We want an informed populace to vote. I guess your anecdotal evidence is nice, but evidence suggests otherwise. I get that feelings play a big part in how we picture the world, but I think because we have a more engaged population, we see more unaffiliated.

Except that whole thing thing citing the rise of unaffiliated voters vs. your thanksgiving quip. But good try, bro. In mine, I cited studies (if you want I can link, just assumed you can google), you cited your brother in law on t-day. If you cant see the difference in facts there, well, thanks for stopping by!

That's your fact? Really? You think because you said that, I'm supposed to realize a) that is a fact backed by the most prestigious studies worthy of actually looking up and b) the rest of your argument that everything is somehow going to get better because everyone is informed enough to be independent now, yet we have the two most hated candidates in history and no third party is polling higher than 7%? Right.

My argument wasn't even as you stated. It's that social media sells you an echochamber (fact). The echochamber is now portable (fact, in 2014 mobile took over desktop in web traffic). People prefer to exist in their echochamber (fine, I didn't look anything up, but seriously everyone is glued to their phone). Thus being informed means that you are informed of what you already like and that creates a more polarized electorate, which isn't necessarily good.

That's your fact? Really? You think because you said that, I'm supposed to realize a) that is a fact backed by the most prestigious studies worthy of actually looking up and b) the rest of your argument that everything is somehow going to get better because everyone is informed enough to be independent now, yet we have the two most hated candidates in history and no third party is polling higher than 7%? Right.

My argument wasn't even as you stated. It's that social media sells you an echochamber (fact). The echochamber is now portable (fact, in 2014 mobile took over desktop in web traffic). People prefer to exist in their echochamber (fine, I didn't look anything up, but seriously everyone is glued to their phone). Thus being informed means that you are informed of what you already like and that creates a more polarized electorate, which isn't necessarily good.
So because information is more readily available, people are less informed? That's your argument? :joy::joy::joy:

Also, I get in your world, your brother in laws story about turkey dinner is the same thing as a mass study that polls constituents and then migrates that data for actual facts, but that's not how the real world works, clown.
Absolutely. Nobody goes to look for information they disagree with, especially when information they do agree with is delivered to them with a bow. That's literally the reason advertising exists.
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Lol..lek jumps at almost anything to give his "witty" replies...except for where he was quoted as outing himself to be a true lib whore. Convenient
Trump’s statements consistent with MarketWatch reporting that said it’s possible he may not have lost actual money.

"Cooper had asked Trump if he used the nearly $1 billion in losses shown on the three 1995 state tax returns leaked to The New York Times “to avoid paying personal federal income taxes?”

Trump responded, “Of course I did. Of course I did.”


This is exactly what's happening now with our streets, etc. If we continue electing the same political machines we will continue to do the same shit.

Donald proposes import tax. He had some really good ideas about foreign trade. We need to put US first. F China.

Not saying trump can change shit. Ain't no change 40% of this nation can vote into action. Gd joke of a charade, but it is entertaining.
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Absolutely. Nobody goes to look for information they disagree with, especially when information they do agree with is delivered to them with a bow. That's literally the reason advertising exists.
I try to follow liberal writers but they make it very hard. Like Thrush and Cilizza, two guys discussed here recently, 95% (not like you can't peruse their feeds and scroll through their views) GOP hate.
Why would NBC have to hire Billy Bush to release the recording?

They wouldn't have too, but the pay day would've been substantially higher if they hadn't.
This way NBC appears to be taking the high road, where as releasing recording without his consent looks dirty. They also have a cover story for sitting on the tapes. Now they are saying it came to light as Bush was bragging about it in Rio during olympics.
So because information is more readily available, people are less informed? That's your argument? :joy::joy::joy:

Also, I get in your world, your brother in laws story about turkey dinner is the same thing as a mass study that polls constituents and then migrates that data for actual facts, but that's not how the real world works, clown.

God bless your estrogen imbalance
This is exactly what's happening now with our streets, etc. If we continue electing the same political machines we will continue to do the same shit.

Donald proposes import tax. He had some really good ideas about foreign trade. We need to put US first. F China.

Not saying trump can change shit. Ain't no change 40% of this nation can vote into action. Gd joke of a charade, but it is entertaining.

Ain't that the damn truth.

I'm not looking for him to cure cancer. I just want a reset on the political power. It's too drunk and has too much power.
The left's vision of America is so far past the point of radicalism and insanity. They're trying to ruin this place for good. They are way too extreme to ever work with or be willing to compromise. The left's idea of compromise is they don't get everything they want all at once.

Seriously, these people will be the death of this nation.
Hannity showing the O'Keefe video now...

looks like PVA may be making slight alterations to the video title (e.g. from "part I" to "video I") in order to skip around Youtube's block on the view counter. Then the block is back on, PVA makes another slight alteration to get around it, back and forth, etc. Enough intermittent "get arounds" however for the view count now to be up to almost 900k. The actual view count must be 4 or 5 times that figure. likes = almost 40K dislikes < 1k

The content in this video should be particularly disturbing to union workers, family members of union workers, etc. As within this video the corruption includes statements implying that union persons are the best at being willing to support these criminal activities. So even if somebody were to suggest "none of this is true," it would seem necessary to obtain an explanation for how the democratic campaign process feels obligated to label their most reliable constituency as "most valuable criminal" or MVC.

the view count rose from just below 900k to above 1 million while I made this post
I've read a lot of stuff in the last couple days that if Hillary wins, things could get nasty. I've heard assassination, revolution, bloodbath, coups, and other dastardly things that could happen.
Other than the assaniation BS I don't have an issue with it.

The south has tried to leave the US, Texas would love to, and after all we founded this area(hahahahahaha) as a means to get the hell out of Europe as it moved left way back when and people fled there to have a chance at something different.

I'd love to see that happen, but there is no where to go anymore!
I've read a lot of stuff in the last couple days that if Hillary wins, things could get nasty. I've heard assassination, revolution, bloodbath, coups, and other dastardly things that could happen.

No matter who wins the other side is going to be angry.
The seeds of dissent have been sown. The Union is on its way to splitting.
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We already know that's the tactic, thanks to the leak. Deface bumper stickers, steal signs, etc
I've heard some Trump supporters want to wear red on election day. Bad idea IMO. We know damn well Soros and Clinton will have thugs at some of these polling stations looking for people wearing red.
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