How will they rule ??!

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You could be correct, I don't know, but I have no reason to trust gov. I've seen things with my own eyes that they lied about. They will say what they feel they need to say because they feel they know better than we do what is best for us and that gives them the moral high ground in their mind.
These aren't Government vaccines. They are from private companies.
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Terrorist propaganda.
Meh, I got my second Pfizer shot day before yesterday. Shareholder since 1993. Happy they're earning a few $ and enhancing shareholder value. Feel okay, but a bit weary when afternoons roll around. My old lady is scared shitless of vaccines. I'll be fine.
My wife took the first and then researched the vaccines and decided against the second. My daughter has not taken the vax and neither have I. If she says she wants to then, she can but, I won't. You know how many pricks we got from the military. I have had enough. I have not had a vaccination of any sort since 1997.
FALSE. Death numbers didn't start dropping till 3-4 weeks after Trump's vaccines started.
Technically, you are correct, but 3-4 weeks after the vaccines "started" would have had no impact whatsoever on the deaths, because. at that time, only about 5% of the country even had a first shot, and that would have made zero difference. The deaths were going to start dropping anyway, just like they did over and over again at different points after a peak was hit, in May 2020 and in August 2020. The decline in February cases and deaths had little to do with the vaccine and much to do with Farr's law. I'll grant that the current decline, which will be permanent, is related to vaccinations.
I admitted in my post that the shot might not have caused the deaths in response to generalities from another poster. I say again, I don't know, but I do not and will not trust gov.
Not trust them for what? The shots? They are not government shots. They are drug company shots. jHc. At least be accurate & say you won't trust the drug companies.
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Sure are a lot of states with zero deaths since most people have been vaccinated. Haven't heard of anyone dying from the shot, I know it was a breeze for me and a couple of neighbors that had the shot in the past week.
OK, did a little reading, they do expect a third wave, not deaths from the original virus which the vaccine does sound like it protects people from, but from new variants. And yes, deaths from those already vaccinated will be higher, but only because the shots have been given to the most vulnerable. So according to what I gathered it isn't over, but the shots do give protection against the original virus. Hope they can get vaccines against the new variants.

And I am not Doctor or an expert, just what I gathered from reading a little, so who knows.
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My wife took the first and then researched the vaccines and decided against the second. My daughter has not taken the vax and neither have I. If she says she wants to then, she can but, I won't. You know how many pricks we got from the military. I have had enough. I have not had a vaccination of any sort since 1997.
After retirement, I went vaccine free except for IVs after the strokes and colon cancer. Back around 2015, I started back on flu vaccines. Missed flu shots in 2019 and regretted it since.
OK, did a little reading, they do expect a third wave, not deaths from the original virus which the vaccine does sound like it protects people from, but from new variants. And yes, deaths from those already vaccinated will be higher, but only because the shots have been given to the most vulnerable. So according to what I gathered it isn't over, but the shots do give protection against the original virus. Hope they can get vaccines against the new variants.

And I am not Doctor or an expert, just what I gathered from reading a little, so who knows.
Variants, what about. Seriously?
I like you better when you are ripping on Mitch, but variants? Really? I'm about as afraid of the "variants" as I am of "Covid".
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I know people who got run over a car after they had "Covid", and counted as "Covid" deaths.

No, I didn't really know those people, but I do know that this has happened.
I have heard the same stories, something about the hospitals getting more money that way.
Always love the- let's leave out parts of history.

It's also real sweet coming from the "America is stolen land crowd"

Jews didn't just show up after ww2. They were there more than 1000 years prior. The Arabs came in and ethnically cleansed them out of there. I'm curious why you guys always gloss over this? In the Arab world there are 12...TWELVE jews total living in Egypt. Why?

As far as start 20% of Israel is Arab, around 17% Muslim. Palestine isn't a race. It was part of the ottoman empire, then Jordan and Egypt decided they didn't want parts of that land...ask yourself why you arent mad at Jordan. Those squatters that Palestine is pouting over...yeah that land was granted to Israel from Jordan. Palestine isn't even a real country...ask yourself why.

How many elections has Israel had in the past few years compared to how many has Palestine had in the last 20? You know bc their guy thought about having one then didnt...then oh, how convenient right before terrorists started shooting missiles- which by every definition is a war crime, they announced they were finally going to have an election. Coincidence I suppose.

Texas used to be part of Mexico, there was a war, they lost...everyone moved on. Palestine can't do this...bc they want total eradication of jews. It's really that simple. They aren't interested in a 2 state solution...they arent interested in combining into one. And hamas and their leadership lies to their ppl to make them hate Israel. They intentionally put their own civilians in harms way bc they know apologist progressives and press will ignore that.

Tlaib and Omar are anti- semitic bigots, and there's no way around it. You can't play it off with the ohhh we can't criticize Israel. Yeah you can, plenty to criticize. But these bigots are verbatim regurgitating David Duke talking points.
2 thumbs up
OK, did a little reading, they do expect a third wave, not deaths from the original virus which the vaccine does sound like it protects people from, but from new variants. And yes, deaths from those already vaccinated will be higher, but only because the shots have been given to the most vulnerable. So according to what I gathered it isn't over, but the shots do give protection against the original virus. Hope they can get vaccines against the new variants.

And I am not Doctor or an expert, just what I gathered from reading a little, so who knows.

The link I posted. Luc Montagnier who won a Nobel Peace Prize by discovering AIDs discussed this.

Put it this way. I'd be trusting the virologist who discovered AIDs over some kook like Fauci. But to each their own
Is the gov promoting them? What is the gov telling me about them? I hear and see ads everyday from gov entities telling me how wonderful the shots are.
The government says they're good, but they're not a government product. I mean why let the government get in your way of making a decision? Decide for yourself instead of letting gov influence you.
After retirement, I went vaccine free except for IVs after the strokes and colon cancer. Back around 2015, I started back on flu vaccines. Missed flu shots in 2019 and regretted it since.
I don't fault anyone for taking whatever, I just don't anymore myself. I had read the pros and cons for vaccinating for every little thing and I just can't do it anymore. You, me and many like us were filled with so much s**t and exposed to a lot more s**t than the average person. It's a wonder I am not a mutant. (Yes you liberal bastards I realize that is not reality but, it could be a health hazard as I go forward.)
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