How will they rule ??!

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Yes. Which is why Texas is run by morons. They thought it was more important to bypass safety regulations than to have interstate power as a backup supply. And of course now they are begging for federal help and money.
When Texas fully reopened you know that democrats were hoping that COVID cases would go through the roof in Texas & that a lot more Texans would die. This is how rotten & evil that they are.
By democrats predicting that COVID cases would spike in Texas because of the reopening. They were wrong again. Once again democrats looking like the dumb, idiots that they are.
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Im Confused. I thought you rednecks hated the globalist jews because they are trying to create the NWO and great reset? Or you just like Some of them because they kill muslims?

Now, read that again but slow down even more so your substandard brain and education level can understand it.
Did you not see the video?

The cops let them in. Lol. Literally on video with the cop letting them in. No resistance. And to boot, the cop on the video said "make a show, but do it peacefully"

Are we now to a point of denying video evidence? You sound like Qanon.
"Who are you going to or your lying eyes"............, Groucho Marx...
Nonsense. No one being expelled.
The courts had already decided the outcome of the settlement in dispute......the squatters (Hamas) were not happy with the they started lobbing rockets......
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Technically, you are correct, but 3-4 weeks after the vaccines "started" would have had no impact whatsoever on the deaths, because. at that time, only about 5% of the country even had a first shot, and that would have made zero difference. The deaths were going to start dropping anyway, just like they did over and over again at different points after a peak was hit, in May 2020 and in August 2020. The decline in February cases and deaths had little to do with the vaccine and much to do with Farr's law. I'll grant that the current decline, which will be permanent, is related to vaccinations.
I think it is just a matter of how they test and how they count. It all depends on what narrative they are selling.
Technically, you are correct, but 3-4 weeks after the vaccines "started" would have had no impact whatsoever on the deaths, because. at that time, only about 5% of the country even had a first shot, and that would have made zero difference. The deaths were going to start dropping anyway, just like they did over and over again at different points after a peak was hit, in May 2020 and in August 2020. The decline in February cases and deaths had little to do with the vaccine and much to do with Farr's law. I'll grant that the current decline, which will be permanent, is related to vaccinations.
Happy you admit vaccines work. Tell Gassy.
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- Wife is in the healthcare industry and took the vaccine. Got scared from all of the Covid cases so her and her colleagues caved and got it. She has RA and was doing well and now she is having all sorts of joint issues again. Every morning is a chore for her waking up. She asked me many times my opinion of taking the vaccine and I told her it was her body and her choice. She is well educated and needed to make the decision for herself. As for me, my vaccine is eating right, working out every morning, having a six pack/being in great shape. If that does not beat Covid then its just my time to go.

- George Bush was a disaster as POTUS and should have moved into a Cave never to be heard from again. He can take Karl Rove, Mitch and the rest of them with him.

- Wonder if NYC Jews like Howard Stern are ecstatic about their beloved Dems being in charge now. You could not pay me enough to live in that shi!hole city.

-I have said many times this country opened it arms too wide and too long to immigrants. We allowed too many shi!hole country immigrants to come into our country, reproduce, get elected into office and are now destroying our country without having to take a single shot. Obama knew exactly what he was doing bringing so many Somalians into Minnesota. It allowed a bigot like Omar to get elected and will stay elected due to the massive amount of voter fraud in her district.

- Joe Biden is easily the fakest POTUS to ever grace the WH. His joke to the Coast Guard got no applause because they do not respect the guy. 80M votes my a$$
I say again, everyday in my area a GOV entitiy is bombarding my TV and radio with ads about how wonderful the shots are. I AM being accurate.
And what's that got to do with the fact they're not government developed & owned vaccines? You listening to what government tells you now?
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Entitled to your position but people die from all sorts of things all the time. You can't argue with the fact that the death rate has nosedived since most of the most vulnerable have gotten the shots.
They do, and under Trump many of those who died from all sorts of reasons were listed as Covid deaths if they were so much as contact traced to somebody who had it and weren’t out of the 14 day window. Under Biden they’re actually starting to count deaths correctly.
You had a previous administration pay for fake FOREIGN intel so they could get a FRAUDULENT warrant in order to SPY on the incoming POTUS.

They then used their pals in the media to spin a web of lies for them - and went so far as to use those spoon-fed stories as some sort of verification/proof of their own lies.

Also, given the fact we have mountains of verified evidence (emails) that the media is literally and figuratively in bed with the Dems I guess my question becomes........why in the hell wouldn’t you look into it?

It should all be burned to the ground. First place CNN. Second place NBC. Third place Washington DC. In that order preferably.
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Lol. I have no idea why anyone covers this little shit. She’s autistic and reads from a script from leftist handlers. Also a Time Magazine POTY? Lol

last four winners
2017 Me Too
2018 Journalists giving themselves the award highlighting Khashoggi the most and basically any reporter killed by Muslims.

2019- Greta Thunberg
2020- Biden/Harris

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Entitled to your position but people die from all sorts of things all the time. You can't argue with the fact that the death rate has nosedived since most of the most vulnerable have gotten the shots.
They were calling motorcycle deaths “covid deaths.” Everything was COVID. It was bullshit. So much of it was obese people with pre-existing issues.
I think Dion would say that it is only a small minority of Palestinians who opposed transgender rights, compared to rabid maniacs in like the Midwest or the South who brutally persecute them, or something like that. ISIS is nothing compared to a bunch of guys in Clermont County with MAGA hats.

He's already said as much just a few posts of his back. According to his world view, only a very small subsect of Muslims have oppressive views, but every redneck is all in on oppression. I would love for him to go over there and shout his views and opinions for one week. We would be reading an article on Fox News about the be-heading of an American shortly after. One last thing, I purposely listed Fox News b/c the rest of the MSM wouldn't report on it b/c it would make Muslims look bad.