How will they rule ??!

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Israel started the genocidal ethnic displacement and apartheid state. You don’t think Palestinians have a right to retaliate?

In other words, violence to achieve political ends.

As is always the case, your kind project who you are on to everyone else. You are indeed scum frothing at the bit to kill those who oppose you with the only thing really stopping you is a favorable environment.

Palestinians want to kill Jews because they hate them for religious reasons, not because of any so-called "apartheid state" which only really exists, such that it can be called one, in the first place because 40% or whatever of them actually want to kill Jews or condone it as a means of achieving political goals. They don't just want freedom or a two state solution, they literally want to expel and ethnically cleanse their land from Jewish occupation with the only really thing stopping them there is the adequate military might to do so.
We sell Israel the weapons they bomb the Palestinians with so hey, at least we’re profiting from both ends of these atrocities. America first!
we sell Israel the weapons they use to defend themselves with.

genocidal ethnic displacement? that is a lot of syllables that aren't true and mean nothing. Islamists have no interest in assimilating into modern society. They want pure religious obedience and extermination of anyone or anything that doesn't follow the koran, IF the palestinians were a peaceful people looking to further themselves into a productive society, they would be living in those settlements peacefully and productively along side Jews. They don't want that. They choose the option of war. Israel defends itself. Get it right.

You are purposefully dishonest and misleading to serve your side. You choose your words to fit your agenda, not to tell the truth.
Nothing to see here...just former FBI director Louis Freeh giving a 100 grand to a personal trust for Biden's grandkids...had communications with Hunter "I would like to talk to you and Dad about working together next year. No doubt both he and you have many options and probably some which are more attractive than my small shop."

He marked one email to Hunter "confidential and privileged"

Once asked Hunter for his dad's contact info on 'profitable matters'

I hope Big Daddy Tax Cheat Biden reported that as taxable income.
we sell Israel the weapons they use to defend themselves with.

genocidal ethnic displacement? that is a lot of syllables that aren't true and mean nothing. Islamists have no interest in assimilating into modern society. They want pure religious obedience and extermination of anyone or anything that doesn't follow the koran, IF the palestinians were a peaceful people looking to further themselves into a productive society, they would be living in those settlements peacefully and productively along side Jews. They don't want that. They choose the option of war. Israel defends itself. Get it right.

You are purposefully dishonest and misleading to serve your side. You choose your words to fit your agenda, not to tell the truth.

He's always dishonest. Dude wakes up everyday just to lie through his teeth
Israel started the genocidal ethnic displacement and apartheid state. You don’t think Palestinians have a right to retaliate?
Does Japan have a right to retaliate against the US for losing the war?

Israel won the Sinai and Gaza in the 1967 war. Israel gave Gaza to a bunch of termites (that's official Hamas lingo) in 2005 in exchange for peace. I don't think the termites have honored the bargain. You don't think the termites should have to honor the bargain. We all agree that the bargain is dead. So, Israel should annex Gaza and toss the cheating termites out.

Plaestinians are animals, strapping bombs to their own children.

Almost 20% of the people in Israel are palestinian animals. Look up the definition of apartheid. It doesn't fit.

The whole world will be better off when Israel runs the animals out of Gaza and annexes it.
No need to. I'm right.

By the way, I really don't care about Israel, but if they destroy every muslim in the middle east, then I support them

Muslims are scum
2 Thumbs up. China's great contribution to the modern world is its demonstration on how socialism deals with muslims, including Uighurs. Socialism has always been an efficient genocide machine.

China has made Nazi Germany look like hapless amateurs. China is over 50 million dead and counting, IIRC.

edit-- I wish teh world could make up its mind on Uighurs vs. Uyghurs.
bitch boy Netanyahu begged Biden to broker peace and he got it done. MAGA!

That's strange, the news just said Egypt brokered the deal.

Does Japan have a right to retaliate against the US for losing the war?

Israel won the Sinai and Gaza in the 1967 war. Israel gave Gaza to a bunch of termites (that's official Hamas lingo) in 2005 in exchange for peace. I don't think the termites have honored the bargain. You don't think the termites should have to honor the bargain. We all agree that the bargain is dead. So, Israel should annex Gaza and toss the cheating termites out.

Plaestinians are animals, strapping bombs to their own children.

Almost 20% of the people in Israel are palestinian animals. Look up the definition of apartheid. It doesn't fit.

The whole world will be better off when Israel runs the animals out of Gaza and annexes it.
Or they could leave the land they illegally seized and are occupying through overwhelming military force. Whatever floats your boat.
bitch boy Netanyahu begged Biden to broker peace and he got it done. MAGA!


you are defending a people that openly murders homosexuals, enslaves women and wants to destroy all society not conforming to the koran.

please tell me why you defend slavery and the murder of people based on sexual orientation?
I condemn intolerance by all religious extremists. Luckily most Muslims don’t adhere to religious literalism and extremism like the rednecks here do.
  • Haha
Reactions: warrior-cat
Or they could leave the land they illegally seized and are occupying through overwhelming military force. Whatever floats your boat.
I was talking about Gaza. Israel is not "occupying [Gaza] through overwhelming military force" or otherwise. Israel gave it back to the termites in exchange for peace in 2005. I said that Israel Should REoccupy Gaza, since we both agree that the termites are not holding up their end of the bargain.

The termites also should pay Israel reparations for all damages caused in this latest breach of peace and all munitions expended by Israel in forcing Hamas to accept a ceasefire.
Did anybody hear Barr's speech? He nailed it when he talked about "systemic racism." He said the only systemic racism in the US is the crappy city school systems and the lack of school vouchers which prevent blacks from having a real shot at equal opportunity. I guess the teachers unions are having big time pow wows tonight.

It may take 20 years, but I think they are in real trouble, as they should be.
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I condemn intolerance by all religious extremists. Luckily most Muslims don’t adhere to religious literalism and extremism like the rednecks here do.
There you have it, the real reason Dion and the other leftists hate Israel is because they are Gods chosen people.

He thinks they are being treated special by the West, because as Christian principled nations, we also view them as that.
I condemn intolerance by all religious extremists. Luckily most Muslims don’t adhere to religious literalism and extremism like the rednecks here do.

You should take it one step further and condemn intolerance by leftists who only tolerate diversity through ideological uniformity.

You’re no better an extremist than those other extremists. You’d be just as willing to kill to enforce your vision of the world as a devout Muslim would.
Tears for Tebow are delicious. Kap was presented with possible position change but of course that was met with racism too. As if the white option QBs over the years didn't also have to change positions.
There was a guy at Greenbay who was the 4th string QB but 1st string star of something, back in the 60s. He overcame his white privilege and gave up trying to be a qb and became a star at something else. Ring any bells? Sorry, not trying to make this a trivia game.
I was talking about Gaza. Israel is not "occupying [Gaza] through overwhelming military force" or otherwise. Israel gave it back to the termites in exchange for peace in 2005. I said that Israel Should REoccupy Gaza, since we both agree that the termites are not holding up their end of the bargain.

The termites also should pay Israel reparations for all damages caused in this latest breach of peace and all munitions expended by Israel in forcing Hamas to accept a ceasefire.
They already control Gaza, the largest open air prison in the world, through their embargo and checkpoints.

claims to be against all forms of bigotry, then gets called out for supporting actual bigotry then retaliates by resorting to throwing a tantrum full of bigoted remarks.

you dion are without a doubt a true liberal.

liberals are the largest collection of real modern day racists hiding behind phony phrases and slogans of social justice. a cancerous group they are.
it's hard to believe you can outdo yourself, but that might be the dumbest thing you ever posted.
Yes, that was a pretty incredible post. At least the hijackers KNEW they would be in heaven instantly after killing all those innocent people, and they did get to have all those whores in Vegas forgiven because of their mission.

Are you just stupid or what?

Sorry, might have not been very clear, I meant that for the idiot, not you BBN.
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Israel started the genocidal ethnic displacement and apartheid state. You don’t think Palestinians have a right to retaliate?
Always love the- let's leave out parts of history.

It's also real sweet coming from the "America is stolen land crowd"

Jews didn't just show up after ww2. They were there more than 1000 years prior. The Arabs came in and ethnically cleansed them out of there. I'm curious why you guys always gloss over this? In the Arab world there are 12...TWELVE jews total living in Egypt. Why?

As far as start 20% of Israel is Arab, around 17% Muslim. Palestine isn't a race. It was part of the ottoman empire, then Jordan and Egypt decided they didn't want parts of that land...ask yourself why you arent mad at Jordan. Those squatters that Palestine is pouting over...yeah that land was granted to Israel from Jordan. Palestine isn't even a real country...ask yourself why.

How many elections has Israel had in the past few years compared to how many has Palestine had in the last 20? You know bc their guy thought about having one then didnt...then oh, how convenient right before terrorists started shooting missiles- which by every definition is a war crime, they announced they were finally going to have an election. Coincidence I suppose.

Texas used to be part of Mexico, there was a war, they lost...everyone moved on. Palestine can't do this...bc they want total eradication of jews. It's really that simple. They aren't interested in a 2 state solution...they arent interested in combining into one. And hamas and their leadership lies to their ppl to make them hate Israel. They intentionally put their own civilians in harms way bc they know apologist progressives and press will ignore that.

Tlaib and Omar are anti- semitic bigots, and there's no way around it. You can't play it off with the ohhh we can't criticize Israel. Yeah you can, plenty to criticize. But these bigots are verbatim regurgitating David Duke talking points.