How will they rule ??!

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It's amazing Omar has a security clearance of any sort. She's really be borderline no fly list if she wasn't winning sham elections. That's how many red flags she has.
She is evil and no doubt a very strong anti-semite. In fact if America gets to the point railroad cars full of Jews will be taken away. She would enjoy being the engineer.

Her hate is deeper than the deepest deep
I think #fact-checker is the dude who claimed to be a preacher.
Probably not, imo.

They're indistinguishable really since they ultimately suffer from the same disease that possesses lefist thinking. "Preacher's" schtick, or at least part of it, was conservatives don't want to help the poor because they are full of hate for minorities. The reality is conservatives believe in helping the poor by helping the individual in the teach the man how to fish, not just give him a fishing rod sense.

This idiot's schtick is that political violence is mainstream conservative thought when the realitythere is that is just what he's been, and is being endlessly, propagandized to believe.

If they actually believe that at all, could just as easily be part of their lies. They have to lie and distort to achieve their aims.
Almost dying from COVID is the new "feel sorry for me" stance for Democrats. I saw that Salma Hayek just released her tell-all story about it.

I still remember some reporter in ky getting all kinds of attention for it. Turned out she was in for an emergency appendectomy and asymptomatically tested positive for covid.

That didn't deter the news from covering it like covid nearly killed her complete with interviews from her hospital bed.

They did the exact same thing with Joseph fair. He was a ky native that was CNBC medical contributor who supposedly caught covid and almost died. He was on tv in the hospital on oxygen talking about how it attacked his lungs. Turned out he had an anxiety attack and never tested positive after numerous tests.

This is just from the top of my head. No telling all the fake news over this stuff.
That’s because corporations and the government have convinced women that by being a homemaker they were somehow missing out of life or being held down by men. Then they raked in the extra spending and tax dollars. Then when couple do have kids you get grandparents or childcare raising them so both parents can work. Creating all kinds of mental health problems and kids raised by media.
Yep. Women are sold a whorish Sex and the City lifestyle. It’s a bit ironic considering the creator of Sex and the City regrets everything and is alone and childless.

Women are as miserable as ever, on antidepressants more than any time in history, and constantly told being a ho and career woman is empowering. It’s a lie.

BTW, ladies, if you ever stumble upon this thread or forum, just take note that no man has ever given a shit about your job. No guy ever goes to his friends and say, “Yeah, and she’s a VP.” That’s what women do.

All you got to do is look at who funded the women’s lib movement and that should raise some eyebrows.
Probably not, imo.

They're indistinguishable really since they ultimately suffer from the same disease that possesses lefist thinking. "Preacher's" schtick, or at least part of it, was conservatives don't want to help the poor because they are full of hate for minorities. The reality is conservatives believe in helping the poor by helping the individual in the teach the man how to fish, not just give him a fishing rod sense.

This idiot's schtick is that political violence is mainstream conservative thought when the realitythere is that is just what he's been, and is being endlessly, propagandized to believe.

If they actually believe that at all, could just as easily be part of their lies. They have to lie and distort to achieve their aims.

He sounds to me like that liberal military kid. Haven't seen him on here in a while and cannot remember what his name was.
It's white privilege when the league is made up of 70% black players and a historically great white college player gets a tryout (no guarantee he makes the team) and Kaepernick doesn't? Maybe if he weren't a cancer that pissed off a large percentage of the NFL fan base he might have gotten other opportunities. I'm sure he is doing fine with all of those millions of woke dollars being paid by Nike.
Nothing to see here...just former FBI director Louis Freeh giving a 100 grand to a personal trust for Biden's grandkids...had communications with Hunter "I would like to talk to you and Dad about working together next year. No doubt both he and you have many options and probably some which are more attractive than my small shop."

He marked one email to Hunter "confidential and privileged"

Once asked Hunter for his dad's contact info on 'profitable matters'

Plat is such a dummy. biden caused the latest ME debacle when joe gave Iran that last batch of money and they used it to get missiles to Hamas to bomb Israel.

joe literally caused this.
We sell Israel the weapons they bomb the Palestinians with so hey, at least we’re profiting from both ends of these atrocities. America first!
I didn't know what to think about all these grainy videos of supposed UFOs being released of late...but the 20 something blonde on my local news started a segment about it...she brought up the videos and then with added emphasis said 'and they are legit'

Well...I'm a believer now, if little miss Blondie KindaCuteFace says they are legit...they are legit.