How will they rule ??!

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adding to the direct payments doesn't fix anything. the rest of both bills is garbage. And more money is what the Dem's wanted from the beginning so its just a win for Pelosi. The republicans talk them down to $600 by giving up a lot of what they wanted. Now Pelosi gets the extra money and the GoP still lose what they gave up.
What did you do to create these so called murder threats? Sometimes, as I have told other posters here, you can’t just just say things and made up lies about people, you push the wrong button and you pay the price. Words have meanings.
So words on a message board are worthy of death? Political disagreements are worthy of death? If you were given absolute power in the USA what kind of country who would you kill?
Damn, that just shoots the armed, violent insurrection crap down. Nothing left to talk about, except for some dims who just can't stomach this lost talking, I mean shrieking point.

WTF kinda stunt is the FBI pulling, treating these people as if they are master criminals? Keeping them without bail? The FBI looks like the Gestappo.

The FBI is the Gestappo. It is the most corrupt organization on earth. China is jealous.
Unpredictable evolutions may ensue, including financial crisis, unrest, civil strife, war, and a meltdown of the social fabric”

You don't have all the death and destruction caused by racist lefitsts without the pandemic.

When the history books are written on our COVID response, they will spell vindication for Dr. Ioannidis & others brave enough to fight the mass hysteria. For the next decade, replace the word “pandemic” with “lockdown” in every article you read about the disaster created. 8/8

And now with them in full control, all the problems they will inevitably make worse, for which they are indeed directly responsible for in the first place, the blame will be shifted elsewhere.

Clinton got lucky with the tech boom, which was an economic revolution unrivaled by any other industrial revolution; all of a sudden we could do everything we can do now then, but now much better, faster and cheaper.

What used to cost you 5k or whatever ( a car phone, a cd player, a walkman, a vhs, a camera, a camcorder, fax machine, a computer, a 56k modem etc...) you can do on your 200$ Moto M1 or whatever the best price capable android phone is.

And that's what saves us imho from this total incompetence comiing from the left and racist leftists, through all this we figure out some way for a real global economic boom and don't have to go to war to fix what they're going to break.

It’s very easy to manipulate useful idiots, and there’s more to be gained by creating the problem than solving it.

“bringing people together” means bringing them over to their side, to their lies

it’s why the truth doesn’t matter to them, from James to Lester Holt right down to our Catpaw fools like rqarnold

they push their false narrative as a means to an end, they don’t care about anything else

Has to be the dumbest "argument" you'll get from the left.

"Well, things haven't gone to chit yet, so what you worried about, bruh?"

Things are always ok, until they aren't. You may as well be arguing you're never going to die because it hasn't happened yet. You are going to die, and you better fix what you can while you still can. When/if things do go down, you naive idiots are going to be the least prepared to handle it.

Sure even still, on the balance of the probability society doesn't collapse; it's not easy to have your junk prime delivered to you during a war, but not since WW2 has the world been in a more dangerous spot, not even any point of the cold war.
You call people a lot of things on this board. Are you willing to stop name calling? We can all only control our own actions. If you really want to bring the temp down you have to be willing to lower your own even if no one else will.
Preach that to your liberal friends and neighbors. Not one leader of the Democrat Party "lowers the temperature". You have a lot of work to do on your liberal side before you can suggest conservatives shut up.
Preach that to your liberal friends and neighbors. Not one leader of the Democrat Party "lowers the temperature". You have a lot of work to do on your liberal side before you can suggest conservatives shut up.
I can control myself only. As can you. Everyone else is out of our control. If you want the world to be better the only place you can start is you. If you're condition for being a better person is that everyone else needs to become a better person first then you will never start your journey because that will never happen.
You're right @warrior-cat this is not a murder threat because @SDC888 says people like me aren't humans so killing us is not murder. What kind of threat is that? It is certainly a threat of violence. That is a fact. He keeps insisting people like him are not the problem in America while continuing to resort to name calling, threatening violence against those who do not believe as he does, and refusing to entertain alternate viewpoints.

Meanwhile you continuously call me a liar while I provide links and evidence to support my claims and you have yet failed to provide any evidence that what I say is untrue. In fact your post of one word "False" when you know good and well there are several threats of violence in this thread is typical of your style. You don't like what you hear because it is true so you reflexively label it a lie. That is called cognitive dissonance. You can look that up.
False. you provided links from unsubstantiated news organizations and those with the opinion that fits your opinion. Most of the time not factual just hearsay. False is the only reply needed since all of your post are generally debunked anyway.
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The “pro-life, small government, local control” party just overruled health officials, mayors, school boards and school principals.

They are confusing small government and limited government. A select group of people telling everybody else what to do and then threatening people for not following orders is not freedom.

I have zero interest in getting anyone banned or antagonizing anyone. I just want to point out the facts. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. People that have non- conservative ideas are not destroying our country. What is destroying our country is people who think they are so right that violence against those that think different than them is the only way forward. Right or left this is wrong. @SDC888 is a violent thinking person and everyone should be aware of that. All I have to do is state a fact to get him to respond that way. Just want people to know when they are dealing with when they read this thread. Also anyone who is not entirely anonymous should know these things as well for their own safety. As for me I am just enjoying the conversation. Hopefully someone will engage me with some links and facts in a debate, but name calling and threats are all I seem to be able to draw out.
Seek help. You have a mental disorder.
The “pro-life, small government, local control” party just overruled health officials, mayors, school boards and school principals.

They are confusing small government and limited government. A select group of people telling everybody else what to do and then threatening people for not following orders is not freedom.

Nor is it small government. Individuals are small government.
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I can control myself only. As can you. Everyone else is out of our control. If you want the world to be better the only place you can start is you. If you're condition for being a better person is that everyone else needs to become a better person first then you will never start your journey because that will never happen.
Like I said, preach this to your liberal side. I see where Kamala Harris has an "enemy list". How thoughtful of her. Liberals are the most vindictive people in our society and always have been.

They might need your lectures but for some reason you only focus on conservatives. Is that what they teach you in the seminars and focus groups. When you accuse conservatives of doing something evil when they are not and your side is actually doing it, we have a problem.
“Grace and peace [that special sense of spiritual well-being] be multiplied to you in the [true, intimate] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”
I have zero interest in getting anyone banned or antagonizing anyone. I just want to point out the facts. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. People that have non- conservative ideas are not destroying our country. What is destroying our country is people who think they are so right that violence against those that think different than them is the only way forward. Right or left this is wrong. @SDC888 is a violent thinking person and everyone should be aware of that. All I have to do is state a fact to get him to respond that way. Just want people to know when they are dealing with when they read this thread. Also anyone who is not entirely anonymous should know these things as well for their own safety. As for me I am just enjoying the conversation. Hopefully someone will engage me with some links and facts in a debate, but name calling and threats are all I seem to be able to draw out.
1) "She says they don't classify people who have a heart attack as a Covid death which they never have."

I asked you to back up that "factual" statement a couple of days ago. Crickets.

2) "What is destroying our country is people who think they are so right that violence against those that think different than them is the only way forward. "

You just described antifa and blm. In fact, blm hit the big time after the 12 cops were ambushed in Dallas, 5 killed. Just a fact.

3) "Hopefully someone will engage me with some links and facts "

Not me. I couldn't even get you to respond to your falsehood about comorbidities. You don't make many factual statements about anything other than you. "I think," "I like", etc., nothing but opinion.

This article is interesting not only for what it says but what it doesn't say. Part of the issue with very low reproduction is couples are waiting later in life to try. Careers and school are driving the change. It also mentions stress as a factor which makes sense as the more you progress in your career the you take on more stressful positions.

So in reality it's educated career driven people having really tough times conceiving. That's terrifying consider only a low percentage of that group even want to conceive at all.

While at the same time people of low intelligence and/or in third world countries are reproducing like rabbits.

We really are already at the tip of Idiocracy and probably well beyond terminal velocity
That’s because corporations and the government have convinced women that by being a homemaker they were somehow missing out of life or being held down by men. Then they raked in the extra spending and tax dollars. Then when couple do have kids you get grandparents or childcare raising them so both parents can work. Creating all kinds of mental health problems and kids raised by media.
That’s because corporations and the government have convinced women that by being a homemaker they were somehow missing out of life or being held down by men. Then they raked in the extra spending and tax dollars. Then when couple do have kids you get grandparents or childcare raising them so both parents can work. Creating all kinds of mental health problems and kids raised by media.

Ya every so often the issue comes around on the board and it's incredible the priming and messaging targeted towards black and white Americans. Meanwhile all the same messaging is totally different for any immigrant.

A poster here has a great image that shows all the differences. This is absolutely not by accident
MAGA! The Trump organization has officially been labeled a criminal organization. The CFO has worked out a plea deal and squealing like a fat little piggy. A tailor was seen at Maralago fitting out the crime family for custom orange jumpers. One day conservatives will stop worshipping criminals.