How will they rule ??!

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I check Fox, CNN each day just to see who is what the top stories are for each and how they are slanting them.

I REFUSE to look at MSM, they are way too biased.

I also check BBC (the news, lol) each day.

I came across this website today and I think I'll use it a lot, too.

They present the topic along with an article from the left, center, and right about that topic.
I don't know about Allsides, but all those others are MSM.
Problem is that this is after 4 solid years of raising the temperature to a fever pitch by name calling people they don't agree with as racist, fascist, cultist or some other rather despicable -ist.

You can't really extend an olive branch after that and expect it to be received well, especially if you insist on perpetuating anti-American and racist lies like the 1619 project or CRT or "stystemic racism" and other such nonsense merely as a means to an end to affect everything from wealth distribution to climate.

What's really at work here is something far beyond "hey, can't we just work it out" or "let's let bygones be bygones" for the good of the country.

Not while these people persist imho, it's incumbent on people of good will to stand against them and to do so firmly. Not doing so is how we got here in the first place.
The White House is now at open war with CDC, FBI, and the Pentagon. But everything is normal and just fine!
Everyone here may well be moderates but there are Republicans who certainly are not.

Many of the hardcore Trump supporters I know, close friends and family, have lost their damn minds, lol.

*edit - I'd like to add that Liberals control the vast majority of all major media including social media. They definitely have a louder, magnified voice and power to sensor anything they don't like.
So what do these do called Trump Supporters that have list their damn minds really want? What’s their end game? What policies or agendas do they wish to see implemented in this country that classifies them as having lost their damn minds?
I thought my ex wife was the master of gaslighting but the politicians making Jan 6th into 9/11 takes the cake.

Nothing happened except an unarmed woman was killed. Nothing happened to any politician or anyone else yet there’s a commission being formed for this and the feds are investigating this? Lol. Same pieces of shit encouraged black supremacist BLM and Antifa crazies to destroy and murder and never condemned it.

The aristocracy thinks they’re so above you that this is the worst thing ever.
I thought my ex wife was the master of gaslighting but the politicians making Jan 6th into 9/11 takes the cake.

Nothing happened except an unarmed woman was killed. Nothing happened to any politician or anyone else yet there’s a commission being formed for this and the feds are investigating this? Lol. Same pieces of shit encouraged black supremacist BLM and Antifa crazies to destroy and murder and never condemned it.

The aristocracy thinks they’re so above you that this is the worst thing ever.

Bitch McConnell has said that the commission is dead. Not sure how he gets 1 Dem and the rest the Senate to kill the investigation, but apparently it's dead.
I don't post here often but I'd like to share an article about "toxic polarization"

I have a feeling some of you won't like it but it has a lot of truth to it.

Seems like from what I've seen most of you posting in this thread are hardcore conservatives (which is fine by me) but both sides are definitely guilty.

The moderates used to separate themselves from the far left/right but now the extreme sides have much greater influence within their parties.
There's some truth to it. There's some overwhelming bias to it, too.

"Only together can we discover common purpose, grapple with uncomfortable truths, and permanently overcome the historical sins and present challenges that bedevil us. America is a complex story of tragedy and triumph, awe-inspiring ideals and horrid hypocrisy, radical courage and unrealized hope."

Ovecome historical sins? The whole article proceeds from the notion that we alive today have sins to pay for. The correct adage is "Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it." It is not "Those who understand history are doomed to pay for it." A deep-rooted tenet of most mmodern civilizations is that there is no corruption of the blood. Daughters don't pay for their mothers' sins. There is a small group in this country that believes otherwise, and they will never make peace with anyone who does not cower to their demands. I think most of their demands are aimed at moving this country towards Marxism, but that doesn't matter. I'ts impossible not to notice that they aren't calling for worldwide atonement for historical sins. Slavery wasn't just in America. Then you have the issue of Japan, Germany, etc.

Moving right along to those who disike constitutional freedoms, they really have no concept of what America is. But to stay on point, those who want to limit speech, those who believe that "by any means necessary" is not just a Hitlerian slogan but a code of conduct for themselves, and similar people who hold beliefs contrary to every fiber of this nation, those people can't be dealt with except through surrender or ouster.

I could keep going, but my main point is that the article is POS. My philosophy is that you can't get ahead by looking back, expecialy looking backwards for complaints. If something is broken today, then fix it. Unfortunately, the Looney Left has already decided, 4 decades back, that it needs to keep blacks undereducated and locked into the broken public school system. So, equal opportunity is a joke for many blacks. The time for school vouchers came back in the 60s.

And BTW, the fact that equal opportunity is a joke for many blacks is not somethng you fix by dumbing down a whole system that works relatively well. You go to the root of the problem, the irreparable public school system.
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Problem is that this is after 4 solid years of raising the temperature to a fever pitch by name calling people they don't agree with as racist, fascist, cultist or some other rather despicable -ist.
You call people a lot of things on this board. Are you willing to stop name calling? We can all only control our own actions. If you really want to bring the temp down you have to be willing to lower your own even if no one else will.
I check Fox, CNN each day just to see who is what the top stories are for each and how they are slanting them.

I REFUSE to look at MSM, they are way too biased.

I also check BBC (the news, lol) each day.

I came across this website today and I think I'll use it a lot, too.

They present the topic along with an article from the left, center, and right about that topic.
You call people a lot of things on this board. Are you willing to stop name calling? We can all only control our own actions. If you really want to bring the temp down you have to be willing to lower your own even if no one else will.

No. Radical left is unacceptable, not just that you’re ignorant and uneducated, but genuine scum on par with others of historical notoriety, as I’ve stated on multiple occasions and I don’t do so lightly.

You need to be called out and shunned by everyone to the right of you, by any and every person that loves this great country. You’ve overplayed your hand in 2020. The jig is up.

No. Radical left is unacceptable, not just that you’re ignorant and uneducated, but genuine scum on par with others of historical notoriety, as I’ve stated on multiple occasions and I don’t do so lightly.

You need to be called out and shunned by everyone to the right of you, by any and every person that loves this great country. You’ve overplayed your hand in 2020. The jig is up.


No compromise.

Far left communist scum have no place in this country
You call people a lot of things on this board. Are you willing to stop name calling? We can all only control our own actions. If you really want to bring the temp down you have to be willing to lower your own even if no one else will.
Nope. Not as long as tools like you come here with multiple accounts. If you can’t be honest about that, then you can’t be trusted about anything.
Damn, that just shoots the armed, violent insurrection crap down. Nothing left to talk about, except for some dims who just can't stomach this lost talking, I mean shrieking point.

WTF kinda stunt is the FBI pulling, treating these people as if they are master criminals? Keeping them without bail? The FBI looks like the Gestappo.