How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

How big would this story be if the skin tones were reversed? our world is full of monsters.
I’m so sick of skin tone playing into people’s assessment of crimes. The story should be as big as it’s going to be, but the media makes sure to show it every 10 minutes if the narrative fits. If it doesn’t, it may get a local mention and we’d never know if not for people like Andy Ngo.

This guy should have a trial and the jury, based on evidence, decides if he’s guilty or not. If so, then I say execute him. End of story.
Our country is under balls to the wall assault from the left. 🤯

There is not a single logical/reasonable reason to give someone the right to vote who isn’t even a citizen of this country. It would be like me having input on your household. Let’s just let Louisville fans vote on UK decisions.
It’s the ultimate foreign interference in our elections.

Not really.

As democrats like Joseph Stalin like to say, it’s not who casts the vote who matters, but those who count the votes.

The ultimate foreign interference is the wholly owned democrat subsidiary of the CCP.

Illegals can vote all they want at this point. Won’t impact the predetermined outcome of the elections.
This guy is such a clown- perfect for New York. Everything about him is phony as shit. “Mmm this delicious burger! Hey simpletons, I’m just like you” “Hey basketball fans, look at my basketball jersey and hat. Go team! Get vaccinated to honor sports ball.”
Hell, when Biden was running for president people were saying he was moderate. Hilarious in hindsight.

Biden was semi-moderate before getting tied up with Obama. A shameless politically ambitious man who has always gone the way the wind blows. Finally reached the pinnacle of power at the time when the ravages of old age has caught up with him. He is like Hitler in his bunker in the sense that, if he has to go down, he wants to take his country down with him. Everything he is doing is based on the premise that if what he is doing backfires, because of his age, he won't be around to face any accountability for it.

Imagine the mindset of a person who thinks they're neither of the two genders. Also shouldn't this cause outrage because by definition binary acknowledges only two genders?

I truly have no problem with an individual identifying as whatever they want. However it's completely ridiculous when they or the government force me to participate in their mentally unstable charade.

It's literally make believe and akin to the government forcing you to have conversations with a crazy person's imaginary friend.

It's literally insane all the way around and it's being pushed on our kids through every channel including school

Imagine the mindset of a person who thinks they're neither of the two genders. Also shouldn't this cause outrage because by definition binary acknowledges only two genders?

I truly have no problem with an individual identifying as whatever they want. However it's completely ridiculous when they or the government force me to participate in their mentally unstable charade.

It's literally make believe and akin to the government forcing you to have conversations with a crazy person's imaginary friend.

It's literally insane all the way around and it's being pushed on our kids through every channel including school

I might be interested in this if I knew anything except that this is some "name-is-in-the-news" celebrity that is apparently famous for something.

Imagine the mindset of a person who thinks they're neither of the two genders. Also shouldn't this cause outrage because by definition binary acknowledges only two genders?

I truly have no problem with an individual identifying as whatever they want. However it's completely ridiculous when they or the government force me to participate in their mentally unstable charade.

It's literally make believe and akin to the government forcing you to have conversations with a crazy person's imaginary friend.

It's literally insane all the way around and it's being pushed on our kids through every channel including school
It is insanity, it’s watching mental illness play out in real life.
True happiness in life comes from being happy with yourself. Pretending to be a nongendered or the opposite gender is a lie, it isn’t real.
Abbot signs a heartbeat bill streaming it on fb live. No reporters invited. Msm out there having a meltdown implying it lacks credibility because they weren't there to report.

It's hilarious and I applaud it. Cut these bastards out and speak directly to people. Get rid of their propaganda and "what you need to know" stories.

Of course we know social media won't allow this for long.
What’s scary and disheartening is that there is zero pushback on the left for these nutty ideas. Just a bunch of head-nodding....
Our country is under balls to the wall assault from the left. 🤯

Yang is one of the most sensible major candidates in the Dem party. That's how far left the rest of them are

There was a split second where I thought Andrew Yang was a democrat with some sanity and worth listening to. Didn't take long for him to ruin that.

There is not a single logical/reasonable reason to give someone the right to vote who isn’t even a citizen of this country. It would be like me having input on your household. Let’s just let Louisville fans vote on UK decisions.
What’s scary and disheartening is that there is zero pushback on the left for these nutty ideas. Just a bunch of head-nodding....
I know. it’s maddening. i knew things were going to turn for the worse when joe and the ho moved in, but the speed at which all the lunacy is happening in such a short time is mind numbing. they’re going for the jugular with the swiftness of a guillotine. 🤬

Imagine the mindset of a person who thinks they're neither of the two genders. Also shouldn't this cause outrage because by definition binary acknowledges only two genders?

I truly have no problem with an individual identifying as whatever they want. However it's completely ridiculous when they or the government force me to participate in their mentally unstable charade.

It's literally make believe and akin to the government forcing you to have conversations with a crazy person's imaginary friend.

It's literally insane all the way around and it's being pushed on our kids through every channel including school

I'll never get used to referring to an individual person as "they / them".
How many of those Democrats can even say why they like him without referencing Trump? Have any of the Biden supporters on here really commented on all of his policies and how much of a failure they have been? Seems like most avoid the question or have another episode of TDS instead.
That’s the rock hard truth. ask one to cite a trump policy that they didn’t like, or a joe/ho policy that influenced their vote, and they can’t. “i don’t care i hate trump“ is a common response. i know of what i speak—my wife and some of her friends are my reference. 😡
Biden was semi-moderate before getting tied up with Obama. A shameless politically ambitious man who has always gone the way the wind blows. Finally reached the pinnacle of power at the time when the ravages of old age has caught up with him. He is like Hitler in his bunker in the sense that, if he has to go down, he wants to take his country down with him. Everything he is doing is based on the premise that if what he is doing backfires, because of his age, he won't be around to face any accountability for it.
I don’t think he‘s acting on any of his original thoughts or ideas at this point in his life, or should i say ‘stage of his condition.’ he’s merely carrying out what he’s being programmed to do by the powers that be in the control room.