How will they rule ??!

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It's literally insane all the way around and it's being pushed on our kids through every channel including school
The glorification of mental instability is going to be another nail in the coffin, to go along with censoring certain views and demonizing whitey and police.

Why should anyone care if you’re straight, gay, or any of the other 720 made up categories? Why do we always have to have this big announcement for it?

Now you can identify as whatever you want... but that doesn’t it make reality. Go identify as a bird and try to fly or a fish and try to live in the water. These people need help. Indulging in their mental illness ain’t it.
The glorification of mental instability is going to be another nail in the coffin, to go along with censoring certain views and demonizing whitey and police.

Why should anyone care if you’re straight, gay, or any of the other 720 made up categories? Why do we always have to have this big announcement for it?

Now you can identify as whatever you want... but that doesn’t it make reality. Go identify as a bird and try to fly or a fish and try to live in the water. These people need help. Indulging in their mental illness ain’t it.
Unfortunately the universities that are educating this generation of psychiatrists probably are the ones indoctrinating them into this way of thinking.
Listening to the local radio they said over 900 families are moving from New York to our state every day. Over 4,000 total people per day. Every Day

That is not good.
I whish me and my fiance could move down there to cancel out at least two of them. but we'd have to drag a couple of teenagers down there with us who would cancel US out...PHUCH!!
I know. it’s maddening. i knew things were going to turn for the worse when joe and the ho moved in, but the speed at which all the lunacy is happening in such a short time is mind numbing. they’re going for the jugular with the swiftness of a guillotine. 🤬
And literally everything that is happening, is precisely what we spent the year leading up to the election predicting would happen. Yet we were just a bunch of conspiracy theorists.
You know Biden is bad when even 43 is poking him on both eyes. I mean he normally keeps his mouth shut on current Admin's policies.

"Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage." I mean wtf of Biden cozying up to Iran to reinstate his nuclear fiasco with them.



When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, But Susan Rice, I mean Obama, I mean Biden, doesn't understand that at all. that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look." All this is why Trump's/Kushner's Abraham Accords were so meaningful & Dims want to piss it all away. WFI, Anti-Semite AOC is threatening to challenge Schummer in '22 & he's keeping his mouth shut when he's normally a vocal Israel supporter. Dims all-in on getting rid of Jews.

I don't post here often but I'd like to share an article about "toxic polarization"

I have a feeling some of you won't like it but it has a lot of truth to it.

Seems like from what I've seen most of you posting in this thread are hardcore conservatives (which is fine by me) but both sides are definitely guilty.

The moderates used to separate themselves from the far left/right but now the extreme sides have much greater influence within their parties.
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I don't post here often but I'd like to share an article about "toxic polarization"

I have a feeling some of you won't like it but it has a lot of truth to it.

Seems like from what I've seen most of you posting in this thread are hardcore conservatives (which is fine by me) but both sides are definitely guilty.

The moderates used to separate themselves from the far left/right but now the extreme sides have much greater influence within their parties.
We are the moderates. "Liberals" have gone so far left that anybody who values the Constitution is called an Alt-Right Nazi.
We are the moderates. "Liberals" have gone so far left that anybody who values the Constitution is called an Alt-Right Nazi.

Everyone here may well be moderates but there are Republicans who certainly are not.

Many of the hardcore Trump supporters I know, close friends and family, have lost their damn minds, lol.

*edit - I'd like to add that Liberals control the vast majority of all major media including social media. They definitely have a louder, magnified voice and power to sensor anything they don't like.
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Everyone here may well be moderates but there are Republicans who certainly are not.

Many of the hardcore Trump supporters I know, close friends and family, have lost their damn minds, lol.
There is no doubt a hardcore right wing, but they aren’t gaining a foothold, what is gaining a foothold is hardcore leftist beliefs. No one pushes back on them, or tells them no, it’s similar to rewarding a child throwing a temper tantrum.
Maybe. But there's always the possibility that you've lost yours. Especially if you get your "news" from the MSM.

I check Fox, CNN each day just to see who is what the top stories are for each and how they are slanting them.

I REFUSE to look at MSM, they are way too biased.

I also check BBC (the news, lol) each day.

I came across this website today and I think I'll use it a lot, too.

They present the topic along with an article from the left, center, and right about that topic.
There is no doubt a hardcore right wing, but they aren’t gaining a foothold, what is gaining a foothold is hardcore leftist beliefs. No one pushes back on them, or tells them no, it’s similar to rewarding a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Their control of the media is helping them gain a foothold.

And too many teachers have influenced the Zoomers to the point they have very liberal thinking. (My kids included, unfortunately)
Everyone here may well be moderates but there are Republicans who certainly are not.

Many of the hardcore Trump supporters I know, close friends and family, have lost their damn minds, lol.

*edit - I'd like to add that Liberals control the vast majority of all major media including social media. They definitely have a louder, magnified voice and power to sensor anything they don't like.
Give us some examples of recent republican policy proposals or idealogies that you think are too extreme or would label alt right please. Trump would have been called a democrat less than 20 years ago. But the left has gotten so radical that classical liberals seem conservative by comparison.