How will they rule ??!

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Why are you guys so mad at the generous Dr. Fauci? He now says a new study says there is no difference between 6 feet of social distancing and 3 feet of distancing. The great doctor gives you permission to stand closer to people Fauci we Trust

I always know I am talking to a stupid person when they think Dr FauXi is credible.

I'd trust Dr Oz's carbon monoxide asbestos cure-all before I'd trust Dr Fauci
From my congressman warren davidson, ohio—

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the so-called “American Rescue Plan” (H.R.1319). This bill is a payoff to progressives from Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, and President Biden—using your tax dollars.

Only nine percent of the $1.9 trillion bill is related to addressing the economic and public health problems created by the coronavirus pandemic. It prioritizes spending hundreds of millions of your taxpayer dollars on bailouts for poorly run states, as well as Amtrak, the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities, and foreign food aid, but it doesn’t do nearly enough to expedite vaccine distribution.

Even the education spending that congressional Democrats have allocated for public schools does not require for the schools to hold in-person classes. This isn’t a relief bill. It is a progressive wish list flying under the false flag of COVID relief. What's worse, any state that accepts funds under this bill will not be allowed to cut taxes until the year 2024. In the budget reconciliation process, Democrat leaders refused all Republican attempts to find a bipartisan consensus. The bill passed without a single House or Senate Republican vote, and even one House Democrat voted against it.

I voted “no” on this bill on Wednesday. We cannot continue to use COVID to justify reckless government spending, especially when Democrats show no willingness to target the issue at hand or move to reopen the economy. Americans deserve better than this partisan ploy that will further bankrupt the nation.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Right to Privacy

Also, this week the House considered two gun control bills, H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. Though we already have an effective background check system in place, both bills would make it even more difficult and burdensome on law-abiding Americans to exercise their natural right to purchase and own a firearm. The effect of these bills is to criminalize mere possession of a firearm unless an individual has passed a background check and had their name added to a registry.

This violates not only the Second Amendment, but the Fourth Amendment, as these registries violate the privacy of law-abiding Americans who merely wish to exercise their God-given rights. Such a registry could lead to the eventual confiscation and disarming of Americans who have done nothing wrong. At the same time, the Democrat sponsors of these bills are doing nothing to address the ways that criminals actually do obtain weapons illegally.

Since entering Congress, I have always defended Americans’ right to bear arms. The right to keep and bear arms, clearly recognized in the Constitution, is an essential part of our founding principles, and I will always defend it. These bills now go to the Senate, which will hopefully stand up for our rights and defeat these misguided bills.
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Remember when ISIS was due to climate change?
I do now that you reminded me. Back in 2015 the Army did a paper on it which I'm not going to look for, but I did google up this one quote from Bernie right before the Paris Accord was concluded-- "US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' warns that “climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism,” while Prince Charles believes that “one of the major reasons for this horror in Syria” is global warming’s effects ."

Everything is going to be blamed on global warming and climate change until the US cripples its economy and does an unnecessarily swift transition from fossil fuels.
Even Michael Moore has figured out the Green New Deal is a scam, and he laid that out in his movie "Planet of the Humans". So, his movie got taken down from You Tube last year. No one is allowed to question the Looney Left's globalist doctrines, not even one of their icons, like Moore.
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As Dems finish off this country, one of the saddest yet amusing things will be watching their base live in a delusional state about what’s occurred.

I used to ask myself, “Who will they blame since Dems are in total control and can’t be stopped?” Then I realized this base will believe whatever their media tells them and will be convinced this is utopia and that there will always be someone else or something else to blame in the religion of leftism.
Biden is a puppet, they must have something on him

His real name must be Bidet, not Biden. And, his advisors are Chinese and Russian agents. Nothing else explains the messes he is creating.
Sure, stupidity is also involved. Susan Rice is right there. Lurch (Kerry) is also right there, and he's the guy who, along with Rice, said in 2016 that No Arab Country would reach an agreement with Israel until the Palestinian issues were resolved. Oops, I guess they got that wrong. Compared to Trump's A team, they are the F team. They are all total and complete failures in foreign affairs. Just like they are doing with Trump's border policy, they are turning our foreign affairs into a disaster.
Nope. You couldn’t be more wrong.

My wife knows to stay out of the garage when I’m training.

Wife calls your mother in law..

Wife: He is out in the garage again...

Mother-in-law: He still does that all the time? I have never understood why he likes those glow sticks so much.

Wife: They are called light sabers...he is very sensitive about what you call them, and he gets mad if I touch one of them or move them.

Mother-in-law: Honey...I told you years ago you should have stayed with Brad instead of going out with @JStaff2187....
I couldn't support Bill Clinton because he was a draft dodger!

I couldn't support Al Gore because he lied!

I couldn't support Obama because he was racist!

I can't support Biden because he is misogynistic!

Therefore I support Donald Trump!

Is there even a point of voting anymore? Looks like the government is just going to decide whatever they want.

Never thought I’d say this, but the country appears to be in desperate need of a divorce at this point.

Yeah, I’ve said that for years as there’s no shared values anymore and both sides do not want to live like this with the other. However, the left’s system requires people to blame and steal from and they’d never willingly give that up. It would fall apart on its own.

The GOP is just absolutely useless and has no desire to do anything but keep their cushy gig and let Democrats run the show.

And no, your vote means nothing as Dems have enough control to do whatever they want in their cities and there’s zero consequences for anything they do.

Zero consequences. Nothing happens to anyone on the left. Why would they stop doing whatever they wanted? There is no one going to stop it. People are too comfy. Republicans are bumbling fools who are always on defense while Democrats are always on offense.
Now hold on sir, let's not pretend that there will not always be people hurting in some form or fashion no matter who is POTUS. In terms of Student Loan Forgiveness, I'm eligible on April 7th, next month. It has nothing to do with the proposed policy from supporters of the current administration. Yes, I'm all for THAT loan forgiveness as well, but THAT won't benefit me. The program I will benefit from has been in place for quite some time through the last few administrations including Trump, and it is something I earned via the parameters of the program. It took time, service and commitment. I do care about others, but not the the unrealistic goal that EVERYONE is happy because that will never happen. Besides, my point about being okay doesn't just apply to me. I think it applies to anyone with the work ethic, determination and will to succeed that is so often championed on this board, and I'm not ashamed to say that I have that.
Just why should students get this new version of loan forgiveness while those who never had a college loan get nothing? To think that's the way it should be is elitist as can be. Fine, you're for it, Mr. Elitist.

You also ignored the problems the illegals invasion are causing in your response, Mr. Elitist. Go ahead and chuckle, smirk.

You can say you care about others & yet support money going preferentially to rich states that locked down. Your support of that belies your statement that you care about "others", meaning the poor vs. the wealthy.
I still don't get this. Why would u do it to elicit negative reaction towards your side?

Because the negative reaction will solely be from people who aren’t democrats.

The “negative reaction” they’re trying to elicit isn’t ballot box reaction, they are trying to stoke flames they’ve set (literally and figuratively). They want violence.
[/QUOTE]OK. That makes sense. I just don't buy it.
Is there even a point of voting anymore? Looks like the government is just going to decide whatever they want.

Never thought I’d say this, but the country appears to be in desperate need of a divorce at this point.
That's what Trump told voters in the GA Senate races & the Pubs lost. Self-fulling prophesy. Just go ahead & give up.
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Everybody calm down. Bidens going to fix America just like how Cal will fix UK basketball
Cal fixed UK first though. We went from meh to championship contenders. If you want to blame him for the downfall, that’s up to you, but it took over a decade to do.

Biden is more like the equivalent of Billy Clyde after a binge drinking week and Jodie Meeks has been coached to shoot at the wrong goal.
I still fail to understand why I am expected to take a vaccine for something that I have a ZERO percent chance of catching in the first place.
I don't know where you get the idea you have zero risk of getting it. Sure, your risk of having ill effects may be quite low because of your age, but that doesn't mean you didn't get it nor pass it on to someone who does get quite ill. Why is that hard for you to understand? And getting a shot is that tough on you? Oh, my !!!

My age 16 GD got it from her sport team & passed it on to her age 46 mother who was in bed for 10 days with it - fever/headaches/vomit/diarrhea/lost 17#. I take you don't give an ish that your obstinance can cause stuff like this to happen. You're so smart.
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"Sarah Silverman Rips Progressives For ‘Righteousness Porn,’ Says She Is Now Politically Homeless "
As welcome as it is that one of the more acerbic, hateful Looney Lefters is having a moment of clarity, I'm a pessimist about a snake's ability to change its stripes even though it can shed its skin. After a week of withering vitriol from her friends, she will return to the fold. I mean, these are the same people who were telling others to dump their independent and conservative friends.