How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Democrats doing what they do.... stealing elections and thwarting the will of the people....

From the article:

The party is on the precipice of creating a precedent, for the first time in a generation, that a partisan majority in Congress can disregard state officials and redo a close election count according to its own preferences. All their high-minded talk about respecting the voters seems to apply only when Donald Trump is challenging the results. This blatant Democratic power play would inspire more partisan bitterness—and further erode voter faith in elections.
It should be pretty obvious To anybody that jobs like soldiers, police, firefighters , which require literally physical strength and endurance to save either your own or someone else’s life, will most often need to be done by men, since as a rule they are physically stronger than women. That doesn’t mean no woman can do these jobs. There are plenty of fit strong women that can. But you should never have a lowering of standards to ensure that a certain number of women qualify. And I’m not talking about military intelligence or desk jobs or traffic cop type jobs....I’m talking about the jobs within these groups where you need to handle yourself physically at a certain level.

I mean, it’s just science. But again, Libs only “follow the science” when it suits them.
It really is insane the lengths these fools will go to, to appease irrational thinking people/gain woke points. Either that or the loons truly are running the asylum.
It should be pretty obvious To anybody that jobs like soldiers, police, firefighters , which require literally physical strength and endurance to save either your own or someone else’s life, will most often need to be done by men, since as a rule they are physically stronger than women. That doesn’t mean no woman can do these jobs. There are plenty of fit strong women that can. But you should never have a lowering of standards to ensure that a certain number of women qualify. And I’m not talking about military intelligence or desk jobs or traffic cop type jobs....I’m talking about the jobs within these groups where you need to handle yourself physically at a certain level.

I mean, it’s just science. But again, Libs only “follow the science” when it suits them.
Our military has been grossly weakened by the political correctness movement. Standards were lowered for women for all physical task (PT test). For them to achieve a go they don't have to achieve the standard set originally to do the job. Below is a chart for BCT (Basic combat training) minimum to pass. It is raised for each in AIT (Advanced individual Training) Women used to half to do less sit ups but, after it was determined that their center of balance being at the hips that they could do as many if not more than men.

Age GroupGenderPush-UpsSit-Ups2-Mile Run
17- 21Male354716:36
22 - 26Male314317:30
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Democrats doing what they do.... stealing elections and thwarting the will of the people....

Securest most fair election ever! Anyone who questions the outcome of elections are a threat to our demo—Wait. Who won in Iowa? Count it again.

They still won? AGAIN! That can’t be right!
Securest most fair election ever! Anyone who questions the outcome of elections are a threat to our demo—Wait. Who won in Iowa? Count it again.

They still won? AGAIN! That can’t be right!
Democrats will do what they did here in the 8th district of IN back in 1985.... recount the votes til the Democrat has the lead and declare the Dem the winner.
Democrats doing what they do.... stealing elections and thwarting the will of the people....

From the article:

The party is on the precipice of creating a precedent, for the first time in a generation, that a partisan majority in Congress can disregard state officials and redo a close election count according to its own preferences. All their high-minded talk about respecting the voters seems to apply only when Donald Trump is challenging the results. This blatant Democratic power play would inspire more partisan bitterness—and further erode voter faith in elections.
They are literally trying to unseat someone and we are supposed to believe they didnt do any cheating in the 2020 election? Haha yeah ok.
What was the goal of creating this crisis? Seriously, what gain is there for the United States or the women and kids being trafficked?
More people to vote Democrat. More illegals mean more people that will be eligible for "a pathway to citizenship" and they know they will vote blue. So they dont care how dangerous it is for them to get here.
When China invades us I'll at least feel better that our military is woke.
Technologically we are superior to them. Physically and discipline they have us beat by a long shot. They have the numbers and will fight to the last man. The only saving grace at this point is that if they attacked us at least half of the nation would join the military and fight back. We know who those people are too. Libnuts would just hand the country to them. Hell, Ho Biden is doing that now.
Democrats doing what they do.... stealing elections and thwarting the will of the people....

From the article:

The party is on the precipice of creating a precedent, for the first time in a generation, that a partisan majority in Congress can disregard state officials and redo a close election count according to its own preferences. All their high-minded talk about respecting the voters seems to apply only when Donald Trump is challenging the results. This blatant Democratic power play would inspire more partisan bitterness—and further erode voter faith in elections.

If the Democrats do this, they are intentionally trying to elicit a reaction from the public.
This is what the Republicans, other than Trump, don’t understand. The Democrats want to crush the Republicans at this point. They were genuinely threatened by the Republican Party with Trump at the helm.
If the Democrats do this, they are intentionally trying to elicit a reaction from the public.
This is what the Republicans, other than Trump, don’t understand. The Democrats want to crush the Republicans at this point. They were genuinely threatened by the Republican Party with Trump at the helm.
Maybe that’s why the Democratic leadership is keeping the Capitol encircled with razor wire....
Technologically we are superior to them. Physically and discipline they have us beat by a long shot. They have the numbers and will fight to the last man. The only saving grace at this point is that if they attacked us at least half of the nation would join the military and fight back. We know who those people are too. Libnuts would just hand the country to them. Hell, Ho Biden is doing that now.

They have already won, frankly. What’s happening now are the terms of surrender, beginning with a stolen election. They will move on Taiwan within 5 years and we won’t have the staging ability to repel it.
If the Democrats do this, they are intentionally trying to elicit a reaction from the public.
This is what the Republicans, other than Trump, don’t understand. The Democrats want to crush the Republicans at this point. They were genuinely threatened by the Republican Party with Trump at the helm.
Democrats want complete rule and control over the government ala socialism/communism. It is evident in their drumming up an enemy in the white man. The same tactic has been used all over the world in situations of government take overs. Domestic enemies are what they can be easily defined as with all of this PC movement. They are turning Americans against Americans and are ok with it.
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We yell because those are horrible ideas. Minimum wage hurts far more Americans than it helps. These stimulus packages bend over the American people. They call them these stupid names like Covid Relief and say here is a 1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief bill. And you have idiots believe that the government is going to use 1.9 trillion dollars to help people affected by Covid. But in reality only a small portion of that actually goes to that. They give out a $1400 check to a select portion of Americans with the hope those people will think, "wow I just got a $1400 check, my government really watches out for me."
Yet when Trump passed 2 stimulus packages you had no problem with it...hmmm
Well, about that. House passed that Bill. Senate passed it (a lot of anti-Trump Senators went with it) and what do you think would have happened had Trump vetoed it?

Let's, hear it genius.
Maybe because Dems worked across the aisle. The democrats this time took a lot of stuff out and still didn't get 1 Qanon vote. I say hell with them, do what you gotta do and leave those nuts in the dust. Pray that Dems win midterm so the nutty Republicans don't cok block the Country
Maybe because Dems worked across the aisle. The democrats this time took a lot of stuff out and still didn't get 1 Qanon vote. I say hell with them, do what you gotta do and leave those nuts in the dust. Pray that Dems win midterm so the nutty Republicans don't cok block the Country

Ok Antifa. Another Qanon conspiracy theory. I knew I wouldn't get a good response. Just another dumbass liberal remark.

You liberals planning another capitol insurrection?
Ok Antifa. Another Qanon conspiracy theory. I knew I wouldn't get a good response. Just another dumbass liberal remark.

You liberals planning another capitol insurrection?
I thought it was spot on. Republicans are trying to stop Biden from accomplishing anything so that they win midterms, They have no regard for the country only the party. Joe, Bernie and a host of Democrats care about the American people and are showing so. Joe promised a stimulus, Republicans know if they could stop that then they would win midterms. Stop the politics and help the Country. Do you agree that is the right thing to do?
I thought it was spot on. Republicans are trying to stop Biden from accomplishing anything so that they win midterms, They have no regard for the country only the party. Joe, Bernie and a host of Democrats care about the American people and are showing so. Joe promised a stimulus, Republicans know if they could stop that then they would win midterms. Stop the politics and help the Country. Do you agree that is the right thing to do?

That was one of the dumbest things that I have ever read.
Protesting around a random federal building in a random city is not the same thing as storming the Capitol to get at Congress and halt the counting of electoral votes. Entirely different situations with entirely different motives and impact. That's extremely obvious to all reasonable Americans. Nobody takes y'all's conflations seriously.
So trying to set fire to a federal building with people inside shouldn’t be considered domestic terrorism?
Stop trying to minimalize what those “protesters” were doing.
I thought it was spot on. Republicans are trying to stop Biden from accomplishing anything so that they win midterms, They have no regard for the country only the party. Joe, Bernie and a host of Democrats care about the American people and are showing so. Joe promised a stimulus, Republicans know if they could stop that then they would win midterms. Stop the politics and help the Country. Do you agree that is the right thing to do?
How? Dims own everything.