How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It wasn’t a general but a senior enlisted marine. Not sure what marines call the rank. I was in the army. We called them command sergeants major
Ya I dont know what they call him, whatever position he was in. I don't care if they told him to say it and he hates himself for saying it. Its a horrible look when the Pentagon and high ranking military personnel come out to talk trash about a cable news host, especially when the cable news host is correct.
This country is absolutely headed toward rock bottom. That’s not hyperbole. That’s reality.

I find myself apathetic to it all. In someways, it’s like watching Kentucky basketball this year, where you start to be entertained by seeing just how bad it gets.

We get to see how a hysterical press from the last handful of years turn back into the propaganda arm of the White House. Stuff so blatantly absurd to the point that PR firms would blush.

You’ve got Democrats in control of everything (which isn’t going to change for a long time) and their agenda of destruction is unchecked. No more excuses or people to blame for them. They can achieve their utopia they so desire (while calling all of your observations “conspiracy theories“). They will import millions of new voters from the third world too as planned, and you’ll see the dollar become more and more worthless.

In addition to that, you’ve got the absolute brainwashing of the public to comply and fall for the hysteria that is COVID. No questioning about how ridiculous the protocols are that don’t do anything. No questioning the agendas of powerful people while sheep believe everything is “for our safety” and boast about getting injected with an experimental drug.

Then you have the GOP, a group so disconnected from their base, exactly where they want to be—not in control. This way the uniparty’s version of the Washington Generals can do theater for Twitter and during Congressional hearings so they can get campaign donations and if you vote for them, they will promise to “fight the left.” Of course, they will do nothing as they all laugh and pat each other on the back at the country club. And a good portion of the public will still believe their vote actually matters. “We’ll get em in 2024!” 😂👌

All 2016 accomplished was simply delay the organized disaster. So sit back and enjoy the circus where Biden is hidden for two years and then Kamala takes over for 10, where you have to beg for basic rights, and the technological tyrants further rule you.
Sadly what they have in mind gets so much worse than what you have laid out for us here.
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I thought it was the CORONA that was going to kill us all.

Well, it didn't, but wait two weeks for the variants!
The looney left seems intent on keeping its minions whipped up and in a frenzy over various worries and looming extinction events. I think their China virus drama & strong arming are going to backfire on them.
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But Walker doesn't have Dominion.

It could be 90% Walker and 10% Warnock and Warnock would win by 11 billion votes
Ya I dont know what they call him, whatever position he was in. I don't care if they told him to say it and he hates himself for saying it. Its a horrible look when the Pentagon and high ranking military personnel come out to talk trash about a cable news host, especially when the cable news host is correct.
Military careers are on the line there. Same happenstance with Colin Powell. After the fact he went straight dim and blasted the former admin. Most think that just because the military has rules against strong arming its personnel into group think mentality that it still does not happen. In most instances you are told not to talk to the press or whoever unless you have been vetted by your superiors. Plus, if most officers in the military receive a bad OER (Officer Evaluation Report) one time, it generally kills their career so, they will play the game that the commander in chief tells them to.
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Military careers are on the line there. Same happenstance with Colin Powell. After the fact he went straight dim and blasted the former admin. Most think that just because the military has rules against strong arming its personnel into group think mentality that it still does not happen. In most instances you are told not to talk to the press or whoever unless you have been vetted by your superiors. Plus, most officers in the military receive a bad OER (Officer Evaluation Report) it generally kills their career so, they will play the game that the commander in chief tells them to.
Oh ya dont get me wrong, I get that this guy couldve been told to say this and did so not to kill his career.

But if that is the case, this country is completely F'd. That means we got really high ups in the military focused on discrediting Tucker Carlson and pushing a woke agenda. Military high ups should only be focused on one thing, improving the strength of the military not focused on something mean a cable news talking head said.
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Oh ya dont get me wrong, I get that this guy couldve been told to say this and did so not to kill his career.

But if that is the case, this country is completely F'd. That means we got really high ups in the military focused on discrediting Tucker Carlson and pushing a woke agenda. Military high ups should only be focused on one thing, improving the strength of the military.


Next thing ya know, "woke generals" will be advocating for trannies...

Wait, Mr Biden EO........
Wasn't it just a few years ago that the Marines did a test to compare speed, efficiency and lethality between all male units vs coed units, and the all male units were easily the fastest and more lethal units (dont think we needed a study to find that out).

This is becoming extremely sad. A cable news host essentially just agreed with a test conducted by the Marines from a few years back, and for doing that. We have official Twitter accounts, the pentagon, and generals calling him out. What are we doing? I mean come on the dude is a talk show host. Focus on actual things the military should be focusing on.

It should be pretty obvious To anybody that jobs like soldiers, police, firefighters , which require literally physical strength and endurance to save either your own or someone else’s life, will most often need to be done by men, since as a rule they are physically stronger than women. That doesn’t mean no woman can do these jobs. There are plenty of fit strong women that can. But you should never have a lowering of standards to ensure that a certain number of women qualify. And I’m not talking about military intelligence or desk jobs or traffic cop type jobs....I’m talking about the jobs within these groups where you need to handle yourself physically at a certain level.

I mean, it’s just science. But again, Libs only “follow the science” when it suits them.
Protesting around a random federal building in a random city is not the same thing as storming the Capitol to get at Congress and halt the counting of electoral votes. Entirely different situations with entirely different motives and impact. That's extremely obvious to all reasonable Americans. Nobody takes y'all's conflations seriously.
Actually it is. Both are attacks on the Fed Gov & disrupting its business. Electoral votes had already been counted Dec. 14. Jan. 6 was show - all the way around.
Pretty meaningless today. Collins voters will stay home again b/c Trump told them their votes don't count.
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