How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
WE GOT OUR COVID RELIEF MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $70.60.........I have no idea how they came up with that figure......but it is clear as day.......the deposit is from the IRS....... [roll]
Was your gross adjusted income over $150k?
biden wouldn’t have lied would he?
We got full amount other times........don't know what changed.......I am sure as hell glad we wasn't sitting here thinking we was going to get $2, try to stay about a downer.........I was going to use it to purchase a GPS tracking system for my racing pigeons............back to my original plan........I am going to purchase a GPS system for my pigeons.......the difference between conservatives and liberals is........the left wants the government to take care of them..........people on the right take care of themselves and want the government to leave them the hell alone.....
Ok but I love to tell you, everything will be ok. I don’t know about you but me and my family will continue to make the most of a beautiful life in a resilient country.
I got it. You don't give an ish about anyone but you. It's why you're all-in on student loan & income forgiveness over the poor/lower class. You're so elitist. As for everything being OK, tell that to the US natives on the TX border. Another example of you not caring bout anyone but you. F that.
Wtf. Shouldnt they be focusing on China and Iran? Absolutely embarrassing. No wonder that simulated war game said China would kick our ass. I believe it.

Wasn't it just a few years ago that the Marines did a test to compare speed, efficiency and lethality between all male units vs coed units, and the all male units were easily the fastest and more lethal units (dont think we needed a study to find that out).

This is becoming extremely sad. A cable news host essentially just agreed with a test conducted by the Marines from a few years back, and for doing that. We have official Twitter accounts, the pentagon, and generals calling him out. What are we doing? I mean come on the dude is a talk show host. Focus on actual things the military should be focusing on.
Wasn't it just a few years ago that the Marines did a test to compare speed, efficiency and lethality between all male units vs coed units, and the all male units were easily the fastest and more lethal units (dont think we needed a study to find that out).

This is becoming extremely sad. A cable news host essentially just agreed with a test conducted by the Marines from a few years back, and for doing that. We have official Twitter accounts, the pentagon, and generals calling him out. What are we doing? I mean come on the dude is a talk show host. Focus on actual things the military should be focusing on.
It's terrible and frightening. These people are supposed to protect us but they say more bad things about Tucker than they do other nations. This is not good folks for many obvious reasons.
Protesting around a random federal building in a random city is not the same thing as storming the Capitol to get at Congress and halt the counting of electoral votes. Entirely different situations with entirely different motives and impact. That's extremely obvious to all reasonable Americans. Nobody takes y'all's conflations seriously.
Wasn't it just a few years ago that the Marines did a test to compare speed, efficiency and lethality between all male units vs coed units, and the all male units were easily the fastest and more lethal units (dont think we needed a study to find that out).

This is becoming extremely sad. A cable news host essentially just agreed with a test conducted by the Marines from a few years back, and for doing that. We have official Twitter accounts, the pentagon, and generals calling him out. What are we doing? I mean come on the dude is a talk show host. Focus on actual things the military should be focusing on.
He is told what to say. My guess is he hated himself for saying it
Protesting around a random federal building in a random city is not the same thing as storming the Capitol to get at Congress and halt the counting of electoral votes. Entirely different situations with entirely different motives and impact. That's extremely obvious to all reasonable Americans. Nobody takes y'all's conflations seriously.


No one takes you serious.

Antifa not only burns down state capitols, they also did the federal one in DC

Protesting around a random federal building in a random city is not the same thing as storming the Capitol to get at Congress and halt the counting of electoral votes. Entirely different situations with entirely different motives and impact. That's extremely obvious to all reasonable Americans. Nobody takes y'all's conflations seriously.
False, any attack of any government be it local or national is considered an "insurrection" or terrorism. There is no conflation. The fact that you guys cannot come to terms with it only shows how crazy you have become. You see only what you want to see and turn a blind eye to the rest.
False, any attack of any government be it local or national is considered an "insurrection" or terrorism. There is no conflation. The fact that you guys cannot come to terms with it only shows how crazy you have become. You see only what you want to see and turn a blind eye to the rest.

The fact that Dion tries to rationalize this and then at the same is delusional that Antifa wasn't in the Capitol may be the most amazing thing about the whole.

He's full of shit
it’s a disgrace. Official military accounts going after private citizens is disgraceful. It’s even more disgusting when the people they’re going after aren’t just public figures, but people living private lives to respond to their stupidity on Twitter (see below). The military is literally fighting the private citizens they are supposed to defend.

Okay what are the odds that the person handling the official Twitter account is a pregnant lady whose hormones are all over the place right now haha.
it’s a disgrace. Official military accounts going after private citizens is disgraceful. It’s even more disgusting when the people they’re going after aren’t just public figures, but people living private lives to respond to their stupidity on Twitter (see below). The military is literally fighting the private citizens they are supposed to defend.

Democrat generals are gaping vaginas. Maybe he should be on a breast feeding patrol