How will they rule ??!

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Honestly, I don’t think it’s necessarily the action of the knee to the neck as much as the length of time he was held that way I think most everyone on both sides agreed at the time that the officer held him down for way too long and it was an egregious action on his part. But that was all the Soros backed commie Antifa/BLM activists needed to pull the trigger in the shitstorm we had last summer.
It wasn't the knee at all. It was the drugs in his system.
This country is absolutely headed toward rock bottom. That’s not hyperbole. That’s reality.

I find myself apathetic to it all. In someways, it’s like watching Kentucky basketball this year, where you start to be entertained by seeing just how bad it gets.

We get to see how a hysterical press from the last handful of years turn back into the propaganda arm of the White House. Stuff so blatantly absurd to the point that PR firms would blush.

You’ve got Democrats in control of everything (which isn’t going to change for a long time) and their agenda of destruction is unchecked. No more excuses or people to blame for them. They can achieve their utopia they so desire (while calling all of your observations “conspiracy theories“). They will import millions of new voters from the third world too as planned.

In addition to that, you’ve got the absolute brainwashing of the public to comply and fall for the hysteria that is COVID. No questioning about how ridiculous the protocols are that don’t do anything. No questioning the agendas of powerful people while sheep believe everything is “for our safety” and boast about getting injected with an experimental drug.

Then you have the GOP, a group so disconnected from their base, exactly where they want to be—not in control. This way the uniparty’s version of the Washington Generals can do theater for Twitter and during Congressional hearings so they can get campaign donations and if you vote for them, they will promise to “fight the left.” Of course, they will do nothing as they all laugh and pat each other on the back at the country club. And a good portion of the public will still believe they’re vote actually matters. “We’ll get em in 2024!” 😂👌

All 2016 accomplished was simply delay the organized disaster. So sit back and enjoy the circus where Biden is hidden for two years and then Kamala takes over for 10, where you have to beg for basic rights, and the technological tyrants further rule you.
Welcome back. Where have you been hiding?
Well it's the one year anniversary of the death of BT. A woman that touched everyone so deeply that it took three months for them to realize they cared.

So of course there are protests planned by an out of state group. Last time they were here they caused several scenes. Plus the state high school archery tournament is downtown Louisville today. So I'm sure everything will go wonderfully.
We’ve got all high risk people vaccinated, afaik.
Don't think that's right. I just read like 35% of people over 65 have been vaccinated & some who are highly vulnerable just refuse. FWIW, I don't give an ish about the latter group. I imagine there's still a good number of home-bound folks who haven't gotten it. Then there's blacks who are vulnerable who are vaccianted at a low rate because the system is racist per the Woke.
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Sounds kinky.
It does get a bit weird after they get real drunk. I leave when the crazy stuff happens.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
Completely False.
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Well it's the one year anniversary of the death of BT. A woman that touched everyone so deeply that it took three months for them to realize they cared.

So of course there are protests planned by an out of state group. Last time they were here they caused several scenes. Plus the state high school archery tournament is downtown Louisville today. So I'm sure everything will go wonderfully.

Aw, America. A place where we celebrate people whose lives were of low character and criminality but then *crickets* when an unarmed white woman is killed by a black police officer in DC for no reason at all. She doesn’t matter because she’s one of those “Trump people.” Fentanyl Floyd though has sainthood despite this guy killing himself.

I’ve become a big fan of the ever changing goalposts for when identity politics matter and when they don’t.

“Believe all women” changing to “No, not those women” is still my personal favorite.
What if you find out you're related to the same Indian tribe Elizabeth Warren is?
Already have mine back. Mostly Scots-Irish with a very little German-American Indian-African American blended in. So today, I will be wearing a Kilt while drinking heavily eating Jaeger Schnitzel from the wild bore I killed with a native Bow with Leroy an old Drill sergeant buddy.

Oh and by the way, the wild bore will be any liberal that gets in our path. (Yes you liberal morons, I know how to spell boar but, the other way is funnier).
We just need to split the Union at this point. The democrats openly talking about throwing out the results of the election in Iowa after what they just did in November shows they’re emboldened and aren’t going to stop.
I’ve been saying this for well over a year now on here. We’re at the stage of a relationship where both people aren’t happy and want to split, but because they’ve been together for so long, they don’t want change and start new.

Both sides don’t like each other and we don’t have any common values anymore. Both sides are pretty much polar opposite on each other on every single issue.

Freedom of Speech: the left cheers on censorship, while the right wants actual freedom of speech. The left wants to create “hate speech” laws.

Guns: The left wants to take away guns.

Immigration: Hell you got someone on here right now trying to make the argument that illegal immigration isn’t a bad thing.

I could keep going with the list, but you all get the point. What’s the point of being a Union when there is no common beliefs between the two sides. The country is big enough, split up and let the right live how they want to and let the left live how they want to. Both sides would be far happier than they are right now. Keeping this country together right now is pretty pointless sadly.
The 2.2 trillion CARES Act passed last March was very similar to this one. It had some Republican slanted pork because they controlled the Senate and presidency just like this one has some Democratic slanted pork now that they have control. The Dems still compromised and voted for it because the people needed it. The Republicans not so much.
You should finish your statement.........the people needed the 9% that they will get......the other 91% is unnecessary as usual.....
Yeah. Democrats care about the country and worked with Republicans on bipartisan COVID relief under a Republican president. Republicans are selfish extremists only interested in power, gained through the politics of opposition. So not a single one under a Democratic president voted for the same measures they supported under a Republican president. You're right it speaks volumes.
False. It is because of the other stuff dims put in this one that made it a non bi-partisan issue. Money to San Francisco and other failing liberal ventures should not be part of the deal.
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The 2.2 trillion CARES Act passed last March was very similar to this one. It had some Republican slanted pork because they controlled the Senate and presidency just like this one has some Democratic slanted pork now that they have control. The Dems still compromised and voted for it because the people needed it. The Republicans not so much.
They both took care of Moscow Mitch's wife thats what is important. We say increase the minimum wage, you yell, help Americans you yell. Just make sure Dems dont win midterm, fudge the country
We yell because those are horrible ideas. Minimum wage hurts far more Americans than it helps. These stimulus packages bend over the American people. They call them these stupid names like Covid Relief and say here is a 1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief bill. And you have idiots believe that the government is going to use 1.9 trillion dollars to help people affected by Covid. But in reality only a small portion of that actually goes to that. They give out a $1400 check to a select portion of Americans with the hope those people will think, "wow I just got a $1400 check, my government really watches out for me."
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We yell because those are horrible ideas. Minimum wage hurts far more Americans than it helps. These stimulus packages bend over the American people. They call them these stupid names like Covid Relief and say here is a 1.9 trillion dollar Covid relief bill. And you have idiots believe that the government is going to use 1.9 trillion dollars to help people affected by Covid. But in reality only a small portion of that actually goes to that. They give out a $1400 check to a select portion of Americans with the hope those people will think, "wow I just got a $1400 check, my government really watches out for me."
And when you break it down, each tax payer on average paid (will pay) $13,800.00 (There about) in taxes to get $1,400.00 dollar covid relief to help them make it. Dim math.
Libs : they'll have to drag Trump out of office!

*trump leaves*

Cuomo murders thousands
Cuomo: I ain't leaving!

Libs are so pathetic in this, they don't even care he murdered all those ppl...the Federal dems probably told him to do it to make "Drumpf" look bad...but now it's gotten so bad they just changed the story to well he has to resign bc after he's told 50 women theyre hot that's the real scandal!
And when you break it down, each tax payer on average paid (will pay) $13,800.00 (There about) in taxes to get $1,400.00 dollar covid relief to help them make it. Dim math.
Completely random and anecdotal, but just made me hate this stimulus thing even more. Drove back to Cali for the weekend last week to see the family. Having dinner with my father and his girlfriend and politics came up (she is a big time Biden person). Anyways her son married the daughter of one of the founders for Crocs and also runs the company that runs Quiznos and crap, long story short, her father is worth 100+ mil. So my dad's girlfriend's son and his wife built this brand new mansion in Nashville a couple years back, live a ridiculously lavish lifestyle. But technically neither one of them work. He is a stay at home dad and she "works" at one of her dad's foundations. Both of them got the first 2 stimulus checks and will be getting this one coming up.

Good old efficient government. Sending checks out to millionaires haha.
hmmm, wonder why they built a mansion in Nashville.
Oh because they were living at one of her dad's penthouse apartments in downtown San Fran and she got pregnant and they wanted to move to Nashville because "San Fran has gotten so expensive and so dangerous with the crime ticking up and the homeless."

They both are the typical Berkely Bernie Bro grads who are beyond smug and just intolerable to be around. Horrible people.