How will they rule ??!

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"Anyone going to ask why the first 2 Covid relief bills were bipartisan under Trump leadership but when Dims are in control it's the complete opposite but Trump is labelled divisive and Biden the uniter?"
That is an incredibly perceptive question that kinda says it all.
Nothing to worry about here. Biden told us that the military is making the needed changes. We now have maternity flight suits, new hairdos for women in the military, and two new women 4 star generals. In addition, soldiers and airmen can get sex change operations free of charge and the new Sec of Def has made sure to get rid of all the white supremacists in the military. I feel a lot safer.
Meanwhile China is teaching their men how to be more manly.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
1099’s. Ha, for illegals. [roll]They will “gladly” pay their taxes.😂😂😂.

official winner of the most naive and absurd post.
When the inflation starts due to the de-valuing of the dollar due to this outrageous spending, poverty will absolutely increase. They'll probably use that to try and get some more social programs in place giving out more and more money. Before we know it, bread will be 8.00 a loaf.

I would love to have some way of tracking how this stimulus money is going to be spent. I would just about guarantee you that the majority of it will be spent on material things like TVs , PlayStations, alcohol, and even drugs instead of living costs, etc. All this will accomplish is putting more money in the fortunes of the Waltons and Bezos of the world.
It was absolutely no coincidence that Walmart put $569 HDTV’s on display at the front of the store as you walk in just after the last $600 stimulus passed.
That is an incredibly perceptive question that kinda says it all.
Yeah. Democrats care about the country and worked with Republicans on bipartisan COVID relief under a Republican president. Republicans are selfish extremists only interested in power, gained through the politics of opposition. So not a single one under a Democratic president voted for the same measures they supported under a Republican president. You're right it speaks volumes.
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Yeah. Democrats care about the country and worked with Republicans on bipartisan COVID relief under a Republican president. Republicans are selfish extremists only interested in power, gained through the politics of opposition. So not a single one under a Democratic president voted for the same measures they supported under a Republican president. You're right it speaks volumes.

Care about what country specifically?
Yeah. Democrats care about the country and worked with Republicans on bipartisan COVID relief under a Republican president. Republicans are selfish extremists only interested in power, gained through the politics of opposition. So not a single one under a Democratic president voted for the same measures they supported under a Republican president. You're right it speaks volumes.
I understand. You think the two bipartisan bills contained the same measures that the 1.9 Trillion bill did. That's not correct.
I understand. You think the two bipartisan bills contained the same measures that the 1.9 Trillion bill did. That's not correct.
The 2.2 trillion CARES Act passed last March was very similar to this one. It had some Republican slanted pork because they controlled the Senate and presidency just like this one has some Democratic slanted pork now that they have control. The Dems still compromised and voted for it because the people needed it. The Republicans not so much.
I understand. You think the two bipartisan bills contained the same measures that the 1.9 Trillion bill did. That's not correct.
They both took care of Moscow Mitch's wife thats what is important. We say increase the minimum wage, you yell, help Americans you yell. Just make sure Dems dont win midterm, fudge the country
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All things bush should be banned from politics. Ronald regan said it best; the scariest words you can ever hear are; I am a politician, I am here to help. I respected what bush sr stood for but w, was a joke. If another bush somehow is elected to presidency prepare for the great recession part 2. Your not going to find ole W in the primaries pimping out any republican nominee. He has the likeness of Herbert Hoover or Franklin pierce another bad president related to Barbara bush. Say what you want about bill Clinton or Hillary for that matter, but growing up in the 90s the man did a good job as commander and chief. Clinton had his vices, but what president didn't? Chicks dig the saxophone. Clinton left office with a 60% approval rating as well as a surplus. Not many can say that. i truly think Hillary will win in a landslide especially if it gets bill back in the White House. I have a better chance than Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. That being said, I would vote for rand Paul or Chris Christie. As long as they stick to their beliefs. In the end I really don't think it will matter unless saint regan is somehow resurrected for the nomination. Like it or not Hillary will be president 45. She may not be the best choice to the haters, but like Obama people who have never voted before will go out and vote just to see a woman president. Sarah palin easily costed McCain the election and set republican women in poltics back 50 years.

The tea party sucks, they are slowly killing the Republican Party
I wouldn't vote Rand Paul for local dogcatcher
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The 2.2 trillion CARES Act passed last March was very similar to this one. It had some Republican slanted pork because they controlled the Senate and presidency just like this one has some Democratic slanted pork now that they have control. The Dems still compromised and voted for it because the people needed it. The Republicans not so much.
Exactly! The Dems bent and yielded things to reach across the aisle and still not 1 damn Republican voted for it
The 2.2 trillion CARES Act passed last March was very similar to this one. It had some Republican slanted pork because they controlled the Senate and presidency just like this one has some Democratic slanted pork now that they have control. The Dems still compromised and voted for it because the people needed it. The Republicans not so much.
I forgot. The Dim messaging did say that both bills contained blue state bailouts and both contained targeted pension bailouts and etc. You were just fooled by those lies. You were just fooled by those lies into thinking that the two bills contained "the same measures," to quote you.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
I strenuously disagree with you much of the time, but I do agree that the government / law enforcement should be going more aggressively after the employers who hire illegal immigrants. I guess it’s a chicken and egg thing with respect to labor demand and supply, impact on wages, etc.

I just look at our current situation and see a government unable and unwilling to enforce its own laws to preserve and protect its sovereignty. Allowing the flood of illegals to continue the way the Biden administration apparently wants it to simply makes it that much more difficult to reform.

Show me that your serious about border security, law enforcement, etc., and I think many Americans (myself included) would accept a relatively generous amount of LEGAL immigration.
For farts sake, the guy got caught sleeping with a Chinese spy.

Out, out, out
50-60 years ago, Swallwell would have been forced to resign immediately. Back then, the Democratic leadership in the House was sufficiently pro-American not to allow one of their own to literally sleep with the enemy,
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Interesting how things are progressing towards ALL Americans must be vaccinated....

We’ve got all high risk people vaccinated, afaik.

CDC released “new” 4th of July guidelines (which is months away). Hint: do the same thing you did last year!

Our Govt has no intention of letting up. Why should they? After what they did to our election, the sky is the limit for them and their foreign partners. America is going to pay big time.
Interesting how things are progressing towards ALL Americans must be vaccinated....

We’ve got all high risk people vaccinated, afaik.

CDC released “new” 4th of July guidelines (which is months away). Hint: do the same thing you did last year!

Our Govt has no intention of letting up. Why should they? After what they did to our election, the sky is the limit for them and their foreign partners. America is going to pay big time.

Yeah, well Joe Biden can eat a turd.
This country is absolutely headed toward rock bottom. That’s not hyperbole. That’s reality.

I find myself apathetic to it all. In someways, it’s like watching Kentucky basketball this year, where you start to be entertained by seeing just how bad it gets.

We get to see how a hysterical press from the last handful of years turn back into the propaganda arm of the White House. Stuff so blatantly absurd to the point that PR firms would blush.

You’ve got Democrats in control of everything (which isn’t going to change for a long time) and their agenda of destruction is unchecked. No more excuses or people to blame for them. They can achieve their utopia they so desire (while calling all of your observations “conspiracy theories“). They will import millions of new voters from the third world too as planned, and you’ll see the dollar become more and more worthless.

In addition to that, you’ve got the absolute brainwashing of the public to comply and fall for the hysteria that is COVID. No questioning about how ridiculous the protocols are that don’t do anything. No questioning the agendas of powerful people while sheep believe everything is “for our safety” and boast about getting injected with an experimental drug.

Then you have the GOP, a group so disconnected from their base, exactly where they want to be—not in control. This way the uniparty’s version of the Washington Generals can do theater for Twitter and during Congressional hearings so they can get campaign donations and if you vote for them, they will promise to “fight the left.” Of course, they will do nothing as they all laugh and pat each other on the back at the country club. And a good portion of the public will still believe their vote actually matters. “We’ll get em in 2024!” 😂👌

All 2016 accomplished was simply delay the organized disaster. So sit back and enjoy the circus where Biden is hidden for two years and then Kamala takes over for 10, where you have to beg for basic rights, and the technological tyrants further rule you.
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Would love to see some “small government” folks defend this nonsense

No one here will defend it. Its ridiculous. A gross attack on free speech.

Every single living being is allowed to be criticized and/or insulted. Period.
All 2016 accomplished was simply delay the organized disaster. So sit back and enjoy the circus where Biden is hidden for two years and then Kamala takes over for 10, where you have to beg for basic rights, and the technological tyrants further rule you.

Yep that's why that win was met with such vitriol and disbelief. They we're all set for the coronation and the extinction of America as an ideal and the unthinkable happened - they cheated like hell and still lost.