How will they rule ??!

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Already isn't really a word I would use. It wasnt too long ago when Biden was saying if the Dems win the Georgia runoffs, 2k dollar checks would be sent out the door right away after the inaguration. So just $600 short and almost 2 months later people are getting them.

But you know you cant be picky getting $1400 checks, that is life changing. Really makes up for all the businesses shut down and jobs slashed all because of the government. But ya a $1400 check makes up for all that...

Will all but eradicate poverty. All hail China Joe, the man that eradicated poverty as we know it!
I can't believe the U.S military let the treasonous election happen and is now letting this carton of expired milk destroy this country day by day.

I have supported and will support the military to my fullest ability until I die, but I'm afraid our military, particularly those at the highest command, aren't the same types of people that were in command during the world wars. I'm afraid politics, social justice, and wokeness are infiltrating our military's highest ranks just like it did with education, film, and the MSM. I pray that I am wrong about that, and will gladly choke down as much crow as you can throw at me if I am.
I have supported and will support the military to my fullest ability until I die, but I'm afraid our military, particularly those at the highest command, aren't the same types of people that were in command during the world wars. I'm afraid politics, social justice, and wokeness are infiltrating our military's highest ranks just like it did with education, film, and the MSM. I pray that I am wrong about that, and will gladly choke down as much crow as you can throw at me if I am.
Absolutely my fear also. i’ve felt this way for quite a while.
I have supported and will support the military to my fullest ability until I die, but I'm afraid our military, particularly those at the highest command, aren't the same types of people that were in command during the world wars. I'm afraid politics, social justice, and wokeness are infiltrating our military's highest ranks just like it did with education, film, and the MSM. I pray that I am wrong about that, and will gladly choke down as much crow as you can throw at me if I am.

I agree with your every word. Just pissed this shit is allowed in America.
I feel threatened that I have to support their kids in schools that are already underfunded, that they tax the medical systems, that they compete for jobs with the least of us, that they work for cash & don't pay taxes. I give an ish about color because we have same problem with people of other colors who overstay visas or are smuggled in on ships. But with Libs, it's always color, isn't it? Just when isn't it color?
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
Will all but eradicate poverty. All hail China Joe, the man that eradicated poverty as we know it!
You know what's coming this time next year. A whole lot of people will have had a $3-$4000 windfall and be lifted temporarily above the poverty line. China Joe and Ho will celebrate the elimination of poverty. The following year when poverty increases at a record rate (due to not having that one-time stimulus check), there will be crickets. China Joe and Ho will continue to oppose school vouchers in order to ensure that low income people stay on the reservation. At the same time, they will proclaim that everyone has a God given right to education.
You know what's coming this time next year. A whole lot of people will have had a $3-$4000 windfall and be lifted temporarily above the poverty line. China Joe and Ho will celebrate the elimination of poverty. The following year when poverty increases at a record rate (due to not having that one-time stimulus check), there will be crickets. China Joe and Ho will continue to oppose school vouchers in order to ensure that low income people stay on the reservation. At the same time, they will proclaim that everyone has a God given right to education.

When the inflation starts due to the de-valuing of the dollar due to this outrageous spending, poverty will absolutely increase. They'll probably use that to try and get some more social programs in place giving out more and more money. Before we know it, bread will be 8.00 a loaf.

I would love to have some way of tracking how this stimulus money is going to be spent. I would just about guarantee you that the majority of it will be spent on material things like TVs , PlayStations, alcohol, and even drugs instead of living costs, etc. All this will accomplish is putting more money in the fortunes of the Waltons and Bezos of the world.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. .....
Agreed on the bold text. Need to change the system and make it a "violation" instead of a crime to hire them, like a traffic ticket. Then there's no need to prove a criminal intent, Miranda rights fall by the wayside if there is no cusgtodial questioning, etc, etc., and getting a conviction is easy. The violators are only at risk for the fines. Make the fine $10,000 per day per person, payable by the people doing the hiring and the employer, and we'd have the problem on the run.
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It was common practice/procedure to kneel on his neck. Happened hundreds if not thousands of times before with not a single fatality.

Lethal dose of fentanyl in his body as he swallowed a goofball in the car to hide it from police. Zero chance this was murder.

AG Barr turned down a manslaughter plea bargain of 10 years. Another of his many huge mistakes but what else do you expect from a swamp rat.

Hopefully there will be at least one juror who is not politically biased.

That technique was published as official procedure by MPD
Jesus Effing Christ. Have you even the first damned clue about what the hell accountability entails?

If the son of a bitch is here illegally, then goddamnit, he or she represents a threat to our safety and security as as society. COVID aside, many other civilized nations on this planet account for all persons, domestic and foreign, within the borders of their respective countries.

Should I stop paying damn taxes and declare myself illegal? Huh? What the hell happens if we all just stop paying taxes? Authority breaks down. Anarchy ensues.

Bullshit. Your argument is broken.
60% of Americans support Biden's eight-year path to citizenship. Only 24% oppose, with only 14% being strongly opposed. The immigration extremism seen on these boards is a tiny sliver of the American populace. How does it feel knowing y'all are radicals that will never see your deportation dreams come to fruition?
60% of Americans support Biden's eight-year path to citizenship. Only 24% oppose, with only 14% being strongly opposed. The immigration extremism seen on these boards is a tiny sliver of the American populace. How does it feel knowing y'all are radicals that will never see your deportation dreams come to fruition?
Bullshit. An 8-year path for citizenship is fine, BUT NOT FOR GODDAMNED CRIMINALS. We're not radicals, but more interested in maintaining accountability and the integrity of this great nation rather than some goddamned socialist wet dream.

Your convictions are both radical and dangerous. Some effing illegal immigrant SHOULD NOT have more rights and privileges than I -- period.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
You are probably correct on your last sentence. We should make it easier to “legally” immigrate to America. Until we do, they need to stay “south of the border” because it’s not our fault that Mexico is poorly operated.
I’m looking forward to see what George Floyd’s family does with the $27 million. I’m thinking they will invest some, spend some and give some. They will probably start a college fund or 2 for some poor families around Minneapolis or....
They will blow it all within 10 years or so on some weed.
I’m looking forward to see what George Floyd’s family does with the $27 million. I’m thinking they will invest some, spend some and give some. They will probably start a college fund or 2 for some poor families around Minneapolis or....
They will blow it all within 10 years or so on some weed.

well their lawyers and publicists and CNN are getting around 20 of that..but 7 will still buy a lot of fentanyl.
Bullshit. An 8-year path for citizenship is fine, BUT NOT FOR GODDAMNED CRIMINALS. We're not radicals, but more interested in maintaining accountability and the integrity of this great nation rather than some goddamned socialist wet dream.

Your convictions are both radical and dangerous. Some effing illegal immigrant SHOULD NOT have more rights and privileges than I -- period.
By criminals you mean the undocumenteds already living here whose only crime was illegal entry right? Which is what Biden's proposing and the majority agree with. A path to citizenship for the millions already living here.
  • Haha
Reactions: Gassy_Knowls
60% of Americans support Biden's eight-year path to citizenship. Only 24% oppose, with only 14% being strongly opposed. The immigration extremism seen on these boards is a tiny sliver of the American populace. How does it feel knowing y'all are radicals that will never see your deportation dreams come to fruition?
That is a Politico poll, which I have no faith in. They are usually shams. It's all in who they ask and, most importantly, what quesions they ask.
A January 2018 Harvard poll found that over 70% of Legal hispanics wanted the border closed AND the iLLEGAL aliens tossed out. More surprisingly, they also thought the parents of anchor babies deserved no special treatment. Most surprisingly, 2/3 of Clinton voters wanted all illegal immigration stopped.
The poll was described thusly--
"A new poll released by Harvard-Harris shows that a staggering percentage of voters on all ends of the political spectrum are overwhelmingly in favor of an immigration deal that would end Chain Migration, eliminate the Visa Lottery, and grant amnesty to DACA recipients."
Fake news

That poll had 2000 registered voters. Once thing it conveniently left out was the political registrations of said voters. I'd bet anything it was probably 80/20 Dems. Nothing wrong with an 8 year path to citizenship. But if you think everyone coming to the border seeking amnesty are really running from persecution, you're being naïve or you have a nefarious reason. The problem isn't immigrants coming legally, it's the ones that cross the border illegally or claim amnesty and don't show up for their court date.

Once of my best friends is an immigrant from India. He has been trying to become a citizen for years, but the process is so backed up, it will take many more years. Ask him what he thinks about an illegal immigrant if you think we are radicals.
They will gladly pay their taxes, make it legal for them to work, problem solved. And they do pay taxes both directly and indirectly. If they are working for cash then the individual who is hiring them should be filing 1099s shouldn’t they?
If you have a problem with them working, go after the people doing the hiring. They are the ones with something to lose. I’ve spent enough time south of the border that I am never going to criticize someone doing exactly what most of you would do if in their shoes. Don’t give me the bullshit about how they should just do it legally. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than 98% of them have of ever being able to legally immigrate.
- Agree the employers should also be arrested. - illegally coming is just that - our laws/choices should mean something - & shouldn't be tolerated, but because they want to do come here & it's good for them doesn't mean it's good for the USA - which is what I care about. - Just how many should be able to come in your opinion - 100M/yr? More? Less? You think we can accept infinity?
60% of Americans support Biden's eight-year path to citizenship. Only 24% oppose, with only 14% being strongly opposed. The immigration extremism seen on these boards is a tiny sliver of the American populace. How does it feel knowing y'all are radicals that will never see your deportation dreams come to fruition?
It's one thing to allow Dreamers - those who were brought here young - citizenship. It's another to allow older arrivals & criminals to stay. You conflate the two & I'm sure the question that generated 60% approval did too.
That is a Politico poll, which I have no faith in. They are usually shams. It's all in who they ask and, most importantly, what quesions they ask.
A January 2018 Harvard poll found that over 70% of Legal hispanics wanted the border closed AND the iLLEGAL aliens tossed out. More surprisingly, they also thought the parents of anchor babies deserved no special treatment. Most surprisingly, 2/3 of Clinton voters wanted all illegal immigration stopped.
The poll was described thusly--
"A new poll released by Harvard-Harris shows that a staggering percentage of voters on all ends of the political spectrum are overwhelmingly in favor of an immigration deal that would end Chain Migration, eliminate the Visa Lottery, and grant amnesty to DACA recipients."

Dion thinks 100% of Americans want communism from a poll linked from
Stimulus bill passes the 1st vote. All you poors will get your breadcrumbs in a couple weeks.
If you believe Tucker Carlson, the cops did what they were trained to do. Including the knee to the neck. You can’t train someone to do something and then charge them when they do.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s necessarily the action of the knee to the neck as much as the length of time he was held that way I think most everyone on both sides agreed at the time that the officer held him down for way too long and it was an egregious action on his part. But that was all the Soros backed commie Antifa/BLM activists needed to pull the trigger in the shitstorm we had last summer.