How will they rule ??!

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Minneapolis settles with George Floyd's family for 27 million. I can't believe a city would settle this now and announce it now with the police officer in jury selection. That is absolutely intentional and abhorrent. They threw him to the wolves.

The trial should be continued for at least six months. No way this doesn't taint the jury.

Also I'd love to know the grand total of financial windfall to George Floyd's family. Companies across the nation fell over themselves to make large corporation donations to trust funds set up in their names. I don't think it's outrageous to estimate over 75 million paid to that family. All for a man that died due to drug overdose.
I guess you feel threatened by brown people wanting a better life?
Having worked several years south of the border, I welcome them.
The ole' I can't have a real rebuttal so I resort to identity. Page one, and the only page apparently, in the playbook.

Per usual, the people who can't engage in actualy dialog outside of wokeness think this is only a problem and the backwardness of the US. Go ask Swedes or Denmark what their citizens think about it...considering you want to be like them but not actually do their policies
Minneapolis settles with George Floyd's family for 27 million. I can't believe a city would settle this now and announce it now with the police officer in jury selection. That is absolutely intentional and abhorrent. They threw him to the wolves.

The trial should be continued for at least six months. No way this doesn't taint the jury.

Also I'd love to know the grand total of financial windfall to George Floyd's family. Companies across the nation fell over themselves to make large corporation donations to trust funds set up in their names. I don't think it's outrageous to estimate over 75 million paid to that family. All for a man that died due to drug overdose.
Louisville did the same thing with BT’s family. Gave them $12 million. A year later and they’re still trying to destroy the city.
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Minneapolis settles with George Floyd's family for 27 million. I can't believe a city would settle this now and announce it now with the police officer in jury selection. That is absolutely intentional and abhorrent. They threw him to the wolves.

The trial should be continued for at least six months. No way this doesn't taint the jury.

Also I'd love to know the grand total of financial windfall to George Floyd's family. Companies across the nation fell over themselves to make large corporation donations to trust funds set up in their names. I don't think it's outrageous to estimate over 75 million paid to that family. All for a man that died due to drug overdose.
They are setting this up for riots and the continued narrative or injustice. If this was serious they'd try the cop with manslaughter...but they'll go for all or nothing which will end up getting him off bc ppl arekt interested in how laws work.

Should the guy died? No. Did he resist arrest..yes. does that mean it's okay to kneel on his But it does mean it's not 2nd degree murder bc he was high out of his mind and wouldn't get in the cop car. Ppl aren't willing to rationally understand that this is more complex than "injustices happened in the past, thus anytime someone dies its equal to said injustice automatically"
'A World Health Organization expert advisory committee is currently looking at AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine after some countries paused distribution of it, but there is no reason not to use it, a spokeswoman said on Friday.'

'Health authorities in several countries including Denmark, Norway, and Iceland have suspended the use of AstraZeneca's vaccine following reports of the formation of blood clots in some people who have been vaccinated.'
They are setting this up for riots and the continued narrative or injustice. If this was serious they'd try the cop with manslaughter...but they'll go for all or nothing which will end up getting him off bc ppl arekt interested in how laws work.

Should the guy died? No. Did he resist arrest..yes. does that mean it's okay to kneel on his But it does mean it's not 2nd degree murder bc he was high out of his mind and wouldn't get in the cop car. Ppl aren't willing to rationally understand that this is more complex than "injustices happened in the past, thus anytime someone dies its equal to said injustice automatically"
It was common practice/procedure to kneel on his neck. Happened hundreds if not thousands of times before with not a single fatality.

Lethal dose of fentanyl in his body as he swallowed a goofball in the car to hide it from police. Zero chance this was murder.

AG Barr turned down a manslaughter plea bargain of 10 years. Another of his many huge mistakes but what else do you expect from a swamp rat.

Hopefully there will be at least one juror who is not politically biased.
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It was common practice/procedure to kneel on his neck. Happened hundreds if not thousands of times before with not a single fatality.

Lethal dose of fentanyl in his body as he swallowed a goofball in the car to hide it from police. Zero chance this was murder.

AG Barr turned down a manslaughter plea bargain of 10 years. Another of his many huge mistakes but what else do you expect from a swamp rat.

Hopefully there will be at least one juror who is not politically biased.
All of this is politicized. That is why the news didn't play the whole video of what happened. I can't even imagine the pressure the jurors will be under to find that cop guilty, even though he is not guilty of murder in any way. You are right, hope there is one who has the integrity to do the right thing, but it is a shame how the democrats will use it to stoke violence.
Minneapolis settles with George Floyd's family for 27 million. I can't believe a city would settle this now and announce it now with the police officer in jury selection. That is absolutely intentional and abhorrent. They threw him to the wolves.

The trial should be continued for at least six months. No way this doesn't taint the jury.

Also I'd love to know the grand total of financial windfall to George Floyd's family. Companies across the nation fell over themselves to make large corporation donations to trust funds set up in their names. I don't think it's outrageous to estimate over 75 million paid to that family. All for a man that died due to drug overdose.

27 million can buy a lot of Fentanyl.

Sucks for George Floyd
Minneapolis settles with George Floyd's family for 27 million. I can't believe a city would settle this now and announce it now with the police officer in jury selection. That is absolutely intentional and abhorrent. They threw him to the wolves.

The trial should be continued for at least six months. No way this doesn't taint the jury.

Also I'd love to know the grand total of financial windfall to George Floyd's family. Companies across the nation fell over themselves to make large corporation donations to trust funds set up in their names. I don't think it's outrageous to estimate over 75 million paid to that family. All for a man that died due to drug overdose.
Louisville did the same thing with the say her name epic.

*sorry mdluk.1 already said that
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All of this is politicized. That is why the news didn't play the whole video of what happened. I can't even imagine the pressure the jurors will be under to find that cop guilty, even though he is not guilty of murder in any way. You are right, hope there is one who has the integrity to do the right thing, but it is a shame how the democrats will use it to stoke violence.

The person(s) on the jury that find him not guilty will have their lives ruined if not taken from them in the aftermath. I 100% expect a guilty verdict. I'm not saying he is innocent of any wrongdoing, but I don't feel like he definitely set out to murder him, and if the fentanyl wasn't involved, I don't think he would have died.
The person(s) on the jury that find him not guilty will have their lives ruined if not taken from them in the aftermath. I 100% expect a guilty verdict. I'm not saying he is innocent of any wrongdoing, but I don't feel like he definitely set out to murder him, and if the fentanyl wasn't involved, I don't think he would have died.
I agree. It would take a person of exceptional moral fortitude to do what is right. I am glad I am not on that jury. If I had to bet, I would say he will be found guilty as well. Don't know the rules of Wisconsin, maybe if they keep the identity of the jurors or how they voted secret, he can get a hung jury. Sad statement about getting a fair trial.
The person(s) on the jury that find him not guilty will have their lives ruined if not taken from them in the aftermath. I 100% expect a guilty verdict. I'm not saying he is innocent of any wrongdoing, but I don't feel like he definitely set out to murder him, and if the fentanyl wasn't involved, I don't think he would have died.
If you believe Tucker Carlson, the cops did what they were trained to do. Including the knee to the neck. You can’t train someone to do something and then charge them when they do.
If you believe Tucker Carlson, the cops did what they were trained to do. Including the knee to the neck. You can’t train someone to do something and then charge them when they do.
This. it was reported shortly after the incident that the cops were trained to do the knee to the neck hold although many police departments were doing away with it—but he was doing what he was trained to do.
Nothing to worry about here. Biden told us that the military is making the needed changes. We now have maternity flight suits, new hairdos for women in the military, and two new women 4 star generals. In addition, soldiers and airmen can get sex change operations free of charge and the new Sec of Def has made sure to get rid of all the white supremacists in the military. I feel a lot safer.
Was listening to Brian Kilmeade's radio show this morning on the way back from the store. Don't care much for him, but nothing else on. As with Fox & Friends, his show is Fox...Fox Radio. Had a guest host. She was on a topic and took a caller who started talking (about what I don't recall). He mentioned Mike Lindell and was IMMEDIATELY cut off. She cut him off and started saying 'thanks for the call but we're out of time.. right up against a break' Then proceeded to talk herself for another 2-3 minutes.

Yet another reason not to watch/listen to Fox....for me.
I didn’t post the graph to prove whites were systemically keeping other races down. I posted it to show that race plays a factor in wealth disparity and conversely where people live in this country. Also, Do we want to compare the experiences of blacks and Asians in this country dating back to slavery and subsequent Jim Crow, segregation, not being allowed to vote, etc? Do we want to discuss the amount of TIME each group was oppressed in this country? Things like the 1965 Selma Bloody Sunday? MLK assassinated in 68? This isn’t ancient history. Japanese internment camps lasted how long? Recent Black immigrants also out earn blacks who are descendants of slaves here.

Anyone else find it ironic that on the one year anniversary of the death of sports by coronavirus, we hit 100 million shots?

100 million shots in first 100 days. Lol. Blew right past that, as expected by anyone with half a brain. Since we were vaccinating over a million a day on Jan 20.
people are already getting their stimulus
Already isn't really a word I would use. It wasnt too long ago when Biden was saying if the Dems win the Georgia runoffs, 2k dollar checks would be sent out the door right away after the inaguration. So just $600 short and almost 2 months later people are getting them.

But you know you cant be picky getting $1400 checks, that is life changing. Really makes up for all the businesses shut down and jobs slashed all because of the government. But ya a $1400 check makes up for all that...
"China warns Taiwan that independence means war."
Well, if China is going to attack, now would be the time. Biden's team are all unprincipled cowards, and in response to the Uighur genocide, all Biden could muster was "it's a cultural difference."
If you believe Tucker Carlson, the cops did what they were trained to do. Including the knee to the neck. You can’t train someone to do something and then charge them when they do.

I agree with this wholeheartedly, but, he did keep his knee on his neck for a very long time. I'll never know what he was thinking in his mind at the time, but in my opinion, he kept it on there longer than training required. As I said earlier, I don't think Floyd would have died unless he had the fentanyl in his system. I think the charges far outweigh the outcome based on what we know. But this case has already been tried in the court of public opinion, and there is now way he will get a non-biased jury.
Already isn't really a word I would use. It wasnt too long ago when Biden was saying if the Dems win the Georgia runoffs, 2k dollar checks would be sent out the door right away after the inaguration. So just $600 short and almost 2 months later people are getting them.

But you know you cant be picky getting $1400 checks, that is life changing. Really makes up for all the businesses shut down and jobs slashed all because of the government. But ya a $1400 check makes up for all that...

Will all but eradicate poverty. All hail China Joe, the man that eradicated poverty as we know it!