Official Fire Coach Cal Thread

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what I love is all the HOF Coach! claims

dude has more historically bad records to his name than probably all the other coaches combined at UK

worst season
worst loss
gave up all time wins
consecutive 3 point shot
Rupp attendance
losses in November

thats in 15 seconds of thinking about it
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This exactly.
My heart is kinda broken. Hell I’ve even lost interest in the game overall because I can’t enjoy my Cats. My kids used to hate the first tip off…we had basketball on nearly every night and all weekend.
I can’t do it anymore…
I think that’s what makes me angriest at Calipari…taking the joy out of basketball for me.
Me too, me too.
For the first time since 1966 I did not watch a single second of a UK game that was available for me to watch.

And to think I used to arrange holiday schedules and family events to ensure being able to watch my beloved Cats play.

Cal did that.
You're saying that Cal should have turned down a chance to get the player widely considered to be the #1 recruit in the 2023 class? He didn't know that Sharpe's advisor had a secret agenda. Look at what's going on with Nick Smith at Arkansas. He got injured. He seems to be getting better. Despite that fact, a lot of people are speculating that he will not play this season and will simply prepare for the draft. If that happens, are the Arkansas fans supposed to blame the coach? We all like Oscar, but if he knew that he was going to be a lottery pick in the draft would he have returned to Kentucky this year? I seriously doubt it.
Of course Oscar would not have returned nor should he if that were the case. No one blames cal for going after sharpe but when it was universally known he was eligible for the draft and his intention of not playing was stated he should have been kicked off the team. He wasn’t though as cal knew all along and was complicit in the whole charade and just did whatever he could to save face. Sharpe did zero to help last years team and the team got worse when they knew they had a delicate flower sitting on the bench who had no intentions of ever setting foot on the court.
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well to be fair that post was from last season saying he deserved to coach this season.

I don't think anyone will accuse me of being on the Cal bandwagon here, its just a pragmatic approach to the situation.

And from a pragmatic standpoint, he'd have to do some pretty bad stuff on and off the court to get fired this year.

Secondly, I'm in no hurry at the moment because the names that are being thrown around as his replacement don't excite me. I'm warming up to Mussellman but its still very early and we can't have a coach that needs to learn on the job here, also there is more to being a coach at UK than just being Xs and Os. You bring in a guy that wants to stay in the gym 24/7 and has the personality of a slug, he's going to fail at UK just as badly.
Which is worse? Hiring a young highly motivated coach who will drop some games while he is "learning" on the big stage, OR keeping an arrogant, narcissistic old coach who either refuses to bring his coaching into 2022, or he is too (dumb, lazy, stubborn, proud) to learn anything new to get our program back to winning games that matter.

I'll take the former. Cal is going to burn this program to the ground and walk away a rich man while blaming the fans for the program's demise under his (lack of) leadership.
Really think he owes it to us—and to himself—to resign after 2024 no matter the end result. It’s just time. We can appreciate all that he’s done and still move on. Stage an Oasis “Don’t Look Back in Anger” kind of parting.
We are all miserable watching this team. We are all fed up with the constant revolving door of the One and Done. We all can see the coaching deficiencies of John Calipari. We are all tired of the biggest night of the basketball season being draft night. We can see the decline in our team since we lost Coach Payne and I think it’s obvious that he was the most important person on our coaching staff in developing these young kids. Let’s see how big we can make this thread in support of moving away from Coach Cal and starting fresh at the University of Kentucky.
No way do I support firing Coach Cal. Such a proposal is ridiculous on its face. To be sure, Cal is not above criticism. This comes with any coach in any sport and especially one who coaches at a high profile successful program who, year after year, signs among the best high school talent in the nation. However, with such highly rated talent comes super enhanced expectations. Are such expectations fair or realistic? It doesn’t matter, they are what they are. As a UK fan since I saw Johnny Cox play for the Cats in 1959, I want UK to Win every game and I get upset when they don’t.

Cal’s offense during the last few years has been brutal to watch. Cal knows this better than anyone. I hope Call gets it corrected. I think he will. He’s been an outstanding asset to the UK basketball legacy. He rescued UK from the depths of mediocrity and national irrelevancy following the debacle that was the last several years of Tubby Smith and the full tenure of Billy Gillispie. UK has been among the top teams since. I’m not sure any other coach could have so instantly enhanced UK’s national credibility and celebrity but John Calipari.

I also don’t know, nor have I heard the names of any proposed coach who would choose to come into this pressure cooker basketball program, regardless of the millions to be made and successfully handle all thre tremendous off court obligations and equal or succeed Cal’s performance. .
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I don't "hate" anyone. You don't know me from Adam. You must be weak-minded to spew that crap. I don't like Calipari's motives and don't like his stewardship over this program. For you to use the word "hate" speaks volumes about you but mostly says that you have no argument at all. I supported Calipari in his early years but when it became obvious that his motives changed or methods began to fail, it became apparent that his efforts were not in the best interest of the "UK Program" ... everything changed. I care about the Program and if that Clown Coach's intent is to serve his own selfish interest (narcissist) ... oh yes, I want him gone, yesterday. What you're saying is that you support the coach regardless of the result of his performance as coach. If that's the case, it doesn't make you a Kentucky "fan" ... it makes you a Kentucky "fool" in my book if you, at all, care about the Program. For you to say that I'm not a fan, says you're not even "up to" the conversation. If we, as fans, don't let our collective voices be heard to correct the harm being done to this program, then so-called fans like you won't have anything to celebrate.
Great post. Not sure Ellen can comprehend it though. You hit the mail on the head.
Cal will not be here past next year when he falls flat on his face with his monstrous class. It will be a year of “we’re Young”, “they’re not robots”, “I like my team”, BS we are all more than tired of. We will beat up up on high school teams while having a losing record against legit competition. Will have one or two unexpected wins to give some of us a false sense of security, finish 3rd or 4th in the SEC, get bounced in SEC semi finals and either the round of 32 or 16 in the NCAA.

Cal can’t even recruit his way out his own mess now, his coaching is that bad. You and a few others can continue to offer that blind support if you like (assuming you are even a KY fan) but a true fan demands excellence or at least the appearance of it, Cal keeps us from holiday tournament play, has watered down the home schedule so bad Where the value just isn’t remotely there for season ticket holders, puts an inferior product on the court due to his coaching malfeasance, gives us all the same tiring excuses along with all of his BS cal-isms (everyone’s Super Bowl, good standard, can’t hide you BS), all the while talking down to the BBN about our lack of Basketball knowledge. There are people on this board, myself included, who have never coached even at the high school level, but have a better understanding of todays game and could do a much better job than this buffoon is currently doing and the piss poor effort he has put forth the past 5 years at a Minimum. He’s always been a lazy ass coach and lost games he had no business in losing but now he’s just losing all of the important ones all the time. He can go eff himself. Support that!!!!
Excellent post.!!!
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What harm? Hall of Fame coach with one of the best records in college basketball while he has been at UK. Get used to it because Cal will be here several more years.
We’ve all made jokes about kl40504 (or Ed) being Brad or Ellen. But I don’t think it’s a joke any longer. Is there really any doubt now?

And most of the replies, attempts at humor seem a little old timey….like things my dad would say.

So I’m going Ellen.

This guy/girl, if you were to look back at their post history, i bet the only comments are in defense of Cal. He/She absolutely can not reply to anything else….,only Cal defense.

It’s amazing.
We’ve all made jokes about kl40504 (or Ed) being Brad or Ellen. But I don’t think it’s a joke any longer. Is there really any doubt now?

And most of the replies, attempts at humor seem a little old timey….like things my dad would say.

So I’m going Ellen.

This guy/girl, if you were to look back at their post history, i bet the only comments are in defense of Cal. He/She absolutely can not reply to anything else….,only Cal defense.

It’s amazing.
It's interesting that you mention this ... I was wondering if kl40504 was a child/adolescent type based on the quality of his/her commentary. Most of everything said is almost child-like without any real argument for his/her position. Probably best to basically ignore going forward and wish him/her the best.
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You're saying that Cal should have turned down a chance to get the player widely considered to be the #1 recruit in the 2023 class? He didn't know that Sharpe's advisor had a secret agenda. Look at what's going on with Nick Smith at Arkansas. He got injured. He seems to be getting better. Despite that fact, a lot of people are speculating that he will not play this season and will simply prepare for the draft. If that happens, are the Arkansas fans supposed to blame the coach? We all like Oscar, but if he knew that he was going to be a lottery pick in the draft would he have returned to Kentucky this year? I seriously doubt it.
We’ve all made jokes about kl40504 (or Ed) being Brad or Ellen. But I don’t think it’s a joke any longer. Is there really any doubt now?

And most of the replies, attempts at humor seem a little old timey….like things my dad would say.

So I’m going Ellen.

This guy/girl, if you were to look back at their post history, i bet the only comments are in defense of Cal. He/She absolutely can not reply to anything else….,only Cal defense.

It’s amazing.
No I wouldn’t say Ellen actually.
Maybe one of the girls

Seriously…probably shouldn’t try to argue or even acknowledge. I don’t have a problem with them personally ..but threads do tend to get derailed when engaged
No I wouldn’t say Ellen actually.
Maybe one of the girls

Seriously…probably shouldn’t try to argue or even acknowledge. I don’t have a problem with them personally ..but threads do tend to get derailed when engaged
Probably some good advice there. Bkocats, you are definitely one of my favorite level headed posters.
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To steal a line from Cal, you people are crazy.

If y'all think Ellen or his kids are on a message board scouring the board for takes on their husband/dad's coaching performance you must be on crazy pills.

Seriously, think about how crazy that sounds...
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To steal a line from Cal, you people are crazy.

If y'all think Ellen or his kids are on a message board scouring the board for takes on their husband/dad's coaching performance you must be on crazy pills.

Seriously, think about how crazy that sounds...
Cal himself called into a radio show one time because the host was talking about how bad of a coach he was.
Cal had to come clean after the host figured it out.

Cal’s daughter sent out a fake tweet of him being at the draft this summer.

And you think that family is below coming on a message board???😂😂

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Cal himself called into a radio show one time because the host was talking about how bad of a coach he was.
Cal had to come clean after the host figured it out.

Cal’s daughter sent out a fake tweet of him being at the draft this summer.

And you think that family is below coming on a message board???😂😂

Just so I'm clear you think Ed of KL are either Ellen, his two daughters or Brad? Do you know what the odds of that are? I don't, but common sense would say there is no chance in hell.

You are laughing at me when the world's population is in excess of 8 billion. You think 1 or 2 posters (who might I remind you RATIONALLY support Calipari) are John's family...ok?

John's kids are cut throat on Twitter...why would they hide anonymously on this board? Ellen? She been nothing but a prize to BBN.



I honestly believe there is a better chance of Cal being a poster on this board than his family...
Cal isn't gonna get canned ever with that buyout. I just wish he could find that hunger he used to have. Getting embarrassed by Gonzaga was a real kick in the junk. I could live with the Michigan State game. 2 OT early in the season and perhaps MSU underrated. I don't know what to think if we go over to London and crap the bed.
Just so I'm clear you think Ed of KL are either Ellen, his two daughters or Brad? Do you know what the odds of that are? I don't, but common sense would say there is no chance in hell.

You are laughing at me when the world's population is in excess of 8 billion. You think 1 or 2 posters (who might I remind you RATIONALLY support Calipari) are John's family...ok?

John's kids are cut throat on Twitter...why would they hide anonymously on this board? Ellen? She been nothing but a prize to BBN.



I honestly believe there is a better chance of Cal being a poster on this board than his family...
I think you’re a waffler.
I’ll give Cal one more chance, then another, and another, and another.
I’ve said before you’re the worst type.
Back and forth.
At least I’ve made my decision about Cal and am sticking with it.
I have more respect for KL and kybass than you because they don’t waffle.
Cal will not be here past next year when he falls flat on his face with his monstrous class. It will be a year of “we’re Young”, “they’re not robots”, “I like my team”, BS we are all more than tired of. We will beat up up on high school teams while having a losing record against legit competition. Will have one or two unexpected wins to give some of us a false sense of security, finish 3rd or 4th in the SEC, get bounced in SEC semi finals and either the round of 32 or 16 in the NCAA.

Cal can’t even recruit his way out his own mess now, his coaching is that bad. You and a few others can continue to offer that blind support if you like (assuming you are even a KY fan) but a true fan demands excellence or at least the appearance of it, Cal keeps us from holiday tournament play, has watered down the home schedule so bad Where the value just isn’t remotely there for season ticket holders, puts an inferior product on the court due to his coaching malfeasance, gives us all the same tiring excuses along with all of his BS cal-isms (everyone’s Super Bowl, good standard, can’t hide you BS), all the while talking down to the BBN about our lack of Basketball knowledge. There are people on this board, myself included, who have never coached even at the high school level, but have a better understanding of todays game and could do a much better job than this buffoon is currently doing and the piss poor effort he has put forth the past 5 years at a Minimum. He’s always been a lazy ass coach and lost games he had no business in losing but now he’s just losing all of the important ones all the time. He can go eff himself. Support that!!!!
Well said. If we sit around waiting for Barnhart to fix this mess, we'll lose our Program. About all we can do is raise hell and stop supporting this carpetbagging clown coach. Calipari is a laughingstock and through that association, UK is becoming a laughingstock as well.
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Cal isn't gonna get canned ever with that buyout. I just wish he could find that hunger he used to have. Getting embarrassed by Gonzaga was a real kick in the junk. I could live with the Michigan State game. 2 OT early in the season and perhaps MSU underrated. I don't know what to think if we go over to London and crap the bed.
That would be a real Wanker.
I think you’re a waffler.
I’ll give Cal one more chance, then another, and another, and another.
I’ve said before you’re the worst type.
Back and forth.
At least I’ve made my decision about Cal and am sticking with it.
I have more respect for KL and kybass than you because they don’t waffle.
Well, if HagginHall is "waffling" ... at least he's 50% right while KL and KyAssFan are 100 % wrong. You have to admit that there is at least "that". :)
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I think you’re a waffler.
I’ll give Cal one more chance, then another, and another, and another.
I’ve said before you’re the worst type.
Back and forth.
At least I’ve made my decision about Cal and am sticking with it.
I have more respect for KL and kybass than you because they don’t waffle.

Good to see you avoided my point entirely....

You entirely avoided my point and continue to show your agenda.

No one is happy with direction of program. My opinion of Calipari matters no more than yours. I think he has something left in the tank, you don' what? He isn't leaving unless he wants to, that's the deal...wake up.

Don't really care what you think of me. I went to UK, contribute, bleed blue...not interested in debating with you about my love for our school.
Well, if HagginHall is "waffling" ... at least he's 50% right while KL and KyAssFan are 100 % wrong. You have to admit that there is at least "that". :)

Apparently I'm a waffler because I believe in a coach who has 4FF's at UK (btw that is almost 1/4 all time) who has slightly more equity with me than Nate Oats.

So be it...I'll continue to waffle over a decision that no one can make because our AD signed a ludicrous deal.... simultaneously I will be a fan that I've been my entire life.
Good to see you avoided my point entirely....

You entirely avoided my point and continue to show your agenda.

No one is happy with direction of program. My opinion of Calipari matters no more than yours. I think he has something left in the tank, you don' what? He isn't leaving unless he wants to, that's the deal...wake up.

Don't really care what you think of me. I went to UK, contribute, bleed blue...not interested in debating with you about my love for our school.
You think Cal has something left in the tank? 😂😂
He’s 1-9 in our last 10 games against the top 25.
Just followed a 9-16 season with a first round loss to St. Pete.
Do you think he’s just in economy mode saving what’s left in the tank?
Should we expect a sudden burst?
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You think Cal has something left in the tank? 😂😂
He’s 1-9 in our last 10 games against the top 25.
Just followed a 9-16 season with a first round loss to St. Pete.
Do you think he’s just in economy mode saving what’s left in the tank?
Should we expect a sudden burst?

Yeah I think he does. I'm not going to explain myself when you are avoiding questions about his family posting on the board which is when you first attacked me.

You are either a troll, have been kicked off the board or have been stalking the board of you have any opinion of me...
You think Cal has something left in the tank? 😂😂
He’s 1-9 in our last 10 games against the top 25.
Just followed a 9-16 season with a first round loss to St. Pete.
Do you think he’s just in economy mode saving what’s left in the tank?
Should we expect a sudden burst?

I hope the 1-9 against the top 25 is wrong. Even I don't think that's right.
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