Official Fire Coach Cal Thread

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Absolute ****ing clown. Can’t even beat Vandy. Please have some dignity and leave and free our fanbase from the misery
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Bump and send this thread to Eli and Mitch. Both of those guys need to take action now. Screw Cal.
We are all miserable watching this team. We are all fed up with the constant revolving door of the One and Done. We all can see the coaching deficiencies of John Calipari. We are all tired of the biggest night of the basketball season being draft night. We can see the decline in our team since we lost Coach Payne and I think it’s obvious that he was the most important person on our coaching staff in developing these young kids. Let’s see how big we can make this thread in support of moving away from Coach Cal and starting fresh at the University of Kentucky.
Idiot. Leave things alone. We are injured.
Y'all would be pissed when the next coach is losing 8-12 games a year, not bringing in Top 10 recruits etc. Y'all hated Tubby and ran him out and you want that back?
Isn't that exactly what Cal is doing now, though? We're at 11 losses this season, and before the DJ Wagner class, he wasn't getting many top 10 guys at all recently. That's why there's a clear divide in Cal's first half of his tenure and last half

Besides, tell me how well the "star studded" class with BJ Boston did here. You think the University of Kentucky can do any worse than zero NCAA Tournament wins and one SEC Tournament win since the 2018-19 season?
My son is a teenager and doesn't have memories of UK being good. GTFO
Y'all would be pissed when the next coach is losing 8-12 games a year, not bringing in Top 10 recruits etc. Y'all hated Tubby and ran him out and you want that back?
We are about the same now. Lo Cal is not an upgrade over Tubby at this point. He needs to step down if he cares about Kentucky.
Isn't that exactly what Cal is doing now, though? We're at 11 losses this season, and before the DJ Wagner class, he wasn't getting many top 10 guys at all recently. That's why there's a clear divide in Cal's first half of his tenure and last half

Besides, tell me how well the "star studded" class with BJ Boston did here. You think the University of Kentucky can do any worse than zero NCAA Tournament wins and one SEC Tournament win since the 2018-19 season?
Uh yea. They can do much worse actually.
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